Never mind after an outpouring of rage the military recently added the Pentagram to the list of headstone okay symbols. I didn't know until after I started this thread that it had been resolved. So if this could be locked I would love that.
That's so odd, I am inclined to believe you're just doing this because it's the hipstest thing to do.
And the pentagram can mean any number of things. It is one of the most mathematically interesting shapes, and it has been used by Christians and Pythagoreans as well. If I wanted to put a 5-pointed star on my grave to represent how much I love the simple beauty of the Golden Ratio, no one should be able to stop me.
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If you put Key West in Loch Ness, would it unloch? My DeviantArt
I am guessing you live in America, in which case if your not christian your boned. And if your athiest, you will lose your job and practically be harassed until you move to a different country.
In other words, americas still gotta Grow the **** up.
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24/7 Australian Survival server (Greylisted)
I am Wiccan. A Witch. Someone who follows Wicca as their religion. The military allows Christan symbols in their gravestones but not Wiccan symbols such as the Pentagram. This is not right. If I can fight and die for my country I should also have my religion acknowledged. Discuss this. Please no questions about my religion I will be making an ask a Wiccan after this.
I agree if that is what you believe so be it. I don't agree at all with Wiccans, however I let them live thier lives. As long as they leave me alone I will leave them alone. I dont get those people that wont leave people alone because they have a different religion.
Point of the story you should have whatever you want on your gravestone.
Never mind after an outpouring of rage the military recently added the Pentagram to the list of headstone okay symbols. I knew about the enrageing topic but I never heard about it being resolved.
personally i dont like the Pentagram, it scared me since i was little cause i was tought it was the demon star, but thats beside the point (i dont mean to offend you btw) but i say that you SHOULD be able to have your religious symbol on your gravestone, but, you cant :/ (im a christian btw) so yeah..
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"I don't want your damn lemons! What the hell am i supposed to do with these!? I know, I'll burn your house down, WITH THE LEMONS!!! I'll make COMBUSTIBLE LEMONS!" -Cave Johnson
Never mind after an outpouring of rage the military recently added the Pentagram to the list of headstone okay symbols. I knew about the enrageing topic but I never heard about it being resolved.
I figured the story wasn't complete. Didn't sound totally accurate.
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(Redefining Multiplayer. Click the banner to check it out.)
Where did you hear that military won't allow wiccan symbols on their gravestones?
I was in the military for over 10 years, and it is against regulation to discriminate vs religion in any way. We get classes every year about it.
I have personally seen several ID tags (authentic, military ID tags) with both Druid, and Wiccan on it.
I would bet that where ever you got this information, is either not reliable, or there is more to the story.
I bet the Original Poster didn't expect anybody to know what they were talking about. Too bad this guy came around. :tongue.gif:
If I had to guess, I could almost understand them not allowing an inverted pentagram- but that would be satanist, and not wiccan. I imagine they would still have to put that special symbol on a gravestone, but of course a Satanist is probably going to desert anyway, what with their emo-like attitude towards death accompanied by an ironic and blatant fear for the same- or, equally likely, they would just be passed over for conscription.
I am guessing you live in America, in which case if your not christian your boned. And if your athiest, you will lose your job and practically be harassed until you move to a different country.
That's only true in the bible belt. And even then, it's not necessarily the case. It's fun to pretend everything you read in the news is true, but you have to remember that is only a tiny snapshot of the situation.
I don't care that this is over I just need to say
That when I die im putting what ever the **** I want on my stone and no one can stop me
thats the biggest bull **** that you can't put what you want on your own tomb stone
If I want a giant **** jizzing into a cup then thats what ill get ...
but i wouldn't lol
i don't even think I'll have a tomb as my hope is to be, cremated taken up in a hot air balloon and scattered over the city of sydney
I don't know a whole lot about it, but basically, there has been some issues with getting pagan religious symbols onto veteran gravestones, such as in Arlington. It's basically was sort of a legal back-and-forth. I haven't heard that story come since a few years ago.
You have to remember that the pagan community still has to fight for things other, more mainstream, religions take for granted, even under the concept of "freedom of religion." You had a case just recently in Catskill, New York, where you had the Maetreum of Cybele fighting against the town, because the town refused to give them religious tax exemption, even though they qualified under IRS section 501 c3. Basically, they were federally recognized as a religious institution, but the town of Catskill still refused. And that got dragged out into a legal battle.
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻) Follow me on twitter: @goanimals123
And the pentagram can mean any number of things. It is one of the most mathematically interesting shapes, and it has been used by Christians and Pythagoreans as well. If I wanted to put a 5-pointed star on my grave to represent how much I love the simple beauty of the Golden Ratio, no one should be able to stop me.
My DeviantArt
I was in the military for over 10 years, and it is against regulation to discriminate vs religion in any way. We get classes every year about it.
I have personally seen several ID tags (authentic, military ID tags) with both Druid, and Wiccan on it.
I would bet that where ever you got this information, is either not reliable, or there is more to the story.
(Redefining Multiplayer. Click the banner to check it out.)
In other words, americas still gotta Grow the **** up.
24/7 Australian Survival server (Greylisted)
I agree if that is what you believe so be it. I don't agree at all with Wiccans, however I let them live thier lives. As long as they leave me alone I will leave them alone. I dont get those people that wont leave people alone because they have a different religion.
Point of the story you should have whatever you want on your gravestone.
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻) Follow me on twitter: @goanimals123
"I don't want your damn lemons! What the hell am i supposed to do with these!? I know, I'll burn your house down, WITH THE LEMONS!!! I'll make COMBUSTIBLE LEMONS!" -Cave Johnson
I figured the story wasn't complete. Didn't sound totally accurate.
(Redefining Multiplayer. Click the banner to check it out.)
I bet the Original Poster didn't expect anybody to know what they were talking about. Too bad this guy came around. :tongue.gif:
If I had to guess, I could almost understand them not allowing an inverted pentagram- but that would be satanist, and not wiccan. I imagine they would still have to put that special symbol on a gravestone, but of course a Satanist is probably going to desert anyway, what with their emo-like attitude towards death accompanied by an ironic and blatant fear for the same- or, equally likely, they would just be passed over for conscription.
That's only true in the bible belt. And even then, it's not necessarily the case. It's fun to pretend everything you read in the news is true, but you have to remember that is only a tiny snapshot of the situation.
That when I die im putting what ever the **** I want on my stone and no one can stop me
thats the biggest bull **** that you can't put what you want on your own tomb stone
If I want a giant **** jizzing into a cup then thats what ill get ...
but i wouldn't lol
i don't even think I'll have a tomb as my hope is to be, cremated taken up in a hot air balloon and scattered over the city of sydney
You have to remember that the pagan community still has to fight for things other, more mainstream, religions take for granted, even under the concept of "freedom of religion." You had a case just recently in Catskill, New York, where you had the Maetreum of Cybele fighting against the town, because the town refused to give them religious tax exemption, even though they qualified under IRS section 501 c3. Basically, they were federally recognized as a religious institution, but the town of Catskill still refused. And that got dragged out into a legal battle.
It gets a result.