So guys and girls i once paid for a minecraft realm but stop paying for it. I recently paid for it again and now am looking for new ppl to join. Just leave you ign, skype (optional), age and how long have you been playing? I myself have not played that long so both new and old players are welcomed.
suso3322 GameofPotters KavinOfZerdonex Wester154 mr1861 if there is any space left i will invite more for now i just need to find out how many will actually play. please remember to respect others property.
my IGN: KavinOfZerdonex
kik: Zerdonex
Age: 12
Time played : Around a year ish. Even though that isn't way to much I play a lot so I have a lot of experience
I'm 24 and have been playing since the beta.
37 yrs old
Been playing 2 years
Skype-- Wester155
17 yrs
been playing since... around the time when ender dragon was introduced
two years
playing since: 1.2.5
IGN: MinerWade
Age: 14
Playing Since: 1.5.2
GENERATION 21: The first time you see this, copy it into your signature and add 1 to the generation.
Ign killar123
I have no idea but a long time
age 11
suso3322 GameofPotters KavinOfZerdonex Wester154 mr1861 if there is any space left i will invite more for now i just need to find out how many will actually play. please remember to respect others property.
Been playing for 6 mos
IGN- toxicdump1111
Age- 11
Skype- toxicdump1111 (I don't check it much)
How long have you been playing? Since the 1.3.1 update (not beta or alpha, but the full release), so about July 2012.
I really hope you invite me!