"Against all the evil that Hell can conjure, all the wickedness that mankind can produce; We will send unto them... only you."
Colored text indicates in-character statements/actions. Because Forum Games has basically just been a big open RP for a long time now and it's the only place I ever post anymore, when I post at all.
I wish my name was Mathew
It's my favorite name lol
but i'm happy with my name :smile.gif:
I was the first Jack born in the hospital in 6 years and after that 4 more people had babies named Jack and one Jackiie
Still wish I was Maffoo
Seeing as my name bothers me and gets me made fun of all the time. A little less now since Im in 8th grade now.
I would Change it To Vincen or Vincent. Or Zeke. I have my friends on skype call me Zeke. I love it..
Zeke is also awesome. In fact, any name at all that begins with a "v" or a "z" is automatically awesome. Zoosmell? Yes. Awesome. Vaginapounder? Yepper.
I'd just take Abby.
My real name is Erin, but people call me by my online nickname so much (even people that I know in real life) that I respond to it more than my real name at this point.
Either I'd keep my name as Aaron, or switch to Jesus. As in, the spanish name, pronounced "Hey Zeus"
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I'm always happy just 'cause there isn't a reason to be sad.
Don't take this as there is nothing that could cause sadness. I just mean it's pointless to dwell on it. I mean, depression is so boring.
I did choose my own name. Just because it's expensive, doesn't mean you can't. Right now, I'm saving up to make my new name my legal name :biggrin.gif:
No Jack Doffe?
I would Change it To Vincen or Vincent. Or Zeke. I have my friends on skype call me Zeke. I love it..
It's my favorite name lol
but i'm happy with my name :smile.gif:
I was the first Jack born in the hospital in 6 years and after that 4 more people had babies named Jack and one Jackiie
Still wish I was Maffoo
If I could get any name, though, I'd switch to my pseudonym: Joseph R. Boltzmann.
My DeviantArt
Zeke is also awesome. In fact, any name at all that begins with a "v" or a "z" is automatically awesome. Zoosmell? Yes. Awesome. Vaginapounder? Yepper.
My real name is Erin, but people call me by my online nickname so much (even people that I know in real life) that I respond to it more than my real name at this point.
Always open to critique and suggestions. (:
Just cause'
I'd rather Malcolm
Yea yea I know gay name but think about it for a little!
I'd probably be named 'Rick'. I'm not sure why.
Steam: RobotDeathParty
Don't take this as there is nothing that could cause sadness. I just mean it's pointless to dwell on it. I mean, depression is so boring.
Great minds think alike
No no, it's ok.
I'll just edit it.
Friendliest wolfshark thing you'll meet. Maybe.
'Tis better to die for the Emperor than to live for yourself!