The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Member Details
Hi all. Fairly recent realm server made up by myself (Turning 30 this year) and a few close friends all 27+ yrs old. We're all fairly new with a lil' more than 5 months on our belts, with the exception of one veteran player. Unlike my counterparts, I work the day-shift so I will be primarily on a lot of the time, mainly in the afternoons (PST/US) . Like many other adult/parent individuals, I was baited into this minecraft addiction by my kid. We're looking for like-minded active adults (preferebly 21+) to share and build in this survival realm.
The realm has a few buildings already set in place. (3 initial structures were built in creative mode when it was just me and my son, but he has moved on lol, and now its a survival realm) All the common-sense rules still apply, (aka no stealing and such). Be prepared, 18+ conversation may take place which may involve profanity.
Starting a community mine and planning a community storage building.
If interested please reply with your minecraft username.
I am only 21, but I would like to join your realm if you do not mind. 1.8 is the first and only version of Minecraft I have played on thus far. I played in one other realm with a friend, but it has recently become inactive. I appreciate the consideration. My in-game name is Zorabotic. Thank you.
Hi all. Fairly recent realm server made up by myself (Turning 30 this year) and a few close friends all 27+ yrs old. We're all fairly new with a lil' more than 5 months on our belts, with the exception of one veteran player. Unlike my counterparts, I work the day-shift so I will be primarily on a lot of the time, mainly in the afternoons (PST/US) . Like many other adult/parent individuals, I was baited into this minecraft addiction by my kid. We're looking for like-minded active adults (preferebly 21+) to share and build in this survival realm.
The realm has a few buildings already set in place. (3 initial structures were built in creative mode when it was just me and my son, but he has moved on lol, and now its a survival realm) All the common-sense rules still apply, (aka no stealing and such). Be prepared, 18+ conversation may take place which may involve profanity.
Starting a community mine and planning a community storage building.
If interested please reply with your minecraft username.
Otherwise, relax and build. Thanks.
I'd be interested in joining you. I'm 28 and my username is popaduex. The only thing to know is that I'm on primarily on the weekends.
Good-to-go, invite sent.
Welcome. invite sent.
I am interested in trying out a new realm. Same story, my kids got me interested in the game.
My IGN is Sryyn
Just getting back into minecraft. Im 25, Looking to get out of single player and just enjoy the company of others. user name is mk2fu.
Invite sent. ^^
I am only 21, but I would like to join your realm if you do not mind. 1.8 is the first and only version of Minecraft I have played on thus far. I played in one other realm with a friend, but it has recently become inactive. I appreciate the consideration. My in-game name is Zorabotic. Thank you.
23, looking to get back into minecraft
Invited. Welcome.
Getting back into Minecraft. Still kind of new-ish but enjoy it very much. Age 28 and gamertag Xanchii.
Sure thing. Invite sent.
Koo. Invite sent.
Invite sent. Welcome.
Invite sent. Plenty of spots open and the world is still ripe.
hi, can you invite? im 15 years old
but im the most mature/honest/friendly person you will ever meet <3
i have plenty of free time since im on my vacations
and im just looking for a realms and spent time wtih a second family
Hey Pacific,
I'm probably the youngest applicant at 18, thought I'd give it a shot anyway.
I'm mature for my age, and I want to be an architect, currently going to university for it X3
Minecraft fits naturally for me, I think I need a mature environment to get away from all the immaturity of the other servers I've been on lol.
I want to focus on building nice structures, to exercise my creativity.
I'd appreciate it if you could accept! Thanks~
Edit: My IGN is TheRyuu
Just like the signature ^^
"No plan ever survives first contact."
I'll be glad to join if you still have the room.
Name: Cipher004
Age: 29
Sure thing.