I suppose I keep myself up at night. I just have a hard time falling asleep, so after lying on my couch for 5 minutes, I get bored and decide to do something else.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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My overactive mind. I think of depressing scenarios at night despite my best efforts not to. What's odd is that most of them are related to things that have very little chance actually happening (such as apocalypses of mythical nature, like zombies). I think of how, despite having the tools and a bit of the knowledge required to survive, there's no guarantee. Everyone might be hostile, everyone might be peaceful, there may be a mix. I also think of how it would effect my life and the life of those around me, specifically my five year old nephew. His childhood would be taken from him so early.
Every time I start to fall asleep I suddenly think of something really interesting that I would like to search about on the internet. Then I reach for my iPod and suddenly its one in the morning.
Don't lose sleep over it, go tell a teacher who's higher up and go even higher if you don't get results, get the head's attention if you really must. If you want to learn these things the teacher is failing you. If you need to know these things to get a passing grade in science the teacher is again failing you.
well he is educated as a biologist, so I'll just learn it myself... again...
at least I can get physics next year
My room is always boiling hot, even with the window wide open I sweat like insane.
My cat often keeps me up at night as well. I love my little Bella dearly, though sometimes I just wanna toss her.
My room is always boiling hot, even with the window wide open I sweat like insane.
My cat often keeps me up at night as well. I love my little Bella dearly, though sometimes I just wanna toss her.
If I walk around my house in the dark, I know my dog is in there. As I approach my room, I get more and more paranoid thinking it might be following me. O_O That'll keep me up for a while.
That's what keeps me up at night.
All it does is make the light warmer from your graphics settings. If you want to really adjust brightness, just manually do it on your monitor...
KEKDOT Highways & Freeways in Minecraft - Stack Interchange
So... Yea. That's what keeps me up at night.
That and caffeine.
well he is educated as a biologist, so I'll just learn it myself... again...
at least I can get physics next year
Specifically when I remember them.
My cat often keeps me up at night as well. I love my little Bella dearly, though sometimes I just wanna toss her.
My cat's named Bella. Give her back.