Hey Tutrie, I know. After all, nearly every recent applicant has applied from my clan. Not to rush ya, but they (and I) are wondering why none of their applications have been responded to.
However, (just an idea here, feel free to shoot it down) maybe I can have /whitelist privileges, as we intended in the beginning, so the workload is a bit less. Also, so you know who's AE and who's not, I am PM'ing you a complete member list.
Cialis isn't disturbing, it's spam, and we can't remove w/o locking the post D:
Got home from school today to find som very disturbing posts when all i wanted tohear was our server being revived.. can we remove them
they where already reported.
Quote from AidanJan »
Hey Tutrie, I know. After all, nearly every recent applicant has applied from my clan. Not to rush ya, but they (and I) are wondering why none of their applications have been responded to.
However, (just an idea here, feel free to shoot it down) maybe I can have /whitelist privileges, as we intended in the beginning, so the workload is a bit less. Also, so you know who's AE and who's not, I am PM'ing you a complete member list.
Cialis isn't disturbing, it's spam, and we can't remove w/o locking the post D:
Aidan you do have whitelisting powers (they just don't work) but under no circumstances may you use them just for your clan, all members that are in the American Empire Arena Faction must apply to be a part of District 9. also they need to follow all district 9 rules, respect district 9 leaders and be a part of District 9. Remember its a faction inside our clan. Not a clan of its own operating on its own in our server. When you do get whitelisting powers you will be expected to just whitelist your faction members but anybody that applies. Read the application and if it sounds good (not like something where they might grief) Tell them they are accepted in a reply then notify me so I can add them to the first post (send me a message with their IGN, Race, and Job or no job) . That is what you position and whitelisting powers should be used for. Also I am going to whitelist all players once the server is up. Currently we found a host and are going to switch. We should have it open today.
First of all, that is what I intended, and a bit more with accepting out-of-faction members onto the server. Secondly, yes, we are a faction, and we will follow the rules, but we are also a clan. However, we follow your rules, that you make.
A good example of this is Puerto Rico, and the US. We're Puerto Rico.
First of all, that is what I intended, and a bit more with accepting out-of-faction members onto the server. Secondly, yes, we are a faction, and we will follow the rules, but we are also a clan. However, we follow your rules, that you make.
A good example of this is Puerto Rico, and the US. We're Puerto Rico.
Application Form: IGN: Samtheslam10 Country America Two Sentences about yourself: I'm a teen appllying for the sever because my clan The american empire in using it. Also here's another sentence. Definition of Griefing: Descruction of ones creation without permission, building on someones building, harrasment , or in anyway being abnocious to a player(s). Human or Non-Human: Human Job wanted, or put no job wanted (freelance, do what you want): I'm from the american empire clan so no job Anything Else: No just that like i said before im from the american empire clan.
I believe I saw Federico mentioning ManicRev...
So a harbour you want? A harbour you shall get!!!!
After the server is back up... :sad.gif:
I think we shall build the harbour, and personally i dont mind if Tutrie or ManicRev build the memorial.
Give me a job, and it will be done. :biggrin.gif:
Yeah the harbour will most like be a lot of world editing :tongue.gif:
Hello, I'm a recent recruit to the American Empire. I wasn't sure how to go about applying to be on the server, but if someone could pm me the proper format it would be very much appreciated. :smile.gif:
Application Form: [b]IGN: Fredned102[/b] <Instertext> [b]Country[/b] America <Instertext> [b]Two Sentences about yourself:[/b] My name is Max. I am good at building and desinging structures in minecaft <Instertext> [b]Definition of Griefing [/b] To steal from others <Instertext> [b]Human or Non-Human:[/\] Human <Instertext> Job wanted, or put no job wanted (freelance, do what you want):Freelance for now <Instertext> [b]Anything Else: [/b] I can't wait to join? :smile.gif: <Instertext>
Hello, I'm a recent recruit to the American Empire. I wasn't sure how to go about applying to be on the server, but if someone could pm me the proper format it would be very much appreciated. :smile.gif:
Yeah reverend is experiencing bad weather right now and he has no power or internet I am guessing. Or is trying to save his computer by turning it off in case their is a power surge.
Revgen is hosting the temporary server. there is currently a horrible storm where his computer is located and he had to shut it down. it should be back shortly
Sorry, I had trouble finding the proper format at first. :smile.gif:
Application Form: IGN: <theshaneman> Country <(I'm a member of) American Empire> Two Sentences about yourself:'m just your average everyday guy. I'm playing Minecraft because it's helping me stay... not depressed?> Definition of Griefing: <Griefing: The intentional or accidental removal of a block, building or project created by another player, without appropriate permission.> Human or Non-Human: <Human> Job wanted, or put no job wanted (freelance, do what you want): <Well, in America I applied as a scout.> Anything Else: 'm just an honest minecrafter wanting to play on the server. :smile.gif:>
IGN: scotchbomb Country USA Two Sentences about yourself: I'm a creative/practical builder. District 9 is my favorite movie of all time. Definition of Griefing: destroying someone else's work, placing blocks/water/lava in someones house. Human or Non-Human: human Job wanted, or put no job wanted (freelance, do what you want): builder Anything Else: no
However, (just an idea here, feel free to shoot it down) maybe I can have /whitelist privileges, as we intended in the beginning, so the workload is a bit less. Also, so you know who's AE and who's not, I am PM'ing you a complete member list.
Cialis isn't disturbing, it's spam, and we can't remove w/o locking the post D:
me too!
That, my friend, is trolling. I hope I didn't offend anyone.
Moderator Edit: No memes please. Warning issued
they where already reported.
Aidan you do have whitelisting powers (they just don't work) but under no circumstances may you use them just for your clan, all members that are in the American Empire Arena Faction must apply to be a part of District 9. also they need to follow all district 9 rules, respect district 9 leaders and be a part of District 9. Remember its a faction inside our clan. Not a clan of its own operating on its own in our server. When you do get whitelisting powers you will be expected to just whitelist your faction members but anybody that applies. Read the application and if it sounds good (not like something where they might grief) Tell them they are accepted in a reply then notify me so I can add them to the first post (send me a message with their IGN, Race, and Job or no job) . That is what you position and whitelisting powers should be used for. Also I am going to whitelist all players once the server is up. Currently we found a host and are going to switch. We should have it open today.
A good example of this is Puerto Rico, and the US. We're Puerto Rico.
lol that makes sense.
that is all lol
IGN: Samtheslam10
Country America
Two Sentences about yourself: I'm a teen appllying for the sever because my clan The american empire in using it. Also here's another sentence.
Definition of Griefing: Descruction of ones creation without permission, building on someones building, harrasment , or in anyway being abnocious to a player(s).
Human or Non-Human: Human
Job wanted, or put no job wanted (freelance, do what you want): I'm from the american empire clan so no job
Anything Else: No just that like i said before im from the american empire clan.
Aidan where you find wolves at?!
Yeah the harbour will most like be a lot of world editing :tongue.gif:
loll b/c we love tnt. i will start responding :biggrin.gif:
[b]IGN: Fredned102[/b] <Instertext>
[b]Country[/b] America <Instertext>
[b]Two Sentences about yourself:[/b] My name is Max. I am good at building and desinging structures in minecaft <Instertext>
[b]Definition of Griefing [/b] To steal from others <Instertext>
[b]Human or Non-Human:[/\] Human <Instertext>
Job wanted, or put no job wanted (freelance, do what you want):Freelance for now <Instertext>
[b]Anything Else: [/b] I can't wait to join? :smile.gif: <Instertext>
first post
Yeah reverend is experiencing bad weather right now and he has no power or internet I am guessing. Or is trying to save his computer by turning it off in case their is a power surge.
Revgen is hosting the temporary server. there is currently a horrible storm where his computer is located and he had to shut it down. it should be back shortly
Application Form:
IGN: <theshaneman>
Country <(I'm a member of) American Empire>
Two Sentences about yourself: 'm just your average everyday guy. I'm playing Minecraft because it's helping me stay... not depressed?>
Definition of Griefing: <Griefing: The intentional or accidental removal of a block, building or project created by another player, without appropriate permission.>
Human or Non-Human: <Human>
Job wanted, or put no job wanted (freelance, do what you want): <Well, in America I applied as a scout.>
Anything Else: 'm just an honest minecrafter wanting to play on the server. :smile.gif:>
Synergy: Community Done Right
Country USA
Two Sentences about yourself: I'm a creative/practical builder. District 9 is my favorite movie of all time.
Definition of Griefing: destroying someone else's work, placing blocks/water/lava in someones house.
Human or Non-Human: human
Job wanted, or put no job wanted (freelance, do what you want): builder
Anything Else: no