The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Member Details
Any of those who want to join my realms server just ask just give me your in game name and why you want to join i have 10 slots open and usually only me and another guy gets on regulary.We have a centered theme for my realms server you build a nation and can attempt to conquer other nations,I will be giving you creative to make your nation and weapons and defenses whatever you may need,If you wish to conquer someone you have to say so in chat and give them 2 mc days to prepare the actual conquering part is if the victim forfeits that person loses all of his land and it is divided throughout the other nations,But the actually conquering part will be done in survival so yea the fighting and destroying stuff like that pretty sure i already brought that up,So if you want to join thanks and if not its whatever. just give me your in game name and the reason you want to join
I code, therefore I am.
Don't forget to check out the Atlantis Mod!
IGN: nikothebird
Reason: It is boring on servers and I like playing survival with other players.
Age: 15
IGN: 574ger
How much i play: a few times a week {i would play more if you needed me to}
How long i have played minecraft: around 3 years
- Example of my building style: Mostly rustic town builds, but can still build modern, steam-punk, or classic
what i would like to have on the realm or building ideas: community/Rp based with a rustic building style
P.S. my real name is Andrew
k guys i invited you
reason: I love survival and pvp
ING : GiGi_AZ ( I's no caps )