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What is life when we bake cookies and cook bacon?
My name is NicciTDM and I am 8 years old and always friendly and respectful.
Can I please join your realm?
Age of 13 but i'm very nice towards kids. Hope that I can join.
IGN: Jeffreynlouis1YT
I like CyanogenMod 13 and coding for my phone.. Yep. That's all.
age 9
is it ok if i am 15? I wont curse and i become soft with kids. My ign is CheeseFriez
I could also be a moderator to make sure the kids arent fighting or whatnot And I could use command blocks to make like a bouncy house or somthing fun.
My name is SpinyTurtle88
My age is 13 but I am very nice toward kids.
I could also be like a Moderator to keep the kids under control. They tend to get a little hasty
If you can understand this, then i recommend you to read Greek books.
I'm not even kidding. I'm serious. By the way I like burritos. They taste good.
Written in Greek font. Made in the USA.
Just started a realm..FrankieIII08 age 7. Very active player looking for friends to play. Please invite me.
Age 10
Hope i cya your son in there im looking foward for new freinds
My name is IanPlaysMC
I'm age 9.
CheezeFriez!!!! Remember me from RageUnluckyGamer's realm?!
I'm IanPlaysMC.
post user name and age for invite
age: 10
ID Jaysterbaby
username SimonEnderman
IGN: TotallyNotGilbat
Age: 10
What is life when we bake cookies and cook bacon?
My name is NicciTDM and I am 8 years old and always friendly and respectful.
Can I please join your realm?
Age of 13 but i'm very nice towards kids. Hope that I can join.
IGN: Jeffreynlouis1YT
I like CyanogenMod 13 and coding for my phone.. Yep. That's all.
age 9
is it ok if i am 15? I wont curse and i become soft with kids. My ign is CheeseFriez
I could also be a moderator to make sure the kids arent fighting or whatnot And I could use command blocks to make like a bouncy house or somthing fun.
My name is SpinyTurtle88
My age is 13 but I am very nice toward kids.
I could also be like a Moderator to keep the kids under control. They tend to get a little hasty
If you can understand this, then i recommend you to read Greek books.
I'm not even kidding. I'm serious. By the way I like burritos. They taste good.
Written in Greek font. Made in the USA.
Just started a realm..FrankieIII08 age 7. Very active player looking for friends to play. Please invite me.
Age 10
Hope i cya your son in there im looking foward for new freinds
My name is IanPlaysMC
I'm age 9.
CheezeFriez!!!! Remember me from RageUnluckyGamer's realm?!
I'm IanPlaysMC.