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Hi! my name is GoodMythicalMore(in minecraft)
I am 16
And I like the /tellraw @a (''message'';'' '';''text'';''color'') its good for trolls haha
Ign: ColtonB Age: 15 Favorite Command: I have lots :] hard to decide!
IGN: MTMaster
Age: 18
Favorite Command: /summon Item ~ ~3 ~ {Riding:{Riding:{id:"FallingSand",Time:1,TileID:137,DropItem:0,TileEntityData:{Command:"/summon FallingSand ~ ~15 ~ {Time:1,TileID:72,Data:1,DropItem:0,Riding:{id:\"FallingSand\",TileID:137,Time:1,DropItem:0,TileEntityData:{Command:\"/setblock ~ ~1 ~ air\"},Riding:{id:\"FallingSand\",Time:1,TileID:137,DropItem:0,Motion:[0.9,0.9,0],TileEntityData:{Command:\"/summon Item ~ ~5 ~-1 {Riding:{Riding:{id:\\"FallingSand\\",Time:1,TileID:137,DropItem:0,TileEntityData:{Command:\\"/summon FallingSand ~ ~15 ~2 {TileID:1,Time:1,DropItem:0,Motion:[0.0,0.9,0.9]}\\"}},TileID:72,Time:1,DropItem:0,id:\\"FallingSand\\"},Item:{id:1,Damage:0,Count:1},Age:5979}\"}}}}"},DropItem:0},id:"FallingSand",Time:1,TileID:72,DropItem:0},Item:{id:1,Damage:0,Count:1},Age:5979}
NOTE: That command only works for older minecraft but it is still my favorite
Quote from undefined »
IGN: RajaW12
Age: 13
Favorite Command: /give /summon /tp
Favorite Command:all
IGN: Sttaseen Age: 14
can I post a website for my favourite command?
name: hawkseyjr
age: 15
favourite command:
not my command, I just like using it
IGN: iLikeToMinecraft
age 15
Favorite command is giving me my own heads xD
Ign: Meta_Knight_
Favorite commands are
/summon Pig ~ ~1 ~ {CustomName:"Mr.Porkchop",CustomNameVisible:1,Saddle:1,Invulnerable:1,Riding:{id:"Bat",Invulnerable:1,ActiveEffects:[{Id:14,Amplifier:0,Duration:200000,ShowParticles:0b}]}}
which summons a flying ride able pig
/summon Wolf ~ ~1 ~ {CollarColor:15,Owner:@p,Sitting:1,Invulnerable:1}
which just simply summons a tamed wolf
IGN: Racerdude24
Age: 15
Favorite Command: Hmmmmmm... /execute @e[type=SnowMan,name=Olaf] ~ ~ ~ /particle snowshovel ~ ~ ~ 1 3 1 0 10
Put it in a command block clock :). Not very useful, but kind of cute. Also, a slightly simpler and also fun command is to make it spawn multicolored music notes around the command block, but it asked for my favorite soooooo
i will follow the rules am 12
my ign wickedcody123
a wont mind helping mods helpers or builders or admins
Ign: Jeffreynlouis1YT Age: 13 Favorite Command:/title @a title "Weird, A command block text is right in front of you..."
/title @a title "Awkward..."
I like CyanogenMod 13 and coding for my phone.. Yep. That's all.
IGN: itsFortuneApple
AGE: 15
Favourite Command: /effect @p 1-23
My IGN is Ghjklas
My age is 14
My favorite command is
/give ghjklas diamond_sword 1 0 {display:{Name:"Ghjklas's Ultimate Sword"},ench:[{id:16,lvl:999}],HideFlags:1}
pls add me i'm waiting for you
Age:9 Favorite Command: (Be Creative) /give @p minecraft:minecraft:red_mushroom_block 1 0 {display:{Name:"Yay"},HideFlags:1,ench:[{id:19,lvl:10}],CanPlaceOn:["minecraft:dirt"],CanDestroy:["minecraft:stone","minecraft:dirt"]}
Check out my YouTube channel! If you like it, subscribe!
Hi! my name is GoodMythicalMore(in minecraft)
I am 16
And I like the /tellraw @a (''message'';'' '';''text'';''color'') its good for trolls haha
Ign: ColtonB
Age: 15
Favorite Command: I have lots :] hard to decide!
IGN: MTMaster
Age: 18
Favorite Command: /summon Item ~ ~3 ~ {Riding:{Riding:{id:"FallingSand",Time:1,TileID:137,DropItem:0,TileEntityData:{Command:"/summon FallingSand ~ ~15 ~ {Time:1,TileID:72,Data:1,DropItem:0,Riding:{id:\"FallingSand\",TileID:137,Time:1,DropItem:0,TileEntityData:{Command:\"/setblock ~ ~1 ~ air\"},Riding:{id:\"FallingSand\",Time:1,TileID:137,DropItem:0,Motion:[0.9,0.9,0],TileEntityData:{Command:\"/summon Item ~ ~5 ~-1 {Riding:{Riding:{id:\\"FallingSand\\",Time:1,TileID:137,DropItem:0,TileEntityData:{Command:\\"/summon FallingSand ~ ~15 ~2 {TileID:1,Time:1,DropItem:0,Motion:[0.0,0.9,0.9]}\\"}},TileID:72,Time:1,DropItem:0,id:\\"FallingSand\\"},Item:{id:1,Damage:0,Count:1},Age:5979}\"}}}}"},DropItem:0},id:"FallingSand",Time:1,TileID:72,DropItem:0},Item:{id:1,Damage:0,Count:1},Age:5979}
NOTE: That command only works for older minecraft but it is still my favorite
IGN: RajaW12
Age: 13
Favorite Command: /give /summon /tp
Favorite Command:all
IGN: Sttaseen Age: 14
can I post a website for my favourite command?
name: hawkseyjr
age: 15
favourite command:
not my command, I just like using it
IGN: iLikeToMinecraft
age 15
Favorite command is giving me my own heads xD
Ign: Meta_Knight_
Favorite commands are
/summon Pig ~ ~1 ~ {CustomName:"Mr.Porkchop",CustomNameVisible:1,Saddle:1,Invulnerable:1,Riding:{id:"Bat",Invulnerable:1,ActiveEffects:[{Id:14,Amplifier:0,Duration:200000,ShowParticles:0b}]}}
which summons a flying ride able pig
/summon Wolf ~ ~1 ~ {CollarColor:15,Owner:@p,Sitting:1,Invulnerable:1}
which just simply summons a tamed wolf
IGN: Racerdude24
Age: 15
Favorite Command: Hmmmmmm... /execute @e[type=SnowMan,name=Olaf] ~ ~ ~ /particle snowshovel ~ ~ ~ 1 3 1 0 10
Put it in a command block clock :). Not very useful, but kind of cute. Also, a slightly simpler and also fun command is to make it spawn multicolored music notes around the command block, but it asked for my favorite soooooo
i will follow the rules am 12
my ign wickedcody123
a wont mind helping mods helpers or builders or admins
Ign: Jeffreynlouis1YT
Age: 13
Favorite Command:/title @a title "Weird, A command block text is right in front of you..."
/title @a title "Awkward..."
I like CyanogenMod 13 and coding for my phone.. Yep. That's all.
IGN: itsFortuneApple
AGE: 15
Favourite Command: /effect @p 1-23
My IGN is Ghjklas
My age is 14
My favorite command is
/give ghjklas diamond_sword 1 0 {display:{Name:"Ghjklas's Ultimate Sword"},ench:[{id:16,lvl:999}],HideFlags:1}
pls add me i'm waiting for you
Favorite Command: (Be Creative) /give @p minecraft:minecraft:red_mushroom_block 1 0 {display:{Name:"Yay"},HideFlags:1,ench:[{id:19,lvl:10}],CanPlaceOn:["minecraft:dirt"],CanDestroy:["minecraft:stone","minecraft:dirt"]}
Check out my YouTube channel! If you like it, subscribe!