The Mob Suggestion Clan Unleash your imagination...
This clan is dedicated to listening to your suggestions and respecting you for them. We are the sounding board of Minecraft, the Mob Suggestion Clan!
news creeper says.......
PACH has died! so I took them off the ally list. Let them rest in peace.
Im looking for somone to make a video for the MSC (like a trailer or somthing.) you will be givin points of course
sorry i have been so inactive but i have been busy with real life stuff...
but im giving everyone points and i will be active!
GREAT its one thing after another...
School is making it rain work right now and im very sorry but i just cant keep up to many things to do...
and real life stuff is more important than the points im really sorry D:
When summer comes around i will update the points every day promis.
we have a forum!
please regester
This clan is for all of you who have great ideas for mobs and no way to share them.
we also support item ideas, but not as much as mob ideas
To join you must take the oath(below)
Just as a warning, I cant use my computer on weekends.
i (your name here) will keep my mind open to mob possibilitys.
i will post links to my ideas here for all to see.
i promise never to put down somones idea.
this clan is for posting links to youir mob ideas. But you dont need one with yor oath
SIGS ARE NOW REQUIRED, i wont let you join until you have the sig so just put it in before you take the oath
Im getting tired of saying you need a sig, SO PUT IT IN BEFORE YOU TAKE THE OATH.
Server Rules please note we dont have a server yet but when we do these will apply
beta would be best as long is it has 20 slots and dosent lag, it should be pvp.with monsters
We have a server!
Illegal items:Flint and steel, lava bucket (unless i approve of it).
Rules: Same rules as below.
DA-RULES douchery callings others ideas stupid (falls into rule 1)
3.due to a (soon to be) alliance with the SPA dont kill any slimes, this will not lead to probation only small m-point subtraction. going to enemy clans servers and messing with them (again, look at rule 1)
5.NO RANK BEGGING it will only get m-points subtracted from you
m-points:these are points i give every day more points means more ranks!
(no the M dosent stand for mackazonia)
ways to get m-points
1.every day you will get 5 (unless I cant get to it, which usually wont happen except on weekends)
2.preforming special task for the clan.
3.geting a job
if you are just being a ass i can subtract points from you.
if you dont do your job i can fire you. You will also be taxed x2 of what the signing up pay was if you get fired.
if you want to quit just say so, or PM me. you will only be taxed x1 the sign up pay
Sig maker:pays 5 for signing up, and 10 for each sig
idea finder: you go out to threads get the link to them amd give them to me to post on the mob/item idea list. pays 5 for each idea givin.
Tell me if its your birthday and recive a cake on the server!
Aliances: clans that i have/am trying to get a aliance with
minebusters, Devoted to busting myths for the people who are to lazy to look it up
The Chicken Army: Noble protectors of all chickens
The Cow Protecters: Noble protectors of cows
Builders League United And Reliable Excavation And Demoliton: Run by our server make TREVDOR!
sig maker clan: The people who have mad sig skillz :biggrin.gif:
N.A.S: They are not ashamed to say "we use INVedit for huge projects what you gonna do about it."
Enemys: clans or people that have in some way become enemys of this clan
TheBAMStuff: for trolling the cow protectors
shroom: for trolling the SPA (and he killed slimes)
inquitmerum: for posting pornographic things on a allys thread (pretty messed up)
probation-you have commited a crime against the clan, you cant earn any more m-points when your rank is set to this. This is givin until the user makes right (appolagy, ect) its more of a lable, it will apper before your rank stamping you with the shame of its presence.
coal Zombie- join this clan... simple right?
iron Skeleton- score 30 m-points
gold Spider- score 60 m-points
diamond Creeper- score 100 m-points. At this point you can ask to get your name on the members list colored, so just PM me with your color.
obsidian slime- score 150 m-points. At this point you can ask to get a title in front of your name, so just PM me with your title.
Adminium warrior-score a total of 200 m-points
MSC knight-score 265 m-points
CO-leader- only i can give this rank, if you seem worthy or have an absured amount of points i MIGHT give you this rank, but dont get your hopes up. You have just about as much permission as me aside from ban hammering people, but you can PM me with the members name, and why i should ban hammer them, dont post why i should ban them here! only PM me for bans(i will only respond to PM's from CO-leaders so if your coal zombie and tell me to ban somone from the clan i will probaly ignore it)
leader- only i have this rank
if you take the oath and i dont reply check here it will tell you if your in or not
IMPORTANT: Im not as active as i would like to be but when i do check in i update the points and add the new people. So you will get added just not right away.
[url=]Join The MSC Today[/url]
you want underwater creeper sharks? you get underwater creeper sharks!
[url=]The MSC[/url]
you want underwater creeper sharks? you get underwater creeper sharks!
due to me being desprate for members the first 3 people will be ranked iron skele as soon as they join.
please i dont want this clan to be deleted.30 min until delete....
my clan is safe now thanks to all who joined
i mishakiara will keep my mind open to mob possibilitys.
i will post links to my ideas here for all to see.
i promise never to put down somones idea.
i mishakiara will keep my mind open to mob possibilitys.
i will post links to my ideas here for all to see.
i promise never to put down somones idea.
my clan is safe because of you...
it was 5 minutes before it was going to be deleted (: you still need a sig
yay your a official member two
i mishakiara will keep my mind open to mob possibilitys.
i will post links to my ideas here for all to see.
i promise never to put down somones idea.
my clan is safe because of you...
it was 5 minutes before it was going to be deleted (:
Your welcome, I'm gonna later grammar/spell the first post btw. BEWARE! Lol.
Dude, you have 5 post, and just joined today so why would i let you be co-leader?
asking got 20(10 because its your first time) m-points subtracted from you.
let this be a lesson to all other rank beggers
Unleash your imagination...
This clan is dedicated to listening to your suggestions and respecting you for them. We are the sounding board of Minecraft, the Mob Suggestion Clan!
news creeper says.......
PACH has died! so I took them off the ally list. Let them rest in peace.
Im looking for somone to make a video for the MSC (like a trailer or somthing.) you will be givin points of course
sorry i have been so inactive but i have been busy with real life stuff...
but im giving everyone points and i will be active!
GREAT its one thing after another...
School is making it rain work right now and im very sorry but i just cant keep up to many things to do...
and real life stuff is more important than the points im really sorry D:
When summer comes around i will update the points every day promis.
we have a forum!
please regester
This clan is for all of you who have great ideas for mobs and no way to share them.
we also support item ideas, but not as much as mob ideas
To join you must take the oath(below)
Just as a warning, I cant use my computer on weekends.
i (your name here) will keep my mind open to mob possibilitys.
i will post links to my ideas here for all to see.
i promise never to put down somones idea.
this clan is for posting links to youir mob ideas. But you dont need one with yor oath
SIGS ARE NOW REQUIRED, i wont let you join until you have the sig so just put it in before you take the oath
Im getting tired of saying you need a sig, SO PUT IT IN BEFORE YOU TAKE THE OATH.
Server Rules
please note we dont have a server yet but when we do these will applybeta would be best as long is it has 20 slots and dosent lag, it should be pvp.with monsters
We have a server!
Illegal items:Flint and steel, lava bucket (unless i approve of it).
Rules: Same rules as below.
Boss ideas
can be found here
MSC Boss Ideas
DA-RULES douchery callings others ideas stupid (falls into rule 1)
3.due to a (soon to be) alliance with the SPA dont kill any slimes, this will not lead to probation only small m-point subtraction. going to enemy clans servers and messing with them (again, look at rule 1)
5.NO RANK BEGGING it will only get m-points subtracted from you
m-points:these are points i give every day more points means more ranks!
(no the M dosent stand for mackazonia)
ways to get m-points
1.every day you will get 5 (unless I cant get to it, which usually wont happen except on weekends)
2.preforming special task for the clan.
3.geting a job
if you are just being a ass i can subtract points from you.
if you dont do your job i can fire you. You will also be taxed x2 of what the signing up pay was if you get fired.
if you want to quit just say so, or PM me. you will only be taxed x1 the sign up pay
Sig maker:pays 5 for signing up, and 10 for each sig
idea finder: you go out to threads get the link to them amd give them to me to post on the mob/item idea list. pays 5 for each idea givin.
Tell me if its your birthday and recive a cake on the server!
Aliances: clans that i have/am trying to get a aliance with
minebusters, Devoted to busting myths for the people who are to lazy to look it up
The Chicken Army: Noble protectors of all chickens
The Cow Protecters: Noble protectors of cows
Builders League United And Reliable Excavation And Demoliton: Run by our server make TREVDOR!
sig maker clan: The people who have mad sig skillz :biggrin.gif:
N.A.S: They are not ashamed to say "we use INVedit for huge projects what you gonna do about it."
Enemys: clans or people that have in some way become enemys of this clan
TheBAMStuff: for trolling the cow protectors
shroom: for trolling the SPA (and he killed slimes)
inquitmerum: for posting pornographic things on a allys thread (pretty messed up)
Members yay
if you take the oath and i dont reply check here it will tell you if your in or not
IMPORTANT: Im not as active as i would like to be but when i do check in i update the points and add the new people. So you will get added just not right away.
Ban Hammer Victims
Old members
people who have quit.
The Mob Suggestion Clan
Unleash your imagination...
Join The MSC Today
you want underwater creeper sharks? you get underwater creeper sharks!
made by Emporor penguin
made by Emporor penguin
made by Emporor penguin
you dont have to join to say somthing helpfull! any fedback at all is appreciated
To read the haiku that you
Just finished reading
no it is not, and i encourage constructive criticisim, but when you say there mob is stupid and such is when i get mad.
P.S. you spelt "encourage" wrong.
i spell alot ofthings wrong :biggrin.gif:
what do you mean "mod suggestions"?
please i dont want this clan to be deleted.30 min until delete....
my clan is safe now thanks to all who joined
i will post links to my ideas here for all to see.
I promise never to put down someones idea.
I propose VAMPIRES!
Its a good idea. :wink.gif:
Also i have a clan and we could ally! Two birds with one stone!
And i now have a sig!
yay my first member :smile.gif:
and yes i do want to ally with minebusters.
but you need a sig are now a official member
i will post links to my ideas here for all to see.
I promise never to put down someones idea.
i want...
they could be made out of diffrent stuff like mossy stone or obsidian...
i wish to donate 25 cobblestone to the clan and a
and finaly a
This is the free bump and please join so it wont get the delete hammar!!!!
i mishakiara will keep my mind open to mob possibilitys.
i will post links to my ideas here for all to see.
i promise never to put down somones idea.
my clan is safe because of you...
it was 5 minutes before it was going to be deleted (:
you still need a sigyay your a official member two
Your welcome, I'm gonna later grammar/spell the first post btw. BEWARE! Lol.
Dude, you have 5 post, and just joined today so why would i let you be co-leader?
asking got
20(10 because its your first time) m-points subtracted from you.let this be a lesson to all other rank beggers
dont take this personly
im not made enogh to quit the clan but **** you and you swilms.
i want my
you dont get your pig back and i think you ment "mad" not made
now drop it or ill put you on probation
whats multi claning?
Having another clan other than this one