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Minecraft's Future >>
by TheCasualShadow
7 465
Game name ? >>
by superg1207
7 346
What Would YOU Do For a Klondike Bar >>
by evman1234
17 889
Heartbleed? >>
by zbozman
9 540
What is the laziest thing you've ever done? >>
by TheChromiumSlime
1 207
Refuse to take your Ritalin/Adderal. Don't even drink caffeine. Here's why >>
by KittyPr0n
23 1,077
Galaxy Light LED Notificator? >>
by Awesome_Pizzle
0 232
what do i do >>
by spynathan
22 1,019
Anti-jokes (BTW, these jokes are anti-funny, so expect bummers) >>
by QwertyPerson
11 804
Can anyone solve this captcha? [hiragana] >>
by Senpai
13 2,406
Heartbleed >>
by 3o6NativeJuggalo
14 488
Curse Voice Key ? >>
by Cybexx16
0 362
Best(and cheap XD) Website Hoster and Builder for an online graphics shop? >>
by TheHorribleGamer
3 215
Kik >>
by GalaxyPhoenix20
3 374
Skype now allowing free group video calls >>
by thebaum64
0 187
Is this even allowed? >>
by Spark
14 550
19 and still single :/ >>
by FrozenArrow6
44 1,685
How would you survive a Zombie Apocalypse? >>
by FatBetty
24 701
What are you watching on Utube right now? >>
by IAMBaldur888
0 242
Opinion on "Vines" >>
by Senpai
19 638
Is This Morse Code? >>
by elfin8er
18 1,686
Forum Personality Survey >>
by dirtminer6
16 557
emergency alert system? >>
by BuckBiggsly
19 1,046
what type of apocalypse do you rather be in? >>
by ethanco101
43 1,569
Which superhero do you think will win at the Hunger Games >>
by Moorua
18 1,030
Your favourite WW2 Weapon >>
by CreepyDjole
101 4,730
Watch Cercle Brugge - Kortrijk Live streaming 26.04.2014 >>
by Rollafori89
0 367
Post Your Music You Created >>
by SpicyTM
5 389
Apple or Samsung? >>
by FatBetty
25 926
Anyone knows lego creator the game(very end of 20th century) >>
by Yil58
2 221