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other places you can find me: bird: paperplane: discord: relkq#2395 piston: snoo:
Quote from kfrogmaster I would taste like grilled fish. I eat grilled fish all the time...
Quote from rh27un grilled tofu. if only i knew what tofu was. is it some sort of vegetable?
Quote from phyzik undercooked fish. what the, not even a minute to be cooked?! Someone's a bad chef...
I eat grilled fish all the time...
You are what you eat.
You don't know what Tofu is!? It's really good.
Broiled tofu.
Grilled fish.
I would have prefered marmite.
Someone's a bad chef...
I wonder....
*begins eating his arm*
Well uhm, I don't what the that even is... I hope it's good....
It's me.
Which sounds disgusting.
Then again, I don't know why I would want to be appetizing.
Why is Tofu so much of the results?