Ive been looking for a group like this for ages. if your still accepting, skype is the_infnity_king
i have my own multiplay server we can use fomr time to time for smaller games (its a small server with only 10 slots though)
There are on reults for your name, add ultimatestormhegaming
sounds fun. I have no friends to play with so looks like a good idea. My skype is matt16L, but let me know who you are when you send the request. My youtube channel is called Oyubook and so is my Minecraft IGN. You can check out my stats on project ares at oc.tc/oyubook
Hello this looks awesome I love playing Pvp maps but unfortunately my friends do not share my interest. I have played many UHC's but it would be awesome to play with you guys. Thanks
Hey I have been wanting soething like this for a long time, something to play with others and have fun at the same time. If you are still accepting members please consider me as a member.
Skype: thewhiteclown97
There are on reults for your name, add ultimatestormhegaming
Skype= kevinkoz123
I also have a bukkit server that I could probably add a world/map in for hosting if needed
Skype: HymieBeTrollin
Skype: thewhiteclown97
Skype- Roy Bontell
check me out at oc.tc/BossCaterpillar
Skype: anthony.napoli45
Skype: binksthelynx
also what is your skype so i can know who you are and add you.