For example, Herobrine threads. These are things that make me think trolls don't know what they're saying. To quote RWJ (Ray William Johnson) "Hit trolls in the head, because they're heads are loose, why do you think they say that crazy stuff?"
So I attempted to make this: Troll Self Test!
This will test if your a troll or not. I will not make fun of you if you have a low score. You can just go on in life knowing your a troll, that's bad enough :].
So to begin your test:
Add up the numbers of the choice you select. be as honest as possible!
Q # 1.
You see a forest fire when you start a new world. Your first thought is "Herobrine..."
Do you post on the forums?
Hm...How about we explore first?: 2 Points
Doubt it. No need to post on the forums.: 3 Points
Q # 2
You see a troll flaming and insulting other people for no reason. What do you do?
Help the troll! This guy is a fag!: 1 Point
Troll the Troll :biggrin.gif: : 2 Points
Ckick the "Report" button in the corner and ignore it : 3 Points
Q # 3
You see a cool sounding custom map without any pics. What do you do?
Post this pic: : 2 Points
Give the guy a friendly reminder for pics: 3 Points
Q # 4
A bot is spamming the forums with a "free minecraft giftcode" What do you do?
Bump the spam and support him : 1 Point
Shoot him with a 15mm bullet: 2 Points
"I know a mod has requested everybody to stop posting in those threads and to stop reporting them." : 3 Points
Q # 5
When you log on, you see a new topic that is titled: "Help me plzzz!!!" It's a stupid question. "how do i post pics in the forums help plzzzz!!!!" You...
Don't bother helping and troll and flame like ****. : 1 Point
Help and make it look like it's a stupid question. : 2 Points
Help them best you can, and don't make fun of it. : 3 Points
Now, time for the final scores
Wow. You must suck xD
7-10= You value people enough on the forums to defend them a little bit. You value justice and truth
11-15= In all casualties, you stay keen and calm. You value minecraft and it's community forum at your best of your ability. You value freedom, justice, and kindness
15+= I
ALSO If you see a troll follow these steps:
1. Report it.
2.Don't bump it and let it die
Please reply in the poll of your score. I want to know what this forum is made up of
I also want YOU to know what this forum it made up of.
Q # 5
When you log on, you see a bunch of new topics that are like: "Help me plzzz!!!" You...
Don't bother helping and troll and flame like ****. : 1 Point
Help someone and make it look like it's a stupid question. : 2 Points
Help where you can, and don't make fun of it. : 3 Points
This obviously depends on the situation. If it's a legitimate question, I would provide a good answer. If it's something that has already been answered recently, or easily available on Google or a FAQ, I might, but still tell them to not spam the forums until they searched themselves.
For example, Herobrine threads. These are things that make me think trolls don't know what they're saying. To quote RWJ (Ray William Johnson) "Hit trolls in the head, because they're heads are loose, why do you think they say that crazy stuff?"
So I attempted to make this:
Troll Self Test!
This will test if your a troll or not. I will not make fun of you if you have a low score. You can just go on in life knowing your a troll, that's bad enough :].
So to begin your test:
Add up the numbers of the choice you select. be as honest as possible!
Q # 1.
You see a forest fire when you start a new world. Your first thought is "Herobrine..."
Do you post on the forums?
Hm...How about we explore first?: 2 Points
Doubt it. No need to post on the forums.: 3 Points
Q # 2
You see a troll flaming and insulting other people for no reason. What do you do?
Help the troll! This guy is a fag!: 1 Point
Troll the Troll :biggrin.gif: : 2 Points
Ckick the "Report" button in the corner and ignore it : 3 Points
Q # 3
You see a cool sounding custom map without any pics. What do you do?
Post this pic:
Give the guy a friendly reminder for pics: 3 Points
Q # 4
A bot is spamming the forums with a "free minecraft giftcode" What do you do?
Bump the spam and support him : 1 Point
Shoot him with a 15mm bullet: 2 Points
"I know a mod has requested everybody to stop posting in those threads and to stop reporting them." : 3 Points
Q # 5
When you log on, you see a new topic that is titled: "Help me plzzz!!!" It's a stupid question. "how do i post pics in the forums help plzzzz!!!!" You...
Don't bother helping and troll and flame like ****. : 1 Point
Help and make it look like it's a stupid question. : 2 Points
Help them best you can, and don't make fun of it. : 3 Points
Now, time for the final scores
Wow. You must suck xD
You value people enough on the forums to defend them a little bit. You value justice and truth
In all casualties, you stay keen and calm. You value minecraft and it's community forum at your best of your ability. You value freedom, justice, and kindness
ALSO If you see a troll follow these steps:
1. Report it.
2.Don't bump it and let it die
Please reply in the poll of your score. I want to know what this forum is made up of
I also want YOU to know what this forum it made up of.
Well got any suggestions? :biggrin.gif:
Also, I'm wondering how to take into account the percentage of people who troll this poll... mind games, man. mind games.
Lulz if there was a forest fire i would have caused it. :3
In most situations, I would troll the troll, or ignore it completely. That option isn't listed.
This obviously depends on the situation. If it's a legitimate question, I would provide a good answer. If it's something that has already been answered recently, or easily available on Google or a FAQ, I might, but still tell them to not spam the forums until they searched themselves.
By the way, this might be appropriate
3*5 = 15, thats the highest score you can get. Where did you learn math? JK
By the way, I scored a 12.
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