My realm will be up for a while and there are many slots opened up. When I said active, I don't mean sign on for a minute, see who's on or not and then sign right back off. Active means you play regularly for a determined amount of time each log. My realm is Vanilla and survival, rules are posted at spawn just type your ign here
Hi, I was wondering if you are still adding people. I love to build and just recently, the last server I was in got griefed. Sadly, the host was never on.
I'm on as often as I can be. I work two jobs so sometimes I am unable to get on for a few days. But I try to be on for my realm and socialize with the people in
IGN: thecrafty77
Active when I get home from work
Would love to try out Realms
age 17
just want to try realms
Ok exciting with friends here! (OF course i meant ppl replied)
age: 17
I love realms and I hope I can help you out as much as possible
Real name is James, 34, looking for some people to help build stuff with!
IGN: mawriealert
Looking forward to joining!
Would love an invite =D
Would love to join and active
age 14 plz invite me ign yousuckZ123