The Kingdom Of Rohan or K.O.R is a kingdom created by myself. It is a nation based on the MirageMC server. It currently consist of many active and prospering towns, the capital of the kingdom being Moria. The towns in Rohan are some of the best on MirageMC, because of their attention to detail and because of the skilled builders and engineers that the nation provides them with. Every town has its on race such as men, dwarves, elves etc... Now let's get into the details.
Once you apply to join the kingdom, you will be placed in the town that you are most needed in depending on the job(s) you choose to have. Respect is a major aspect of the kingdom. You must respect every player in the nation. Everyone in the nation is respected and treated equally. Rohan is a place to enjoy the game with politics, economics and building whilst feeling safe and respected. If you have any concerns or issues with how everything runs, report it to your mayor or myself and something will be done about it.
You must be able to take orders from your peers and accomplish them effectively. In meetings or rallies, you must remain civilised whether it's walking in a line or standing still. If you do not pull off these basic necessities, you cannot expect to grow in the kingdom. This does not mean that you cannot good around, you may by all means do so but not on those rare occasions. To apply, your account must be created at least 4 months ago.
Follow all server rules (/rules).
Do not attack anyone without permission from the king.
Respect all players.
Remain civilised.
Follow orders.
Do not conduct any aggressive acts towards anyone.
No griefing or stealing.
Be friendly.
Have fun!
Note: These rules are to ensure the well being of everyone in the nation and server to keep a fun and productive environment. Include Civilisation in your application to show that you've read the rules, without this, you will not be accepted.
There are different positions in the nation. From civilian to soldier, every job is crucial to the survival of the nation. The job(s) that you select will decide which town you are placed in depending where you are most needed. For example citizens would be placed in towns with low populations or in need of a high work force and soldiers would be placed in areas of conflict. Here are the jobs to choose from.
Civilian: A civilian is arguably the most important part of Rohan. They make up the population of the kingdom and define it. They can have shops, farms and many other things to make their town one of the most advanced, both culturally and technologically in all of Rohan. There are too many things to list that a civilian can do in Rohan, so why not apply and try it for yourself?
Alchemist: The Alchemist brews potions for the kingdom. Whether it be utility potions or PvP potions, they must ensure that there is a solid supply available at all times. They will spend most of their time brewing in the state of the art breweries of the nation or trying out their creations in the arena. The alchemist is the perfect job for those who enjoy the art of brewing.
Soldier: A soldier's job is to protect the people of Rohan and Rohan itself. They will train in arenas of the kingdom preparing for battle. They may also participate in duels to entertain the people of Rohan and win sums of money. They will usually be placed in areas of conflict. The best soldiers will serve as the royal guard to the king.
Engineer: As engineer, you must have these elements, leadership, friendliness and a good ability to build and plan out buildings and areas such as parks. They will have a certain number of builders at their disposal to direct and to achieve the final product, engineers will plan and direct construction of railroads, towers, bridges, parks etc... You must include a picture of one of your builds in your application if you wish to be an engineer.
Builder: A builder is under the command of a certain engineer. They must take orders from the engineer and fulfill them quickly and effectively without cutting corners. Rohan prides itself for attention to detail. You must include a picture of one of your builds in your application if you wish to be a builder.
Settler: A settler is not a role that one can apply for but one that he/she must achieve. As you advance through the nation, you may request to become a settler. The key components of being a settler are being active, friendliness, loyalty and leadership. A settler will create a town thus requiring all those elements.
[quote=securityfalcon;/members/securityfalcon;/forums/servers/clans/2331293-the-kingdom-of-rohan-pvp-economics-nation-towns?comment=3]i already upfront say i want to join i love lord of the rings and the hobbit fav films
ign securityfalcon age 24 i will let the mayor decide im a good builder also good with redstone but i dont think thats really LOTR like
good efficient miner and great soldier can wait to hear from you I appreciate the support guys! I'll try to get the thread finished ASAP. Security falcon contact me on Skype so we can get you playing right away.
We are looking for settlers to create new towns for the nation. The formation of the United Nations has been formed on the server and 2 of the 5 nations of the server are part of it (Rohan being one of them). There is also the creation of an economic powerhouse that is in need of investments. We have generously invested 10k in this poject that will hopefully boost trade and the economy of all nations who join it.
I am glad to announce that the first war that Rohan has participated in has been a success! We went to war with the nation of Lindon after they murdered some of our men, after which the men of Rohan were ready for war and would not stand for this atrocity. After consultations with mayors of Rohan, we decided to fight back.
There were two battles during the war and I am proud to say that The Rohan Armed Forces executed the mission with the highest degree of effectiveness which greatly aided us in our victory. The king of Lindon gave his surrender and we demanded a 10 000$ tribute for the lives we lost. The money was presented and peace has now returned to Rohan.
IGN: Morosoph Age: 35 MC Age: 3ish years Skype (required): HonestMorosoph Did you read the rules?: Yes, Elvish How active will you be weekly?: up to 2-4 hours Wed-Sun, much more on Mon & Tue Position: Civilian Why Rohan?: I love LotR and this looks both fresh and fun More about yourself: Pretty laid back no drama personality. Favorite thing to do in Minecraft is mine and build subterranean railways/complexes
IGN: Morosoph Age: 35 MC Age: 3ish years Skype (required): HonestMorosoph Did you read the rules?: Yes, Elvish How active will you be weekly?: up to 2-4 hours Wed-Sun, much more on Mon & Tue Position: Civilian Why Rohan?: I love LotR and this looks both fresh and fun More about yourself: Pretty laid back no drama personality. Favorite thing to do in Minecraft is mine and build subterranean railways/complexes
A very nice application. Since you enjoy building railways, you'll go straight into the Rohan Railways project!
You will receive a Skype request shortly.
Political map of MirageMC
The Kingdom Of Rohan or K.O.R is a kingdom created by myself. It is a nation based on the MirageMC server. It currently consist of many active and prospering towns, the capital of the kingdom being Moria. The towns in Rohan are some of the best on MirageMC, because of their attention to detail and because of the skilled builders and engineers that the nation provides them with. Every town has its on race such as men, dwarves, elves etc... Now let's get into the details.
Once you apply to join the kingdom, you will be placed in the town that you are most needed in depending on the job(s) you choose to have. Respect is a major aspect of the kingdom. You must respect every player in the nation. Everyone in the nation is respected and treated equally. Rohan is a place to enjoy the game with politics, economics and building whilst feeling safe and respected. If you have any concerns or issues with how everything runs, report it to your mayor or myself and something will be done about it.
You must be able to take orders from your peers and accomplish them effectively. In meetings or rallies, you must remain civilised whether it's walking in a line or standing still. If you do not pull off these basic necessities, you cannot expect to grow in the kingdom. This does not mean that you cannot good around, you may by all means do so but not on those rare occasions. To apply, your account must be created at least 4 months ago.
Note: These rules are to ensure the well being of everyone in the nation and server to keep a fun and productive environment. Include Civilisation in your application to show that you've read the rules, without this, you will not be accepted.
Civilian: A civilian is arguably the most important part of Rohan. They make up the population of the kingdom and define it. They can have shops, farms and many other things to make their town one of the most advanced, both culturally and technologically in all of Rohan. There are too many things to list that a civilian can do in Rohan, so why not apply and try it for yourself?
Alchemist: The Alchemist brews potions for the kingdom. Whether it be utility potions or PvP potions, they must ensure that there is a solid supply available at all times. They will spend most of their time brewing in the state of the art breweries of the nation or trying out their creations in the arena. The alchemist is the perfect job for those who enjoy the art of brewing.
Soldier: A soldier's job is to protect the people of Rohan and Rohan itself. They will train in arenas of the kingdom preparing for battle. They may also participate in duels to entertain the people of Rohan and win sums of money. They will usually be placed in areas of conflict. The best soldiers will serve as the royal guard to the king.
Engineer: As engineer, you must have these elements, leadership, friendliness and a good ability to build and plan out buildings and areas such as parks. They will have a certain number of builders at their disposal to direct and to achieve the final product, engineers will plan and direct construction of railroads, towers, bridges, parks etc... You must include a picture of one of your builds in your application if you wish to be an engineer.
Builder: A builder is under the command of a certain engineer. They must take orders from the engineer and fulfill them quickly and effectively without cutting corners. Rohan prides itself for attention to detail. You must include a picture of one of your builds in your application if you wish to be a builder.
Settler: A settler is not a role that one can apply for but one that he/she must achieve. As you advance through the nation, you may request to become a settler. The key components of being a settler are being active, friendliness, loyalty and leadership. A settler will create a town thus requiring all those elements.
Allies & Enemies
MC Age:
Did you read the rules?:
How active will you be weekly?:
Why Rohan?:
More about yourself:
Brief history:
Allies & Enemies:
Current situation:
Hope to see you soon!
-King Xurksice
[quote=securityfalcon;/members/securityfalcon;/forums/servers/clans/2331293-the-kingdom-of-rohan-pvp-economics-nation-towns?comment=3]i already upfront say i want to join i love lord of the rings and the hobbit fav films
ign securityfalcon age 24 i will let the mayor decide im a good builder also good with redstone but i dont think thats really LOTR like
good efficient miner and great soldier
We are looking for settlers to create new towns for the nation. The formation of the United Nations has been formed on the server and 2 of the 5 nations of the server are part of it (Rohan being one of them). There is also the creation of an economic powerhouse that is in need of investments. We have generously invested 10k in this poject that will hopefully boost trade and the economy of all nations who join it.
Apply today!
The town of Northwatch is a proud member of the KOR, with a current number of 8 active members.
Age: 16
Skype (required): creeper4bfast
Did you read the rules?: Yes, twice
Position: Engineer/Settler
Why Rohan?: LOTR is truly great and xurksice recommended me. Looking for a stable society
More about yourself: Love to build and I work well with others
Your application is on hold. Please read every sentence to the dot.
You may find some of my works here.
Please reply if more is required
Age: 18
MC Age: I am elvish so therefore immortal.
Skype (required): Pongw16
Did you read the rules?: Yes
Position: Civilian
Why Rohan?: Always a fan of lord of the ring.
More about yourself: College student and rower.
Are you on your period or something?
You will receive a Skype request shortly and will begin asap!
Can't wait to see you!
I am glad to announce that the first war that Rohan has participated in has been a success! We went to war with the nation of Lindon after they murdered some of our men, after which the men of Rohan were ready for war and would not stand for this atrocity. After consultations with mayors of Rohan, we decided to fight back.
There were two battles during the war and I am proud to say that The Rohan Armed Forces executed the mission with the highest degree of effectiveness which greatly aided us in our victory. The king of Lindon gave his surrender and we demanded a 10 000$ tribute for the lives we lost. The money was presented and peace has now returned to Rohan.
Dedicated and Dependable Minecraft Server Hosting. Vancouver, Canada and Seattle, WA Server locations!
Please specify a maximum of two jobs that you would like to have.
you will receive a Skype request shortly.
hope to see you soon!
Age: 35
MC Age: 3ish years
Skype (required): HonestMorosoph
Did you read the rules?: Yes, Elvish
How active will you be weekly?: up to 2-4 hours Wed-Sun, much more on Mon & Tue
Position: Civilian
Why Rohan?: I love LotR and this looks both fresh and fun
More about yourself: Pretty laid back no drama personality. Favorite thing to do in Minecraft is mine and build subterranean railways/complexes
A very nice application. Since you enjoy building railways, you'll go straight into the Rohan Railways project!
You will receive a Skype request shortly.