To join Epic Destruction please fill out our fourm Recruiting Builders/Active Players /Players Must!!! Be Mature NO stealing Or Greifing will be allowed, admins will not help with items, ect... = BAN after some long trolls Pvp is allowed with both parties consent!
~~ Upcoming features, spawn protection, Spawn City, Custom shops, Custom Currency, custom gear and lots more! to come soon!
please rate your self 1-10 on the following!
Devlopement 1-10
Building 1-10
Redstone experience 10-10
Extra info!
Age -
Why you want to join -
how can you help Epic Destruction to become better
I WILL be checking post every hourish if not sooner!
Extra info!Even if i don't get this i would happily play on your server
Age -16
Why you want to join -because i love helping out new servers become something better and become bigger and brighter
how can you help Epic Destruction to become better- By being active and building awesome stuff and helping people in need. And maybe i'll give out a few ideas :D.
Hello . I just want to play in you're realm. I'm 17 my development and building skills are good i believe. My red stone experience could use some work tho. I believe I know a lot about the game. I want to join just to have fun in your realm. My in game name is ''seapot'' .
Redstone experience 10-10--- 8/9 Pretty good can learn quick to
Extra info!
Age -16
Why you want to join -just want a fun mature realm to come and build and play in.
how can you help Epic Destruction to become better--I believe that i can help create some awesome buildings and creations and i know a decent amount of info to help people
hello im 12 and me and my friend that is 11 his minecraft name is XxYaymasteRxX and mine is Tobythegreat23 wanted to join for our first minecraft realm we are expert builders annd can help with anyhting u want please give us an invite when u have time thank you
To join Epic Destruction please fill out our fourm
Pvp is allowed with both parties consent!
Recruiting Builders/Active Players /Players Must!!! Be Mature NO stealing Or Greifing will be allowed, admins will not help with items, ect... = BAN after some long trolls
~~ Upcoming features, spawn protection, Spawn City, Custom shops, Custom Currency, custom gear and lots more! to come soon!
please rate your self 1-10 on the following!
Devlopement 1-10
Building 1-10
Redstone experience 10-10
Extra info!
Age -
Why you want to join -
how can you help Epic Destruction to become better
I WILL be checking post every hourish if not sooner!
Devlopement 1-10-7

Building 1-10-10
Redstone experience 1-10 -7
Extra info!Even if i don't get this i would happily play on your server
Age -16
Why you want to join -because i love helping out new servers become something better and become bigger and brighter
how can you help Epic Destruction to become better- By being active and building awesome stuff and helping people in need. And maybe i'll give out a few ideas :D.
pease add IGN totaly forgot to add that
Hello .
I just want to play in you're realm. I'm 17 my development and building skills are good i believe. My red stone experience could use some work tho. I believe I know a lot about the game. I want to join just to have fun in your realm. My in game name is ''seapot'' .
whats your IGN? if its seapot just added
Devlopement 1-10: 8
Building 1-10: 5
Redstone experience 1-10: 10
Extra info! Playing MC for 5 years, Former Co Owner of Server.
Age - 18
Why you want to join - Need a server with mature community and serious players/ developers
how can you help Epic Destruction to become better
IGN- Tobythegreat23
Devlopement 5
Building 6
Redstoneing 8
Joining reason id like to take the game slow and not rush things
age 15
I can help by makeing friends
all three added
IGN -Mcleodjaydan
Devlopement 1-10---8
Building 1-10---9 in my opinion
Redstone experience 10-10--- 8/9 Pretty good can learn quick to
Extra info!
Age -16
Why you want to join -just want a fun mature realm to come and build and play in.
how can you help Epic Destruction to become better--I believe that i can help create some awesome buildings and creations and i know a decent amount of info to help people
IGN: 222oreo333
Development: 7
Building: 10+
Redstone: 8
Extra info: I'm great at building, it's what I love doing most
Age: 21
I want to join because I want to be part of a community to help improve it and be an active member
How I can help: I'm a great builder, I can help other players, I'm willing to share if needed
added 222oreo333
thank you i will be on in a few minutes
hello im 12 and me and my friend that is 11 his minecraft name is XxYaymasteRxX and mine is Tobythegreat23 wanted to join for our first minecraft realm we are expert builders annd can help with anyhting u want please give us an invite when u have time thank you