Clan warfare withdrawal is torture, am I right, guys? username: MilanManiac9 (Duh?)
Age: 17
Do you have Teamspeak: Not yet, but I can make it so.
Do you have a Mic: Yep.
Experience in SMP: I helped found OIN, I've played on just about every server OIN has played on, and I've also been on Creative servers a lot (much more so since the "incident" last month).
Other games you play: Every Pokemon game since Ruby/Sapphire came out, Sid Meier's Civilization III, IV, and V, FIFA '10, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, Super Mario Galaxy, Mario Kart Wii, Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Star Wars: Battlefront (I and II), Star Wars: Republic Commando, and a fairly long list beyond these.
Have you read the Code of Honor: I have indeed.
Are you in any other clans: Nope.
Why do you want to join OIN?: Well, as you know, I was one of the founding members back on Cavera, and after about a month since my resignation in which I was involved in virtually no PvP, I'd like to request admittance again into the clan I helped build, the only clan I support. I hope the past does not inhibit the possibility of my future being once more in an OIN uniform.
Tell us about yourself: (2-3 Sentences) You already know me pretty well from my previous days of service in OIN, but I've since become even better at tactics, smarter in combat (you get that pretty quickly from surviving both Mo'Creatures and Elemental Creepers), and even more dedicated to upholding the honor I try to earn. I've learned leadership from my captaincy of two soccer teams in the past, discipline from nearly 14 years of club swimming, and Minecraft PvP tactics from both Valerius Maximus's Art of War thread and my experience in OIN under Kevin's leadership. I really enjoy fighting alongside you guys, who I have come to consider good friends, and I hope we can draw swords together once more.
Why should we accept you?: ("I'm really good with a bow" " I pwn the noobs" etc. are not acceptable, all our recruits are trained in combat.) I would try to sell myself even more, but because I have already bored you to death with the previous two sections and you already know what I can bring to the table from first-hand experience, I will refrain from tooting my own horn any more. I would like nothing more than to once again have the honor and privilege of fighting for the honor and glory of OIN. I miss the days spent in-game setting up hidden bases, waiting for an entire in-game week for one combat-logger to come back online so we can kill him (you know what I'm talking about XD), and blowing the living daylights out of an enemy fortress, and I hope at least some of you have missed seeing my nameplate in my absence as much as I have missed seeing yours. Oh, and no, that texture pack has not been present in my .minecraft folder since even before the incident that led to my resignation.
As a proud descendant of the Hebrew people, I will use what little of the Hebrew language I know now: I hope I can make my aliyah now with those I have fought and died (many times) with, but I will never wish any of you shalom, because OIN has always and will always seek nothing less than to dominate any enemy in war. I humbly ask for the chance to help bring this victory to OIN once more.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Anyone else build a 28-block-per-harvest renewable Obsidian Generator using only ONE lava source?
Anyone else beat a guy who was in Creative in Spleef? ON BEDROCK!?
I can see why you wouldn't remember me. I did join when you guys were "busy" and during "reconstruction". You guys also said that you would be taking a break from MC so I decided to catch up with some school work.
Edit: I also think we should get into the Guild Wars series. Seeing as Guild Wars 2 is coming out and there is no subsciption fee, just one for purchace, and they already have a working Guild system (Clans) it would be much easyer to get set up.
Crazy sorry about that, I already said I remember you now. You were swept for never coming into clan chats or whatever.
Add me on Skype(Kevin4460) We'll get you training.
Endzor you were "waitlisted". That's a key term for 'Everyone in the clan thought you were annoying once you joined so we came up with a nice excuse to kick you out'
Awesome_Banana has been kicked, for being clueless and generally unteachable.
As a proud descendant of the Hebrew people, I will use what little of the Hebrew language I know now: I hope I can make my aliyah now with those I have fought and died (many times) with, but I will never wish any of you shalom, because OIN has always and will always seek nothing less than to dominate any enemy in war. I humbly ask for the chance to help bring this victory to OIN once more.
First of all: good job coming back. A lesser player would've never looked back, or worse, taken it personally and held a grudge for the next three months *cough*.
Second: I know next to nothing, but in my experience shalom means pretty much the opposite of what the context of your post would suggest. Could you ease my lazy mind and clarify a bit?
teh ****, cluless, u misledd me twise and gave me ****ed up obviously made up coords, tho i trusted u and went there anyways! dude, why, i loved this so much and put my heart and soul into this, just because i didnt know how to read coords? ive learnd tho u guys kept spamming me with obvious fake ones like x- 4000 z- 6000 des this seem legit to u shadow??!! i lived for this clan dude! from the first moment, i kept on even tho the server sucked, even tho i spent 4.5 hours yesterday to find made up co0rds far from anything for example x- 7000 z- -8500 NOT LEGIT, i knew it but still my loyalty drove me to spend exactly 58 mins and 40 secs finsing this "awesome plce for a base" IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ****ING OCEAN, really, or when u kev gave me the coords 6969 -600, i went there, NOT A ****, i asked u why, u told me i switc´shed the z and x axisses, i went to the new place, this also ocean, u told me " sorry it was negative" i went to the new place NOTHING THERE EITHER, tho that was not enough, i still thought this clan was awesome, i logged in again today, today i wnt to new obvious fake locations, trolled out of my bones, (swedish expression), found 4 new fake locations today, while people was obviously hiding info from me, always ****ing pm:s when someone else than me asked for coords, only when i asked they were put right out in the skype chatt. Despite all of this i still want to rejoin, and i ask that u consider this, u will never ever see loyalty like mine, even tho everybody were beeing dicks and ****ed with me i still did exactly like i said, and consider that the thing with general unteachable might be because of my little bit lacking englishskills, IM SWEDISH! i cant understand how u can expect me to understand everything u say!
I don't think I've ever facepalmed and burst out laughing at the same time before. Thanks for the new experience.
I'm going to save OIN the effort (and you the abuse) by addressing what I see as obvious problems.
*Double-checks LoW thread*
I don't see anything about a map limit (I could easily have missed it, so don't start on that), so I don't get why you're complaining about "obviously fake coordinates." You said you were new to PvP? Here's a tip from a veteran: bases are supposed to be hidden.
I'm glad to hear about your amazing loyalty. I can see it so clearly in the way you lose your patience on your first day in the clan. You say you want to come back? Here's another tip: GET RID OF THOSE COORDINATES, YOU MORON!!
Does anyone else get the feeling we've been trolled out of our bones?
I don't think I've ever facepalmed and burst out laughing at the same time before. Thanks for the new experience.
I'm going to save OIN the effort (and you the abuse) by addressing what I see as obvious problems.
*Double-checks LoW thread*
I don't see anything about a map limit (I could easily have missed it, so don't start on that), so I don't get why you're complaining about "obviously fake coordinates." You said you were new to PvP? Here's a tip from a veteran: bases are supposed to be hidden.
I'm glad to hear about your amazing loyalty. I can see it so clearly in the way you lose your patience on your first day in the clan. You say you want to come back? Here's another tip: GET RID OF THOSE COORDINATES, YOU MORON!!
Does anyone else get the feeling we've been trolled out of our bones?
Nah, when he asked me if the coordinates were marked by ES: # on the debug screen we realized we had to get rid of him. The rest of that, Including double 69, (who the **** falls for the 69?) was us buying time to find a new base location (He knew the real one, the 6969 600 **** was fake) so we could kick him out.
Nah, when he asked me if the coordinates were marked by ES: # on the debug screen we realized we had to get rid of him. The rest of that, Including double 69, (who the **** falls for the 69?) was us buying time to find a new base location (He knew the real one, the 6969 600 **** was fake) so we could kick him out.
So I was right about the trolling? And I don't have any real coordinates in my quote? Still, it felt good to flex the old debate muscles again. username:awesomeman64
Do you have Skype:yes
Do you have a Mic:yes
Experience in SMP:Very extensive.
Other games you play:Dungeon defenders, Skyrim, Sanctum, Guild Wars
Have you read the Code of Honor:Yes
Are you in any other clans:No
Why do you want to join OIN?:Because my freind Crazysteve6547 is in it and he reccomended it to me.
Tell us about yourself: I play drums and I'm in the marching band. I'm a hadcore game and like PVP in all games. I am realy good with statistics and symetrical building.
Why should we accept you?: Like I said before I wish to be in the clan with my freind Crazysteve6547 and I belive I could realy benefit to the clan.
Experience in SMP: Uhhh, not sure what you'd want me to say here. I've been playing SMP for about a year now, and have been playing minecraft since alpha. I was a hardcore builder for my towns that I was with, and when economy plugins came around I played as a trader. I play as just about anything in minecraft.
Other games you play: WoW, EVE, HoN, LoL, CS:S, BF3
Have you read the Code of Honor: I have read and agree with the Code of Honor.
Are you in any other clans: None to my current knowledge. Why do you want to join OIN?: Looks like you have a decent idea of what you want, and a structure to go with it. Structure is required in any good clan. I am looking for a clan to take me in and to meet friends with similar likes/dislikes.
Tell us about yourself: I am a student at UCF and go part time. I don't work and play video games pretty much all day. I like to go out and have fun. I like to joke with my friends and mess around. I was a hardcore gamer a few years back, but in the last year have been laying off slowly from gaming. I no longer play in tourneys nor do I raid any longer. I'm trying to play games in a more hardcore-casual manner (play 5-8 hours a day tops as if you had played for 15-18 ).
Why should we accept you? If you're looking for a decent builder, or a PvPer then you'll want me. But honestly, I am just looking for a clan that I can feel at home with. I have been through many servers and towns, and have yet to find a decent player-base that I would like to stick with (hence why I'm app'ing here ). All I ask is a chance to prove myself.
XD I feel like people think this a lot, I make this sort of post a lot (see my resignation from earlier and my farewells when OIN temporarily went underground, I'm told they're good reads). I write for my school newspaper, I might end up in journalism eventually.
teh ****, cluless, u misledd me twise and gave me ****ed up obviously made up coords, tho i trusted u and went there anyways! dude, why, i loved this so much and put my heart and soul into this, just because i didnt know how to read coords? ive learnd tho u guys kept spamming me with obvious fake ones like x- 4000 z- 6000 des this seem legit to u shadow??!! i lived for this clan dude! from the first moment, i kept on even tho the server sucked, even tho i spent 4.5 hours yesterday to find made up co0rds far from anything for example x- 7000 z- -8500 NOT LEGIT, i knew it but still my loyalty drove me to spend exactly 58 mins and 40 secs finsing this "awesome plce for a base" IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ****ING OCEAN, really, or when u kev gave me the coords 6969 -600, i went there, NOT A ****, i asked u why, u told me i switc´shed the z and x axisses, i went to the new place, this also ocean, u told me " sorry it was negative" i went to the new place NOTHING THERE EITHER, tho that was not enough, i still thought this clan was awesome, i logged in again today, today i wnt to new obvious fake locations, trolled out of my bones, (swedish expression), found 4 new fake locations today, while people was obviously hiding info from me, always ****ing pm:s when someone else than me asked for coords, only when i asked they were put right out in the skype chatt. Despite all of this i still want to rejoin, and i ask that u consider this, u will never ever see loyalty like mine, even tho everybody were beeing dicks and ****ed with me i still did exactly like i said, and consider that the thing with general unteachable might be because of my little bit lacking englishskills, IM SWEDISH! i cant understand how u can expect me to understand everything u say!
The unteachable bit was not because of your less-than-perfect English, a clan like OIN cannot be expected to cater to a lowest common denominator when it comes to understanding orders and such (since if we did then nothing would ever get done), and the clueless thing could also be called immaturity. Before you try to contest these points, keep in mind that your post has literally already made my case for me.
Oh, and one piece of advice: If you value your health, then if I were you, I would never call a US Marine "fat" and say he has "no life" again. Few people on the planet are further from your description, and if you tried to say that sort of thing to a Marine's face, I wouldn't blame him/her for beating the living tar out of you, though he/she would be far more disciplined than to let some foul-mouthed grade school Swede get under his/her skin. That, and I'm pretty sure that post would qualify as flaming. Just saying.
First of all: good job coming back. A lesser player would've never looked back, or worse, taken it personally and held a grudge for the next three months *cough*.
Second: I know next to nothing, but in my experience shalom means pretty much the opposite of what the context of your post would suggest. Could you ease my lazy mind and clarify a bit?
To the first: Thanks, I appreciate it. To the second: To my knowledge, "shalom" basically translates to "peace"; it is a common greeting, similar to "hello."
Anyone else build a 28-block-per-harvest renewable Obsidian Generator using only ONE lava source?
Anyone else beat a guy who was in Creative in Spleef? ON BEDROCK!?
Download skype and add me (Kevin4460) and I'll get you in the clan chat
Imperator - Augustus username: MilanManiac9 (Duh?)
Age: 17
Do you have Teamspeak: Not yet, but I can make it so.
Do you have a Mic: Yep.
Experience in SMP: I helped found OIN, I've played on just about every server OIN has played on, and I've also been on Creative servers a lot (much more so since the "incident" last month).
Other games you play: Every Pokemon game since Ruby/Sapphire came out, Sid Meier's Civilization III, IV, and V, FIFA '10, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, Super Mario Galaxy, Mario Kart Wii, Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Star Wars: Battlefront (I and II), Star Wars: Republic Commando, and a fairly long list beyond these.
Have you read the Code of Honor: I have indeed.
Are you in any other clans: Nope.
Why do you want to join OIN?: Well, as you know, I was one of the founding members back on Cavera, and after about a month since my resignation in which I was involved in virtually no PvP, I'd like to request admittance again into the clan I helped build, the only clan I support. I hope the past does not inhibit the possibility of my future being once more in an OIN uniform.
Tell us about yourself: (2-3 Sentences) You already know me pretty well from my previous days of service in OIN, but I've since become even better at tactics, smarter in combat (you get that pretty quickly from surviving both Mo'Creatures and Elemental Creepers), and even more dedicated to upholding the honor I try to earn. I've learned leadership from my captaincy of two soccer teams in the past, discipline from nearly 14 years of club swimming, and Minecraft PvP tactics from both Valerius Maximus's Art of War thread and my experience in OIN under Kevin's leadership. I really enjoy fighting alongside you guys, who I have come to consider good friends, and I hope we can draw swords together once more.
Why should we accept you?: ("I'm really good with a bow" " I pwn the noobs" etc. are not acceptable, all our recruits are trained in combat.) I would try to sell myself even more, but because I have already bored you to death with the previous two sections and you already know what I can bring to the table from first-hand experience, I will refrain from tooting my own horn any more. I would like nothing more than to once again have the honor and privilege of fighting for the honor and glory of OIN. I miss the days spent in-game setting up hidden bases, waiting for an entire in-game week for one combat-logger to come back online so we can kill him (you know what I'm talking about XD), and blowing the living daylights out of an enemy fortress, and I hope at least some of you have missed seeing my nameplate in my absence as much as I have missed seeing yours. Oh, and no, that texture pack has not been present in my .minecraft folder since even before the incident that led to my resignation.
As a proud descendant of the Hebrew people, I will use what little of the Hebrew language I know now: I hope I can make my aliyah now with those I have fought and died (many times) with, but I will never wish any of you shalom, because OIN has always and will always seek nothing less than to dominate any enemy in war. I humbly ask for the chance to help bring this victory to OIN once more.
Anyone else beat a guy who was in Creative in Spleef? ON BEDROCK!?
Am I on the waiting list or what? Just wondering.
Skype:Steven Roberts
I can see why you wouldn't remember me. I did join when you guys were "busy" and during "reconstruction". You guys also said that you would be taking a break from MC so I decided to catch up with some school work.
Edit: I also think we should get into the Guild Wars series. Seeing as Guild Wars 2 is coming out and there is no subsciption fee, just one for purchace, and they already have a working Guild system (Clans) it would be much easyer to get set up.
Add me on Skype(Kevin4460) We'll get you training.
Endzor you were "waitlisted". That's a key term for 'Everyone in the clan thought you were annoying once you joined so we came up with a nice excuse to kick you out'
Awesome_Banana has been kicked, for being clueless and generally unteachable.
Imperator - Augustus
Server IP:
First of all: good job coming back. A lesser player would've never looked back, or worse, taken it personally and held a grudge for the next three months *cough*.
Second: I know next to nothing, but in my experience shalom means pretty much the opposite of what the context of your post would suggest. Could you ease my lazy mind and clarify a bit?
I don't think I've ever facepalmed and burst out laughing at the same time before. Thanks for the new experience.
I'm going to save OIN the effort (and you the abuse) by addressing what I see as obvious problems.
*Double-checks LoW thread*
I don't see anything about a map limit (I could easily have missed it, so don't start on that), so I don't get why you're complaining about "obviously fake coordinates." You said you were new to PvP? Here's a tip from a veteran: bases are supposed to be hidden.
I'm glad to hear about your amazing loyalty. I can see it so clearly in the way you lose your patience on your first day in the clan. You say you want to come back? Here's another tip: GET RID OF THOSE COORDINATES, YOU MORON!!
Does anyone else get the feeling we've been trolled out of our bones?
Nah, when he asked me if the coordinates were marked by ES: # on the debug screen we realized we had to get rid of him. The rest of that, Including double 69, (who the **** falls for the 69?) was us buying time to find a new base location (He knew the real one, the 6969 600 **** was fake) so we could kick him out.
Imperator - Augustus
So I was right about the trolling? And I don't have any real coordinates in my quote? Still, it felt good to flex the old debate muscles again.
Do you have Skype:yes
Do you have a Mic:yes
Experience in SMP:Very extensive.
Other games you play:Dungeon defenders, Skyrim, Sanctum, Guild Wars
Have you read the Code of Honor:Yes
Are you in any other clans:No
Why do you want to join OIN?:Because my freind Crazysteve6547 is in it and he reccomended it to me.
Tell us about yourself: I play drums and I'm in the marching band. I'm a hadcore game and like PVP in all games. I am realy good with statistics and symetrical building.
Why should we accept you?: Like I said before I wish to be in the clan with my freind Crazysteve6547 and I belive I could realy benefit to the clan.
Imperator - Augustus
Imperator - Augustus
Imperator - Augustus
Age: 22
Do you have Skype: Yes
Do you have a Mic: Yes
Experience in SMP: Uhhh, not sure what you'd want me to say here. I've been playing SMP for about a year now, and have been playing minecraft since alpha. I was a hardcore builder for my towns that I was with, and when economy plugins came around I played as a trader. I play as just about anything in minecraft.
Other games you play: WoW, EVE, HoN, LoL, CS:S, BF3
Have you read the Code of Honor: I have read and agree with the Code of Honor.
Are you in any other clans: None to my current knowledge.
Why do you want to join OIN?: Looks like you have a decent idea of what you want, and a structure to go with it. Structure is required in any good clan. I am looking for a clan to take me in and to meet friends with similar likes/dislikes.
Tell us about yourself: I am a student at UCF and go part time. I don't work and play video games pretty much all day. I like to go out and have fun. I like to joke with my friends and mess around. I was a hardcore gamer a few years back, but in the last year have been laying off slowly from gaming. I no longer play in tourneys nor do I raid any longer. I'm trying to play games in a more hardcore-casual manner (play 5-8 hours a day tops as if you had played for 15-18
Why should we accept you? If you're looking for a decent builder, or a PvPer then you'll want me. But honestly, I am just looking for a clan that I can feel at home with. I have been through many servers and towns, and have yet to find a decent player-base that I would like to stick with (hence why I'm app'ing here
Thanks for your time
Add me on skype and we'll get you in.
Imperator - Augustus
XD I feel like people think this a lot, I make this sort of post a lot (see my resignation from earlier and my farewells when OIN temporarily went underground, I'm told they're good reads). I write for my school newspaper, I might end up in journalism eventually.
The unteachable bit was not because of your less-than-perfect English, a clan like OIN cannot be expected to cater to a lowest common denominator when it comes to understanding orders and such (since if we did then nothing would ever get done), and the clueless thing could also be called immaturity. Before you try to contest these points, keep in mind that your post has literally already made my case for me.
Oh, and one piece of advice: If you value your health, then if I were you, I would never call a US Marine "fat" and say he has "no life" again. Few people on the planet are further from your description, and if you tried to say that sort of thing to a Marine's face, I wouldn't blame him/her for beating the living tar out of you, though he/she would be far more disciplined than to let some foul-mouthed grade school Swede get under his/her skin. That, and I'm pretty sure that post would qualify as flaming. Just saying.
To the first: Thanks, I appreciate it. To the second: To my knowledge, "shalom" basically translates to "peace"; it is a common greeting, similar to "hello."
Yes, yes it was.
Anyone else beat a guy who was in Creative in Spleef? ON BEDROCK!?