PeachyCraft is a Minecraft realms server. It was started the day that realms went live for the US. It has been up since then with no problems. It is lag free (Thank you Mojang!) and grief free. Below will be all of the servers rules that you must follow if you wish to join. Make sure you actually read them there is a test afterwards.
Rule #1 There is no griefing at all. If it isn't your build don't touch it. Unless told by the builder.
Rule #2 No Hacking. If you hack please just dont even apply.
Rule #3 No discrimination of any kind. This realm will be kept free of that. No remarks of race sexuality or anything like that.
Rule #4 Like rule four be respectful of other players. If you aren't getting along with someone let staff know.
Rule #5 Give players space. I would like for players to build at least 500 blocks from each other unless both players agree its ok to build next to each other. The same thing applies for spawn. Don't build your base less than 500 blocks from it. We want room for shops and other things.
So that covers the main rules. Theres other rules you should read when you join but they will be told to you via command blocks. Other things to note about our realm is we are a vanilla realm. We will add plugins if Mojang adds the ability to. Those plugins would include things to keep the server grief free. We have PvP disabled on the server for now. There will be an arena where you may PvP but we'd like the server to be about community and friendship not about who can click the fastest.
We are a Survival realm. Only i have op for now. Staff positions will be available in the future. This means no one uses creative except for me when i'm working with command blocks. Other than that everyone plays in survival. If you don't like survival this isn't the realm for you. I'd now like to talk about the type of players we want for our realm. We want active members. If you're only going to player a couple of hours a week or less please dont apply. We want members that will be very active. Currently we have 3 players. We have 17 open spots and we'd like all of them full if possible. If you do join don't ask us to join your realm or server. I'd like that if you join you play here and not own your own server.
With all that said lets see if you paid attention. Quiz time. You have to answer most of the questions correct to be accepted.
Question #1 Is Griefing allowed?
Question #2 How far should you build from spawn or another player?
Question #3 Should you be offensive to others in chat or apps like skype or teamspeak?
Question #4 You should hack correct?
Quiz over ^-^ Now a couple last things. Bringing up teamspeak i will purchase a room for the server if it will be used. Talking is not required to join but it would make communicating in group events easier. Like killing the Dragon and the first Wither. If enough people would use it or can i will buy one. If not we will have to stick to skype. If you'd like you may create a video series for YouTube. Just have PeachyCraft in the title. All that being said theres just one last thing for you to do then your application will be reviewed. Please tell us a bit about yourself. Answer these questions below.
Question #1 What is your IGN? (This is so if you're accepted i can add you)
Question #2 How often do you plan on playing per week?
Question #3 What type of player are you? Builder, Redstone worker, etc....
Question #4 What type of shops would you like to provide for spawn town?
Question #5 What type of builds or projects do you plan on doing? Like base's farms etc..
Question #6 How old are you?
Lastly Question #7 If you could live in any Minecraft Biome what would it be and why?
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. I appreciate it very much. We look forward to seeing you on PeachyCraft very soon! Id love to populate the server with people. We have many fun events to do building contests monthly, Killing the Dragon, and the First Server Wither. - _AllSheWrote_
Question #2 How far should you build from spawn or another player? 500 blocks
Question #3 Should you be offensive to others in chat or apps like skype or teamspeak? no
Question #4 You should hack correct? incorrect
Question #1 What is your IGN? (This is so if you're accepted i can add you) Seapot
Question #2 How often do you plan on playing per week? Sadly lately ive been playing minecraft everyday for about 8 hours or more
Question #3 What type of player are you? Builder, Redstone worker, etc.... Im pretty good with anything . Building just takes me a while to come up with ideas and i do need to work on my redstone skills.
Question #4 What type of shops would you like to provide for spawn town? Probably Food I like Food
Question #5 What type of builds or projects do you plan on doing? Like base's farms etc... Was thinking of a castle but not really sure I Usually look at the surroundings and go from there.
Question #6 How old are you?16
Lastly Question #7 If you could live in any Minecraft Biome what would it be and why? Taiga. Because wolfs commonly spawn there . and who doesnt like an army of wolfs?
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Question #1 Is Griefing allowed? nope!
Question #2 How far should you build from spawn or another player? At least 500 blocks
Question #3 Should you be offensive to others in chat or apps like skype or teamspeak? nope!
Question #4 You should hack correct? Not at all!
section 2
Question #1 What is your IGN? dchsknight4213
Question #2 How often do you plan on playing per week? at least 4-6 times a week, 2-3 hours each time
Question #3 What type of player are you? I am a builder and I would like to find a home to really push my building limits.
Question #4 What type of shops would you like to provide for spawn town? I have no idea I am not even sure how to make shops.
Question #5 What type of builds or projects do you plan on doing? Big castle that has lots of cool red stone projects like round doors and hidden water doors.
Question #6 How old are you? 28
Lastly Question #7 If you could live in any Minecraft Biome what would it be and why? Snowy mountains. I am lover of the cold and I love snow.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Ohio, USA
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Question #1 Of course not! It ruins the game and hard work of others.
Question #2 100 to 200 or I would build a nether hub, so then people have an easy way to travel
Question #3 No, I would help other players and have fun
Question #4 No, I like the survival part of this game and one shouldnt have to hack to be good.
Question #1 syilent
Question #2 I play just about everyday and for about one to three hours
Question #3 What type of player are you? I am a builder and a worker, I only play the survival aspect of the game.
Question #4 I would probably make a tools and weapons shop or a potion shop.
Question #5 I would like to get a lot of resources together and then make a cool mountain house then that connects to a cave or even live on an island
Question #6 16
Lastly Question #7 Well to be honest I dont have a favorite biome, if I get an idea in my head of how the terrain was built then I will build something there.
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Question #1 Most definetly not! People work hours on buildings and if they get destroyed they could quit making the community smaller.
Question #2 I'd build 200-250 blocks away from people so I could give others room to build.
Question #3 I'd never say anything inappropriate I want people to enjoy their experience on this server.
Question #4 Hacking is very bad no sense of accomplishment and just ruins the game for others. Its fun to earn everything urself.
Question #1 matt10432
Question #2 I play everyday for 1-6 hours depends who and when im playing.
Question #3 What type of player are you? I am a survivalist I work hard to accomplish my goals and when im packed with all my resources I extend my house and create imaginative structures.
Question #4 I would make a blacksmith or a bakery for others.
Question #5 I would build a big community mine with rails etc. to make mining easier than ever. I would make pixel art to give the world some color
Question #6 13
Lastly Question #7 if I had to pick it'd be a forest plenty of the proper resources I need to have fun experience with the game.
PeachyCraft is a Minecraft realms server. It was started the day that realms went live for the US. It has been up since then with no problems. It is lag free (Thank you Mojang!) and grief free. Below will be all of the servers rules that you must follow if you wish to join. Make sure you actually read them there is a test afterwards.
Rule #1 There is no griefing at all. If it isn't your build don't touch it. Unless told by the builder.
Rule #2 No Hacking. If you hack please just dont even apply.
Rule #3 No discrimination of any kind. This realm will be kept free of that. No remarks of race sexuality or anything like that.
Rule #4 Like rule four be respectful of other players. If you aren't getting along with someone let staff know.
Rule #5 Give players space. I would like for players to build at least 500 blocks from each other unless both players agree its ok to build next to each other. The same thing applies for spawn. Don't build your base less than 500 blocks from it. We want room for shops and other things.
So that covers the main rules. Theres other rules you should read when you join but they will be told to you via command blocks. Other things to note about our realm is we are a vanilla realm. We will add plugins if Mojang adds the ability to. Those plugins would include things to keep the server grief free. We have PvP disabled on the server for now. There will be an arena where you may PvP but we'd like the server to be about community and friendship not about who can click the fastest.
We are a Survival realm. Only i have op for now. Staff positions will be available in the future. This means no one uses creative except for me when i'm working with command blocks. Other than that everyone plays in survival. If you don't like survival this isn't the realm for you. I'd now like to talk about the type of players we want for our realm. We want active members. If you're only going to player a couple of hours a week or less please dont apply. We want members that will be very active. Currently we have 3 players. We have 17 open spots and we'd like all of them full if possible. If you do join don't ask us to join your realm or server. I'd like that if you join you play here and not own your own server.
With all that said lets see if you paid attention. Quiz time. You have to answer most of the questions correct to be accepted.
Question #1 Is Griefing allowed?
Question #2 How far should you build from spawn or another player?
Question #3 Should you be offensive to others in chat or apps like skype or teamspeak?
Question #4 You should hack correct?
Quiz over ^-^ Now a couple last things. Bringing up teamspeak i will purchase a room for the server if it will be used. Talking is not required to join but it would make communicating in group events easier. Like killing the Dragon and the first Wither. If enough people would use it or can i will buy one. If not we will have to stick to skype. If you'd like you may create a video series for YouTube. Just have PeachyCraft in the title. All that being said theres just one last thing for you to do then your application will be reviewed. Please tell us a bit about yourself. Answer these questions below.
Question #1 What is your IGN? (This is so if you're accepted i can add you)
Question #2 How often do you plan on playing per week?
Question #3 What type of player are you? Builder, Redstone worker, etc....
Question #4 What type of shops would you like to provide for spawn town?
Question #5 What type of builds or projects do you plan on doing? Like base's farms etc..
Question #6 How old are you?
Lastly Question #7 If you could live in any Minecraft Biome what would it be and why?
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. I appreciate it very much. We look forward to seeing you on PeachyCraft very soon! Id love to populate the server with people. We have many fun events to do building contests monthly, Killing the Dragon, and the First Server Wither. - _AllSheWrote_
1. No,griefing is never allowed (its a **** thing to do)
2. 20 to 40 if im building a shack and a small farm 50 to 80 if i am making a big house and farm
3. No thats rude and just not me.
4.No hacking where dopes the fun go?
Questions Round 2
1. 1026LEVI least once a week for the next we or so
3. Im a builder I like making stuff
4. No idea have to see whats there now
5. most likely a big house in a jungle with a big farm
6. 18
7. jungle, i like making tree houses and all the wood you could want.
1. no
2. 500 blocks
3. no
4. no
About me:
1. Asassainghost123
2. 6 times, unless i am on vacation or not allowed couple of days.
3. Builder, pvper, youtuber, redstoner, and helpful builder.
4. I would open up a redstone shop, a building redstone shop, and maybe a food shop.
5. A huge bat cave, and some fun redstone plans.
6. 13
This is nerve racking, i really want to join!! If you dont message me, does that mean i am not accepted?
Question #2 How far should you build from spawn or another player? 500 blocks
Question #3 Should you be offensive to others in chat or apps like skype or teamspeak? no
Question #4 You should hack correct? incorrect
Question #1 What is your IGN? (This is so if you're accepted i can add you) Seapot
Question #2 How often do you plan on playing per week? Sadly lately ive been playing minecraft everyday for about 8 hours or more
Question #3 What type of player are you? Builder, Redstone worker, etc.... Im pretty good with anything . Building just takes me a while to come up with ideas and i do need to work on my redstone skills.
Question #4 What type of shops would you like to provide for spawn town? Probably Food I like Food
Question #5 What type of builds or projects do you plan on doing? Like base's farms etc... Was thinking of a castle but not really sure I Usually look at the surroundings and go from there.
Question #6 How old are you?16
Lastly Question #7 If you could live in any Minecraft Biome what would it be and why? Taiga. Because wolfs commonly spawn there . and who doesnt like an army of wolfs?
1: No griefing
2: 500 blocks
3: No, you have to be nice
4:No hacking allowed
about me
1: LostDemonEyes88
2: About everyday unless I need to be somewhere
3: Builder, Interior worker and farmer
4: A food shop, painting shop, carpet shop
5: Houses (Big ans small), Farm, harbor, Bridges, walk ways
6: 15
7: Snow or sand because I love winter but I also love the beach
1. no
2.500 block
ign: mkads80
age:14 (but mature)
i am very active on servers, good with redstone, like moutain_biome biomes, might make a construction service,
Question #2 How far should you build from spawn or another player? At least 500 blocks
Question #3 Should you be offensive to others in chat or apps like skype or teamspeak? nope!
Question #4 You should hack correct? Not at all!
section 2
Question #1 What is your IGN? dchsknight4213
Question #2 How often do you plan on playing per week? at least 4-6 times a week, 2-3 hours each time
Question #3 What type of player are you? I am a builder and I would like to find a home to really push my building limits.
Question #4 What type of shops would you like to provide for spawn town? I have no idea I am not even sure how to make shops.
Question #5 What type of builds or projects do you plan on doing? Big castle that has lots of cool red stone projects like round doors and hidden water doors.
Question #6 How old are you? 28
Lastly Question #7 If you could live in any Minecraft Biome what would it be and why? Snowy mountains. I am lover of the cold and I love snow.
Question #2 100 to 200 or I would build a nether hub, so then people have an easy way to travel
Question #3 No, I would help other players and have fun
Question #4 No, I like the survival part of this game and one shouldnt have to hack to be good.
Question #1 syilent
Question #2 I play just about everyday and for about one to three hours
Question #3 What type of player are you? I am a builder and a worker, I only play the survival aspect of the game.
Question #4 I would probably make a tools and weapons shop or a potion shop.
Question #5 I would like to get a lot of resources together and then make a cool mountain house then that connects to a cave or even live on an island
Question #6 16
Lastly Question #7 Well to be honest I dont have a favorite biome, if I get an idea in my head of how the terrain was built then I will build something there.
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Question #1 Most definetly not! People work hours on buildings and if they get destroyed they could quit making the community smaller.
Question #2 I'd build 200-250 blocks away from people so I could give others room to build.
Question #3 I'd never say anything inappropriate I want people to enjoy their experience on this server.
Question #4 Hacking is very bad no sense of accomplishment and just ruins the game for others. Its fun to earn everything urself.
Question #1 matt10432
Question #2 I play everyday for 1-6 hours depends who and when im playing.
Question #3 What type of player are you? I am a survivalist I work hard to accomplish my goals and when im packed with all my resources I extend my house and create imaginative structures.
Question #4 I would make a blacksmith or a bakery for others.
Question #5 I would build a big community mine with rails etc. to make mining easier than ever. I would make pixel art to give the world some color
Question #6 13
Lastly Question #7 if I had to pick it'd be a forest plenty of the proper resources I need to have fun experience with the game.
Question #2 How often do you plan on playing per week?
A few hours per week night.
Question #3 What type of player are you? Builder, Redstone worker, etc....
Builder/community dude. I like to build my own stuff, but also helping others with their projects.
Question #4 What type of shops would you like to provide for spawn town?
Where's the money at?
Question #5 What type of builds or projects do you plan on doing? Like base's farms etc..
I'd probably build a house. A farm. And work on other projects with other players.
Question #6 How old are you?
Lastly Question #7 If you could live in any Minecraft Biome what would it be and why?
If I was confident nobody would set me ablaze, I'd choose jungle.
Ooops quiz:
Question #1 Is Griefing allowed?
Question #2 How far should you build from spawn or another player?
500 blocks from spawn and other players unless they're cool with it.
Question #3 Should you be offensive to others in chat or apps like skype or teamspeak?
Question #4 You should hack correct?