The Akkadian Empire will be placed on hiatus, after adjusting to the server environment I will in all likelihood be able to remove this hiatus and adjust my schedule accordingly.
What I'm trying to say in a nice way is that you can't run another clan; or make plans to, while in OIN. You'll have to choose
Never once did you launch an offensive against OIN, on the other hand we launched several on you, infiltrated your clan with a spy, and shut down recruitment on your thread for over a week simply by posting on it constantly about how shitty your clan was; you guys made a new thread as soon as we stopped. I should also add this was all done in the name of a false flag clan to throw you guys off our real objective. You didn't drive PRO, SN, or OIN off the Server. Sainton left because Gamer is a ****ing admin abuser; and he banned Voloder so why would they play there. We left because the server sucks ass. Swear to god Gamer's clan gets more ****ing dumb every day. Try learning a bit of history you sniveling brownnoser; next time you try to **** on one of Gamer's enemies to get some brownie points I recommend thinking a bit harder than that first.
TLB was formed after OIN had left Conquest, so Idfk what you're talking about. But again, Juanito_Lopez says HOLA.
Also; we're logging on to **** on your face now. Peace bro.
First off I would like to point out the extreme rage that Kevin is showing over the simplest of posts made by Synipe. I lost count of how many times kevin has trolled our thread and how many times in turn we have ignored them simply to prove our maturity. This only goes to show kevins maturity and inability to control his emotions. As for me controlling mine: I waited about 4 hours after I first read this post to make my reply, firstly because I wanted to compose a mature and full post, and secondly because my initial anger and desire to jump to the defense of one of my clan mates would have diluted my post into another rage post like the one so graphically spouted out of the mouth of kevin.
As for us sucking, and us never launching an attack on you: You more than once showed us how we could improve our bases defenses and then were kind enough to let us kill you and take your armor, we thank you for that, you guys were quiet possibly one of the easiest clans to defeat. If you honestly think that you can take us feel free to come back and try. I just though I should direct you to your old buddies saint and volo and let you know that spamming is not tolerated so you might want to keep your temper under control this time.
Acu I will ask you to do the same thing I have asked the other people who accused me.
1: how did i cheat? everyone says I've cheated but no one has ever given any specifics.
2: were is your proof?
I have not once cheated on CONQUEST. Doing so would undermine the accomplishments of my clan mates and be as good as me betraying them. If you have proof then I will do what ever you want, (even remove minecraft from my computer) but if you don't and you just feel like accusing me because your a sore looser than don't do it, your just wasting your time and looking like a idiot.
gotgamer does indeed have a point lads. If you cannot come up with any examples of him cheaing are we realy any better than we claim he is? And got, I was not here to see this conflict. If we realy were that asy to defeat, how about we see. A fair competition between men. The combat and end will not be determined by equipment or enchantments, but of skill. Reply inquiring about this competetition to learn more. I will also need to get some of my clan-mates and obviously Kevin to agree to this as well.
as much as i would like to settle the disagrements between our clans in a full out battle something like that would be next to impossible to accomplish. for starters me and kevin do not agree on how combat should be conducted in MC i believe that only by directly confronting your enemies should you be aloud to take his stuff ajd destroy his base. kevin on the other hand has said many times that deception is the way he likes to conduct his battles. while we can both argue our sides equally for ever i have reaigned to the fact that if we played kevins way TLB probably wouldnt win, but thatbif we played CONQUEST style TLB would most likely win. you also have to look at it from a nukbers stand point. if we were both to start from scratch on a neutral server most likely TLB would have an advantage in numbers and resources simply because as far as i can tell we out number you by atleast ten members. so while i would love to put a period on whos clan is better it simply would not work that way. and even if we did reach an agreement neither me nor kevin would ever surrender so it would be a waste of time and we would most likly destroy whatrver server we choose to compete in.
pkease excuse my grammar and spelling im using my phone and its a pain to correct mistakes.
No idea why you're bothering to post here Gamer, Synipe is an idiot; always has been always will be. I was merely pointing out the obviously cocky and stupidly misinformed claims he tried to make. Trolling is something you should expect from my clan; and we do it for the lulz of butthurt that come from replies, such as yours. We spent time in our clan chat thinking of the best way to incite rage and insure that butthurt would be had from our reply; the result is the first post you quoted. Also, on the matter of your clan mates having a bit of an ego problem; take CONQUEST for example. "Built by the best for the best", what the ****? Last I checked neither you nor I nor anyone else is the best at PvP, so why is your server touting that it is made by the best?
On another note who cares if our clans have different play styles; they're both equally effective at what they want to achieve. We enjoy jumping from nowhere; killing a few people; dying; and doing it again. You enjoy spending copius ammounts of time building pretty structures to protect with plugins. Pro Tip: Creative.
That is all; I'd offer an agreement to stay the **** off eachothers threads but we know how well that works.
No idea why you're bothering to post here Gamer, Synipe is an idiot; always has been always will be. I was merely pointing out the obviously cocky and stupidly misinformed claims he tried to make. Trolling is something you should expect from my clan; and we do it for the lulz of butthurt that come from replies, such as yours. We spent time in our clan chat thinking of the best way to incite rage and insure that butthurt would be had from our reply; the result is the first post you quoted.
Adios, Vale, Good Bye, **** Off
Lord Dark Helmet
inb4 no butthurt, you've been butthurt since we declared war for the sake of declaring war, left, and we put a KoS on you.
[/ troll]
So anyways who cares if our clans have different play styles; they're both equally effective at what they want to achieve. We enjoy jumping from nowhere; killing a few people; dying; and doing it again. You enjoy spending copius ammounts of time building pretty structures to protect with plugins. Pro Tip: Creative.
That is all; I'd offer an agreement to stay the **** off eachothers threads but we know how well that works.
We're not at all "Butthurt" as you claim. But I would like to add that TLB's playstyle is head-to-head combat and large-scale war. We've loathed fearing that our goods would be stolen by a random person in the middle of the night whilst we were offline. That's not fun for anyone. This game is meant to be fun. I'd rather be killed, have my base blown up, and my chests looted and be there to watch it happen than to wake up one morning and find everything gone. I respect the fact that you disagree with this playstyle, and I respect that you enjoy doing what you do. What I do not respect is the fact that you insult us for wanting to play minecraft PvP differently than you do. Some people have different preferences, that's just common knowledge. You have no need to be insulting our clan and our server just because you're more fond of the art of deception and often fail to wage war with honor.
Oh, and yes, Synipe is, in fact, an idiot. I apologize for letting him out of his cage.
We're not at all "Butthurt" as you claim. But I would like to add that TLB's playstyle is head-to-head combat and large-scale war. We've loathed fearing that our goods would be stolen by a random person in the middle of the night whilst we were offline. That's not fun for anyone. This game is meant to be fun. I'd rather be killed, have my base blown up, and my chests looted and be there to watch it happen than to wake up one morning and find everything gone. I respect the fact that you disagree with this playstyle, and I respect that you enjoy doing what you do. What I do not respect is the fact that you insult us for wanting to play minecraft PvP differently than you do. Some people have different preferences, that's just common knowledge. You have no need to be insulting our clan and our server just because you're more fond of the art of deception and often fail to wage war with honor.
Oh, and yes, Synipe is, in fact, an idiot. I apologize for letting him out of his cage.
That goes undeer "Code of Honor" and we don't do that. We also ban for it on any servers we run.
Our opinions of honor differ, we find honor in victory however possible; you find honor in handicapping yourself for the purpose of being able to say you do it.
Not going to bother responding anymore; this ****ing argument has gone on for months.
built by the best for the best. thats conquests moto. that in no way claims we are the best at pvping the key word in the saying is built. in my opinon apollo and the other builders whis buildings we used inthe creation of our spawn city are some of the best builders in the game i really envy there abilities. thats what the built buy the best means. as for the second part i want this server to be for the best pvp clabs which is why i and several of my members gave advertised all over the place so that we could hopefully attract the attention of the best pvp clans.
as for the rest of you post. the ovely cocky and completely arogent attitude that you are displaying is why i left oin after only a few days to begin with. atleast saint tried to contain himself you gloat in the your own immaturity then you go and talk about honor. its a wonder that you even have a clan. much less that you manage to find people that are still willing tonjoin after you have showed on many aloccasions your immaturity and lack of commitment.
That goes undeer "Code of Honor" and we don't do that. We also ban for it on any servers we run.
Our opinions of honor differ, we find honor in victory however possible; you find honor in handicapping yourself for the purpose of being able to say you do it.
Not going to bother responding anymore; this ****ing argument has gone on for months.
Alright, I didn't know that. I had just assumed so due to the imression that you enjoy servers like LB and LoW. This further confuses me then. If you don't want to do things like thieve while your enemies are offline, then why play on servers that make you vulnerable to it? This makes me wonder why you dislike Conquest so much.
This bull crap has been going on for too long. All of you, I mean seriously? We left Conquest, no use in trying to get us back, Gotgamer. Besides that, I see no point in this ****.
built by the best for the best. thats conquests moto. that in no way claims we are the best at pvping the key word in the saying is built. in my opinon apollo and the other builders whis buildings we used inthe creation of our spawn city are some of the best builders in the game i really envy there abilities. thats what the built buy the best means. as for the second part i want this server to be for the best pvp clabs which is why i and several of my members gave advertised all over the place so that we could hopefully attract the attention of the best pvp clans.
as for the rest of you post. the ovely cocky and completely arogent attitude that you are displaying is why i left oin after only a few days to begin with. atleast saint tried to contain himself you gloat in the your own immaturity then you go and talk about honor. its a wonder that you even have a clan. much less that you manage to find people that are still willing tonjoin after you have showed on many aloccasions your immaturity and lack of commitment.
First, learn to spell, these red squigglies under the words in your post are KILLING my eyes. Second, I think you calling US cocky and arrogant is almost BEYOND the Pot calling the Kettle black; it's like Samuel L. Jackson calling the Stay-Puff Marshmallow Man black. "Built by the best" eh? Yeah, you sure sound the models of humility...
Finally, you left because you wanted to leave, and you have shown ever since that we would have soon saved you the trouble had you stayed longer; your immaturity and lack of self-control rival that of a 3-year-old Tourettes patient.
Anyone else build a 28-block-per-harvest renewable Obsidian Generator using only ONE lava source?
Anyone else beat a guy who was in Creative in Spleef? ON BEDROCK!?
First, learn to spell, these red squigglies under the words in your post are KILLING my eyes. Second, I think you calling US cocky and arrogant is almost BEYOND the Pot calling the Kettle black; it's like Samuel L. Jackson calling the Stay-Puff Marshmallow Man black. "Built by the best" eh? Yeah, you sure sound the models of humility...
Finally, you left because you wanted to leave, and you have shown ever since that we would have soon saved you the trouble had you stayed longer; your immaturity and lack of self-control rival that of a 3-year-old Tourette's patient.
Says the man(Milan) with ADD and Aspergers, I'm guessing he knows his ****.
I was thinking the other day about how much I missed all you guys, and all the awesome stuff we got up to. Then I found all this recurring back-and-forth crap, and now I'm pretty glad I'm no longer an active player.
Why don't you rethink telling that guy to put his other clan on hold. Think about it: another whole clan under your leadership!
First, learn to spell, these red squigglies under the words in your post are KILLING my eyes. Second, I think you calling US cocky and arrogant is almost BEYOND the Pot calling the Kettle black; it's like Samuel L. Jackson calling the Stay-Puff Marshmallow Man black. "Built by the best" eh? Yeah, you sure sound the models of humility...
Finally, you left because you wanted to leave, and you have shown ever since that we would have soon saved you the trouble had you stayed longer; your immaturity and lack of self-control rival that of a 3-year-old Tourettes patient.
What I'm trying to say in a nice way is that you can't run another clan; or make plans to, while in OIN. You'll have to choose
Imperator - Augustus
Imperator - Augustus
First off I would like to point out the extreme rage that Kevin is showing over the simplest of posts made by Synipe. I lost count of how many times kevin has trolled our thread and how many times in turn we have ignored them simply to prove our maturity. This only goes to show kevins maturity and inability to control his emotions. As for me controlling mine: I waited about 4 hours after I first read this post to make my reply, firstly because I wanted to compose a mature and full post, and secondly because my initial anger and desire to jump to the defense of one of my clan mates would have diluted my post into another rage post like the one so graphically spouted out of the mouth of kevin.
As for us sucking, and us never launching an attack on you: You more than once showed us how we could improve our bases defenses and then were kind enough to let us kill you and take your armor, we thank you for that, you guys were quiet possibly one of the easiest clans to defeat. If you honestly think that you can take us feel free to come back and try. I just though I should direct you to your old buddies saint and volo and let you know that spamming is not tolerated so you might want to keep your temper under control this time.
1: how did i cheat? everyone says I've cheated but no one has ever given any specifics.
2: were is your proof?
I have not once cheated on CONQUEST. Doing so would undermine the accomplishments of my clan mates and be as good as me betraying them. If you have proof then I will do what ever you want, (even remove minecraft from my computer) but if you don't and you just feel like accusing me because your a sore looser than don't do it, your just wasting your time and looking like a idiot.
pkease excuse my grammar and spelling im using my phone and its a pain to correct mistakes.
On another note who cares if our clans have different play styles; they're both equally effective at what they want to achieve. We enjoy jumping from nowhere; killing a few people; dying; and doing it again. You enjoy spending copius ammounts of time building pretty structures to protect with plugins. Pro Tip: Creative.
That is all; I'd offer an agreement to stay the **** off eachothers threads but we know how well that works.
Imperator - Augustus
We're not at all "Butthurt" as you claim. But I would like to add that TLB's playstyle is head-to-head combat and large-scale war. We've loathed fearing that our goods would be stolen by a random person in the middle of the night whilst we were offline. That's not fun for anyone. This game is meant to be fun. I'd rather be killed, have my base blown up, and my chests looted and be there to watch it happen than to wake up one morning and find everything gone. I respect the fact that you disagree with this playstyle, and I respect that you enjoy doing what you do. What I do not respect is the fact that you insult us for wanting to play minecraft PvP differently than you do. Some people have different preferences, that's just common knowledge. You have no need to be insulting our clan and our server just because you're more fond of the art of deception and often fail to wage war with honor.
Oh, and yes, Synipe is, in fact, an idiot. I apologize for letting him out of his cage.
That goes undeer "Code of Honor" and we don't do that. We also ban for it on any servers we run.
Our opinions of honor differ, we find honor in victory however possible; you find honor in handicapping yourself for the purpose of being able to say you do it.
Not going to bother responding anymore; this ****ing argument has gone on for months.
Imperator - Augustus
as for the rest of you post. the ovely cocky and completely arogent attitude that you are displaying is why i left oin after only a few days to begin with. atleast saint tried to contain himself you gloat in the your own immaturity then you go and talk about honor. its a wonder that you even have a clan. much less that you manage to find people that are still willing tonjoin after you have showed on many aloccasions your immaturity and lack of commitment.
Alright, I didn't know that. I had just assumed so due to the imression that you enjoy servers like LB and LoW. This further confuses me then. If you don't want to do things like thieve while your enemies are offline, then why play on servers that make you vulnerable to it? This makes me wonder why you dislike Conquest so much.
Imperator - Augustus
From this moment forth Supo33 Shall be known as Faggotus Maximus; due to his own request.
Imperator - Augustus
First, learn to spell, these red squigglies under the words in your post are KILLING my eyes. Second, I think you calling US cocky and arrogant is almost BEYOND the Pot calling the Kettle black; it's like Samuel L. Jackson calling the Stay-Puff Marshmallow Man black. "Built by the best" eh? Yeah, you sure sound the models of humility...
Finally, you left because you wanted to leave, and you have shown ever since that we would have soon saved you the trouble had you stayed longer; your immaturity and lack of self-control rival that of a 3-year-old Tourettes patient.
Anyone else beat a guy who was in Creative in Spleef? ON BEDROCK!?
Says the man(Milan) with ADD and Aspergers, I'm guessing he knows his ****.
Imperator - Augustus
Why don't you rethink telling that guy to put his other clan on hold. Think about it: another whole clan under your leadership!
He was using his iPhone.
Now as I said, I'm sick of this **** so let's just end it like gentlemen and get on with our ****ing lives.
Imperator - Augustus