i was kinda bending over leaning on a toy truck thing and pushing it along but it slipped out from under me so i fell down and split my chin open
then in the stitchy place looney toons was on the tv but i couldnt see it, only hear it, cause of the dumb thing over my face
im still jealous of my brother for getting to see it
I was born blue due to a lack of oxygen, so I guess that must have been pretty painful, but of course I don't remember it.
The only other time that I've had a super major injury was when I fell down the stairs as a baby. Four of my baby-teeth were knocked out.
When it comes to injuries I'm not very lucky. The first painful memory I have is when I broke my left Femur (largest bone in the leg) when I was 6. The most recent painful moment I have had is when I stood on a rusty nail and it went through the side of my foot.
I jumped off my top bunk while half asleep and landed sideways on one foot with all my weight. It's been over a month and it still hurts. Also, stepping on legos.
Both my lungs collapsed and then I had a heart attack. The pain part comes in not when they stick the catheter up your willy but when you're conscious again and they pull the sucker out...
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No, I will not subscribe to your channel because you asked... but I might if it's *good*.
Both my lungs collapsed and then I had a heart attack. The pain part comes in not when they stick the catheter up your willy but when you're conscious again and they pull the sucker out...
I have had worse. I burnt my lip on a jelly doughut! Beat that!
So we all have felt pain so why not tell about some painful experiences you have had!
Well I stopped at this hot dog place when driving home from a soccer practice.
When I was done eating my hot dog I got up and ran over to the car... HOWEVER I was wearing cleats so I couldn't stop running! (I was running fast over to the car [Cleats + Running fast = Difficulty in stopping])
And because I couldn't stop running I ran right into the back out the car!
I had a bloody broken nose...
Probably the worst thing that happened to me is I snapped my hand punching a wall funny. I was mad. It didn't hurt until about 15 minutes later, I was raging.
The most painful is I put off clipping my nails for a while, and while at football practice, I play offense left guard, drove some guy guy back, my nail gets caught in one of the bolts in the shoulder-pads, he falls forward somehow, and my whole thumb-nail gets twisted off.
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The tragic hero becomes a monster, the sun sets and the crow cries out -Epitaph VII
Sweet sally in the ally
then in the stitchy place looney toons was on the tv but i couldnt see it, only hear it, cause of the dumb thing over my face
im still jealous of my brother for getting to see it
The only other time that I've had a super major injury was when I fell down the stairs as a baby. Four of my baby-teeth were knocked out.
I like to consider myself lucky *knock on wood*
Also I have chronic pain but.Edit: And I stood on a lego block once too
I cut myself on popcorn once, yeah popcorn
Once I cut my mouth open on bread...
I have had worse. I burnt my lip on a jelly doughut! Beat that!
Probably the worst thing that happened to me is I snapped my hand punching a wall funny. I was mad. It didn't hurt until about 15 minutes later, I was raging.
The most painful is I put off clipping my nails for a while, and while at football practice, I play offense left guard, drove some guy guy back, my nail gets caught in one of the bolts in the shoulder-pads, he falls forward somehow, and my whole thumb-nail gets twisted off.
-Epitaph VII