I would like to join, because it's quite hard to find a minecraft server where people honestly just want to have fun. Also, I have a Youtube account, so I'll be able to probably get a series going of this. Also, I've always wondered how it would be like to be in a server that had a (mostly) mature community.
Just so you know, I've been brought up in the public survival servers, where you have to either find a close friend, or be a loner. Sadly, I grew to be the latter of the two, but I hope to grow out of it. This is one of the main reasons why I search for a server like yours: to help myself out of my shell.
I certainly hope that you allow me into the server, and I understand if you don't.
Age: 13
Why: Because i think it would be fun
Team Ianiate all the way
I could be Ianiate if you want
Age- 14
I would like to join because i want to play on a modded server like this one. I can help with building and know a lot of recipes
age:omost 13
i would like to play because i am really good at building things and if you dont believe me private message haunkeykong
age: 15
reason: i love to make friends, i love to watch mianite and i am a great person
I'm 18 years old.
I would like to join, because it's quite hard to find a minecraft server where people honestly just want to have fun. Also, I have a Youtube account, so I'll be able to probably get a series going of this. Also, I've always wondered how it would be like to be in a server that had a (mostly) mature community.
Just so you know, I've been brought up in the public survival servers, where you have to either find a close friend, or be a loner. Sadly, I grew to be the latter of the two, but I hope to grow out of it. This is one of the main reasons why I search for a server like yours: to help myself out of my shell.
I certainly hope that you allow me into the server, and I understand if you don't.
https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-kT8zE65DaE4/VcD5X4mA-CI/AAAAAAAAAC8/dchL4TToAjw/w728-h100-no/Kingdom Keys Recoded.png
im 14 and I realy like the mianite sereis
IGN: PurpleKid80
Age: 13
Reason to Join: Well, I've been looking for a Mianite server now for about.. 1 & 1/2 years.
Also, if we can create our own Gods (I doubt we can.), I have an idea. Or if you need another God, I have all the skins.. Don't ask how.
I would like to join as well im 14 and i watched the series mianite will anyone get to be mianite dianite or ianite
IGN : CamouflageBacca
Age : 13
Why : Because i've watch all the episodes and i always wanted to play mianite also big fan of the mianite series
User Name: kemkiller
Why?: Big fan of the Mianite series and i've been looking for one of this kind for forever! So i really hope you'll let me join!
Because Mianite needs to be taught a lesson or two #TeamDianite!
IGN: raoufos99
Age: 16
Why do I wanna join: fun... That's what I have.
I know I'm late, but if you're still playing I was wondering if I could join?
I am 17 and my IGN is VolleyballDragon (:
I love the Mianite series and I want to meet new people!!
Is this server still up?
reason:i watch captainsparkles view everyday and i have seen both seasons 2 times
IGN: Mattias3060
14 (15 soon)
been looking for a realm this
im Danish, but good at English
IGN: Mattias3060
14 (15 soon)
been looking for a realm this
im Danish, but good at English
IGN Blueskills226
age 22
love mianite
Hi my IGN is: FriedChickenVn
I am 26years old and I want to join this server since i want a serious and stable realm.