The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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I have been thinking, there are millions of Minecraft players. Many of them are experienced players who know everything about the game. But Minecraft is so much like earth, I think it deserves it's own science. I have decided to start a team of Minecraft Scientists who look deeper into the game Minecraft. There is so much more to discover. Such as mob characteristics, or how fast sand falls. There is just so much more we need to discover.
But I cannot do this alone. If you are interested in working with me as a Minecraft Scientist, email me an application at [email protected] with the following: 1.Your in game name 2.Your age 3.How long you have been playing Minecraft 4.Why you want to be a Minecraft Scientist
If you are accepted, you will receive an email in 1-2 weeks, more detailed info will be included in the email.
In real life, we have the internet and text books, but we still experiment with stuff.
Because in real-life, we use experiments to understand concepts and basics of fields we can't simply understand through the means of books, internet, scripts etc. Not a need to do that in a game however as firstly, Information is easily understood and the cognition level required to process it is very low and secondly, there is no hypothesis that require advancing. But if you find that stuff fun, go for it.
Some people just like to figure it out for themselves. They feel accomplished if they figure it out without any help, or simply looking at the wiki. If that's what they want to do, let them, it doesn't affect the rest of us. As long as the applicants know what they're getting into, no harm done.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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I doubt the wiki tells you how many villagers you can use toxic gas against before cows become sentient and attempt to murder you for breaking the Geneva conventions.
But I cannot do this alone. If you are interested in working with me as a Minecraft Scientist, email me an application at [email protected] with the following:
1.Your in game name
2.Your age
3.How long you have been playing Minecraft
4.Why you want to be a Minecraft Scientist
If you are accepted, you will receive an email in 1-2 weeks, more detailed info will be included in the email.
All support is Greatly Appreciated, THANKS
Ya but that's not fun.
In real life, we have the internet and text books, but we still experiment with stuff.
Shh... Let him dream...
Because in real-life, we use experiments to understand concepts and basics of fields we can't simply understand through the means of books, internet, scripts etc. Not a need to do that in a game however as firstly, Information is easily understood and the cognition level required to process it is very low and secondly, there is no hypothesis that require advancing. But if you find that stuff fun, go for it.