I'm not a phone person...I wish I was, but I'm not. I hate phones. IRL conversations when I know the person? fine. Phone conversations with anybody, whether I "know" them or not? Abhor it.
I'm an artist/writer, I can't "chat" conversationally to save the life of me.
Gaming? Yes, If I am multiplayer gaming, I can chat about anything and everything. I can be silly, funny, rude and yes, believe it or not, kind.
But I cannot for the life of me, just have general phone conversations, whilst sitting there, doing nothing. Life's too short to sit there nattering behind other peoples backs, talking about what seems to be the main topics with females (i.e. hair, clothes, kids, blah) and stuff like the weather.
Everytime I have to call someone, or having a friend call me, I get .... strained. Yes, I do it, but its akin to walking on fire for me. I'm different when I'm gaming, or just typing online like right now.
I'm currently avoiding a friend online, because although I love her dearly, I know that as soon as she "finds" me online, she will get my number and proceed to ring to B**** about other people and gossip about random things.
And get this, I used to work in a lot of customer service jobs, including administration, which I did love and did very well at, but thats "professional" me, not just "me", so in the end, if I end up answering that phone, I automatically turn to the "professional" me, I answer the questions, insert the "hmms" in at the right spot, laugh on cue, I become fake me.
I have noticed a rise, even in gamers, with just using skype etc for chatting, not for gameplay, I just wanted to know if I'm the only weird one ?
As a method of communication I love them, however I cannot idle by engaged in a text conversation with someone, not without doing something else at least. It is great for a quick conversation perhaps to relieve boredom for a moment or to forestall doing something more productive, but typically it's more annoying.
I Really like my phone, even though it's extremely outdated and a brick its goo enough for what i use it for...
Which isn't much of anything cept playing snake...
texting is annoying as ****. especially when people aren't courteous enough to NOT text when they're talking to you. Imagine you're talking to someone, then when either you or they are in mid-sentence, some asshole comes up and starts talking to them and they immediately cease talking to you to talk to them for a brief moment, but however brief the moment is, it happens every minute or so. That annoying ass person that interrupted your conversation... that's texting. I don't give a **** if you can hold two or more conversations at one time, it's still rude rude.
Then whenever i'm doing ANYTHING and i get a text i'm expected to reply within the next minute, well **** that. If i'm in the middle of a match on cod or race on nfs or masturbating or whatever the **** it is i may be doing and i receive a text, that **** is waiting till im finished with whatever. Then people ***** and moan that you dont text back fast or frequently enough. It's like that annoying ass person again, except instead of completely interrupting your conversation, they're standing in front of the tv or tapping you on the shoulder while youre trying to pop one off.
So not phones so much, i never really talk on them unless it's for like 30 seconds because i or someone else needed something, but texting >:|
I don't know about the part about getting antsy but I have a landline for proper messages and no cellphone. I figure when I'm out of the house I'm doing something. I don't need a bunch of distractions. I can get to them when I get home and it works.
I too also know what you mean about the 'professional' you. It's called our persona. We spend a long time honing them. One for work, family, friends, and public to name a few. Then there's our ego and our lives experiences that influence our thoughts. All in all the internet\games\forums lets our anonymity help reveal our truer selves or utmost flaws that we have a hard time releasing. :smile.gif:
Good to see some people are still very much real online and not just trying to express themselves in cloudy ways.
I never use the phone, and when i do it's just annoying because i can't hear them, i have i weird problem where i cant understand people well though phones. but mobiles and phones are very useful to me.
I pretty much use my phone for internet and I've recently gotten sucked into texting without Steam to talk to people with. Otherwise my phone calls are very brief and deal only with "Do you ant food" "Wake up, we're getting breakfast" or "Which turn do I take" . I never got into gossiping, especially with my phone.
I don't like talking over the phone because it's difficult for me to understand everything they say. But I still like having a nice smartphone because many of the features are extremely useful.
Not really a fan of texting for idle conversation. I only really text when it's to pass along important info. Like: "Meet you at X in Y minutes." or "we're at [address] come on over."
I'm not a fan of phones. It's like an object I carry 95% of the time that is giving everyone a know a reason to intrude on my life at any moment. I'm reading a book? PHONE CALL. I'm photoshopping? PHONE CALL. I honestly hate it, but I keep the damn thing around for the very occasional, legitimate connection between family, friends, and for the possibility that I'm ever hurt and need help.
And get this, I used to work in a lot of customer service jobs, including administration, which I did love and did very well at, but thats "professional" me, not just "me", so in the end, if I end up answering that phone, I automatically turn to the "professional" me, I answer the questions, insert the "hmms" in at the right spot, laugh on cue, I become fake me.
There's your problem
I find it annoying too, but I don't usually get calls about pointless crap, mostly work related stuff.
Also, the phone I have is designed for an 8 year old; being that it's too small for my head. I could either listen by moving the phone up to my ear, or talk by moving the phone down to my mouth(not both). :dry.gif:
I'm an artist/writer, I can't "chat" conversationally to save the life of me.
Gaming? Yes, If I am multiplayer gaming, I can chat about anything and everything. I can be silly, funny, rude and yes, believe it or not, kind.
But I cannot for the life of me, just have general phone conversations, whilst sitting there, doing nothing. Life's too short to sit there nattering behind other peoples backs, talking about what seems to be the main topics with females (i.e. hair, clothes, kids, blah) and stuff like the weather.
Everytime I have to call someone, or having a friend call me, I get .... strained. Yes, I do it, but its akin to walking on fire for me. I'm different when I'm gaming, or just typing online like right now.
I'm currently avoiding a friend online, because although I love her dearly, I know that as soon as she "finds" me online, she will get my number and proceed to ring to B**** about other people and gossip about random things.
And get this, I used to work in a lot of customer service jobs, including administration, which I did love and did very well at, but thats "professional" me, not just "me", so in the end, if I end up answering that phone, I automatically turn to the "professional" me, I answer the questions, insert the "hmms" in at the right spot, laugh on cue, I become fake me.
I have noticed a rise, even in gamers, with just using skype etc for chatting, not for gameplay, I just wanted to know if I'm the only weird one ?
Which isn't much of anything cept playing snake...
Then whenever i'm doing ANYTHING and i get a text i'm expected to reply within the next minute, well **** that. If i'm in the middle of a match on cod or race on nfs or masturbating or whatever the **** it is i may be doing and i receive a text, that **** is waiting till im finished with whatever. Then people ***** and moan that you dont text back fast or frequently enough. It's like that annoying ass person again, except instead of completely interrupting your conversation, they're standing in front of the tv or tapping you on the shoulder while youre trying to pop one off.
So not phones so much, i never really talk on them unless it's for like 30 seconds because i or someone else needed something, but texting >:|
I too also know what you mean about the 'professional' you. It's called our persona. We spend a long time honing them. One for work, family, friends, and public to name a few. Then there's our ego and our lives experiences that influence our thoughts. All in all the internet\games\forums lets our anonymity help reveal our truer selves or utmost flaws that we have a hard time releasing. :smile.gif:
Good to see some people are still very much real online and not just trying to express themselves in cloudy ways.
they are a way of communicating with people
Usually to organize me driving to pick someone up -.-
And texting maybe?
Phones are useful in emergency situations, and getting information across, but for going on about useless stuff...
I'd like to see how many people can't live without a phone, it'd be real funny to see them flip out
Not really a fan of texting for idle conversation. I only really text when it's to pass along important info. Like: "Meet you at X in Y minutes." or "we're at [address] come on over."
There's your problem
I find it annoying too, but I don't usually get calls about pointless crap, mostly work related stuff.
Also, the phone I have is designed for an 8 year old; being that it's too small for my head. I could either listen by moving the phone up to my ear, or talk by moving the phone down to my mouth(not both). :dry.gif: