Halo, a freind inspired me to start a blog realm. I have created a superflat world of ice spikes for trees and abandoned mineshafts for caves. I gave myself a single oak sapling and some bonemeal. now here I am, asking you to join in the blog ill make right here.
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This is Harcore Survival. Share resources.
First Post:
Been cycling trees for a while for apples. Did I mention that no aimals spawn here? well, no animals spawn here, so We have to cycle through trees to find apples. Found some pumkin seeds in one of the mineshafts after fighting a LOT of spiders. I was starting to get sick of apples.
This is our Meager little camp:
EDIT: I figured out that I need sugar and eggs, and sugar cane and chickens dont spawn here XC
side note: Found eggs and suagr between some zombie spawners, and WOW they put up a fight
Now I can make pumkin pie, OR should I make some luck and spawn those eggs? mybe find a chicken?
Shrimpdick Got a underground base all dolled up, then he just packed up a few belongings and left. He found some melon seeds and planted them, and food no longer feels scarce now. the undergrpound fishing pools keeps spawning squids, a nice source of Ink. he said he moved out. I checked it out and apparently he wont be on for a while. He got a nice house though, and is really enjoying himself.
I took a picture of what underground looks like in gamemode 3
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This is Harcore Survival. Share resources.
First Post:
Been cycling trees for a while for apples. Did I mention that no aimals spawn here? well, no animals spawn here, so We have to cycle through trees to find apples. Found some pumkin seeds in one of the mineshafts after fighting a LOT of spiders. I was starting to get sick of apples.
This is our Meager little camp:
EDIT: I figured out that I need sugar and eggs, and sugar cane and chickens dont spawn here XC
age: 16
first language: English
Your resource pack: Default minecraft starter pack.
How many realms you are a part of: One, currently
How many times you were kicked: None, I'm new to realms, and your world seems fun!
side note: Found eggs and suagr between some zombie spawners, and WOW they put up a fight
Now I can make pumkin pie, OR should I make some luck and spawn those eggs? mybe find a chicken?
Update, a chicken popped out of an egg today, Ill call him wiggles.
In other news, the camp looks better.
Ill blog tommorow too.
First language:English
Resource pack:aot pack
How many realms i'm in:mine and someone else's so 2
How many times i was kicked:0
Shrimpdick Got a underground base all dolled up, then he just packed up a few belongings and left. He found some melon seeds and planted them, and food no longer feels scarce now. the undergrpound fishing pools keeps spawning squids, a nice source of Ink. he said he moved out. I checked it out and apparently he wont be on for a while. He got a nice house though, and is really enjoying himself.
I took a picture of what underground looks like in gamemode 3
ill reset the map
Age: 12
First language: English.
Resource pack: Paper Cut-outs.
How many realms you are a part of: 1 only, playing a Spellbound Caves (Super Hostile) map.
How many times you were kicked: 0.
Thanks for reading, dude!
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