Hey i just got my first driving lesson from my dad. The only things i seemed to do badly at is steering and judgeing how much pressure i need to apply to the gas.
Any tips for new drivers?
Also what does over compensate mean?
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Quote from alexwarhammer »
I for one welcome our new spambot overlords.
Quote from Breadlord »
Quote from Ausm »
"Any exposure is good exposure"
Except when old people streak.
Quote from Xuanz »
The Op has not replied. I think they just died/kidnapped/brought to hell/had their soul taken.
When you see you are going a bit to the left, for example, so you steer hard, and as a result, you drive a bit to the right, while you should drive straight.
Well, when you go to do the driving test make sure your hands are at 10 and 2 (like on a clock). You can go arm over arm for turns though.
Use only one foot for both pedals. Apply a steady amount of pressure while taking off from a standing position, don't tramp on it, just try to match with other drivers.
Learn to check your mirrors often, but not too often. Also keep an eye on your speed and the road.
Learn to reverse using only your mirrors, don't turn around, it's bad practice, and driving test people don't like it.
Signal around 100 feet from your turn, and check to make sure you can even make the move first.
Check your blind spots before you switch lanes.
Be calm, and don't grip the wheel to hard.
When you turn, you are allowed to let the wheel slide through your hands when you are finishing the turn, it's easier than steering the car the whole way through the turn and trying to straighten out after.
Well, when you go to do the driving test make sure your hands are at 10 and 2 (like on a clock). You can go arm over arm for turns though.
Use only one foot for both pedals. Apply a steady amount of pressure while taking off from a standing position, don't tramp on it, just try to match with other drivers.
Learn to check your mirrors often, but not too often. Also keep an eye on your speed and the road.
Learn to reverse using only your mirrors, don't turn around, it's bad practice, and driving test people don't like it.
Signal around 100 feet from your turn, and check to make sure you can even make the move first.
Check your blind spots before you switch lanes.
Be calm, and don't grip the wheel to hard.
When you turn, you are allowed to let the wheel slide through your hands when you are finishing the turn, it's easier than steering the car the whole way through the turn and trying to straighten out after.
see this is helpful right here.
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Quote from alexwarhammer »
I for one welcome our new spambot overlords.
Quote from Breadlord »
Quote from Ausm »
"Any exposure is good exposure"
Except when old people streak.
Quote from Xuanz »
The Op has not replied. I think they just died/kidnapped/brought to hell/had their soul taken.
Don't keep one foot on the brake pedal. It doesn't take much pressure at all to turn on your brake lights, just the weight of your foot alone is enough.
Remember that people are stupid, its better to assume that the person next to you or in front of you is an idiot and you have no idea of what they're going to do next.
Watch out for motorcycles. Seriously. They're harder to spot then cars and you don't want to be that guy that runs one over because you didn't look hard enough. Even if you drive a Smart car you're much bigger then they are and you can do some real damage to them.
Try and figure out where other vehicles blind spots (preferably while not driving) are and stay out of them. Don't be that guy.
Know for certain where your blind spots are and check them. There's nothing fun about being in a 2000lb spinning death trap because you didn't check before you changed lanes at 70mph.
Don't be afraid to go slower then everyone else, especially if everyone else is going faster then you're comfortable, but if your on a multi-lane road and your going slow keep to the right (or I guess to the left if you're in one of those weird backwards countries like England).
Keep an escape route. Some way to avoid that idiot who's changing lanes and didn't bother to look first.
Use your blinker! USE IT! It's there for a reason. But make sure it's canceled when you have completed your turn or lane change.
Don't end your sentence with a preposition. Wait... wrong advice.
Don't drive drunk, stoned or high. And for the sake of every driver around you STAY OFF THE PHONE! Text and drive and die, usually in a fiery, burny, death. I've taken out several road signs while drunk or texting. Its not a good idea at all.
Don't eat and drive. Your greasy cheeseburger can wait till you get home. I hit some kids dog right in front of them cuz of a stupid cheeseburger. I was lucky it wasn't the kid.
Fiddle with the radio and stuff at stoplights. I can't tell you how many near misses I've had cuz a stupid song came on the radio and I had to change it. Or I was too cold and had to turn off the A/C.
When you turn, you are allowed to let the wheel slide through your hands when you are finishing the turn, it's easier than steering the car the whole way through the turn and trying to straighten out after.
This is false, You will be docked points off if you allow the wheel to slide through your hands when finishing a turn. Note that I personally do this while driving, as it is much easier and more fluid, but during a driving test they will want you to do hand over hand turning both for the turn and for straightening the wheel.
As for not knowing how much pressure to apply, you will get the hang of it, just takes a little time. I was very jerky when I started out, takes 2-4 practice drives (depending on how much driving you do) to get the hang of it.
Over-compensating simply means that if you drift to far in on direction, you attempt to fix it by going to far in the other direction. Same thing here, just practice. Get used to the car you will be using on the test.
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Quote from Intelligent Christian »
The Minecraft term for using children as sex slaves is "griefing".
FOCUS and be ALERT! play some awesome music to keep you going, or you might zone out and just start driving on instincts. the radio is not just there for entertainment.
match the speed of your fellow drivers, even if they are breaking the speed limit. no one likes "that guy" who is perfectly following the speed limit.
Try and stay in a group with your fellow drivers, I HATE when there is just one car lagging behind the group stopping me from making a left turn, and once he passes the next group is about ready to come.
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join off topic IRC at #otter on esper.net, there is cake*
*there may or may not be cake
No worries, cars take FOREVER to destroy.
Heck, didnt you learn anything for grand theft auto and saints row?!
you can crash all you want, just stop once the black smoke is there.
Also, no need to worry about cops
so long as you dont get seen hitting a walking pedestrian, you can get away with anything (besides hitting the officers car)
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You are now reading this. You just lost the game.
You have just read this. You are also manually breathing.
1. Follow lane while driving and avoiding jumping lanes.
2. Don't honk unnecessarily as it causes air pollution.
3. Use indicators while turning the vehicle left or right.
Any tips for new drivers?
Also what does over compensate mean?
When you see you are going a bit to the left, for example, so you steer hard, and as a result, you drive a bit to the right, while you should drive straight.
Oh crap i must have like 50 penalties now...
Steer gently, no need to crank the steering wheel when doing a simple turn.
Literal or otherwise.
Use only one foot for both pedals. Apply a steady amount of pressure while taking off from a standing position, don't tramp on it, just try to match with other drivers.
Learn to check your mirrors often, but not too often. Also keep an eye on your speed and the road.
Learn to reverse using only your mirrors, don't turn around, it's bad practice, and driving test people don't like it.
Signal around 100 feet from your turn, and check to make sure you can even make the move first.
Check your blind spots before you switch lanes.
Be calm, and don't grip the wheel to hard.
When you turn, you are allowed to let the wheel slide through your hands when you are finishing the turn, it's easier than steering the car the whole way through the turn and trying to straighten out after.
see this is helpful right here.
Remember that people are stupid, its better to assume that the person next to you or in front of you is an idiot and you have no idea of what they're going to do next.
Watch out for motorcycles. Seriously. They're harder to spot then cars and you don't want to be that guy that runs one over because you didn't look hard enough. Even if you drive a Smart car you're much bigger then they are and you can do some real damage to them.
Try and figure out where other vehicles blind spots (preferably while not driving) are and stay out of them. Don't be that guy.
Know for certain where your blind spots are and check them. There's nothing fun about being in a 2000lb spinning death trap because you didn't check before you changed lanes at 70mph.
Don't be afraid to go slower then everyone else, especially if everyone else is going faster then you're comfortable, but if your on a multi-lane road and your going slow keep to the right (or I guess to the left if you're in one of those weird backwards countries like England).
Keep an escape route. Some way to avoid that idiot who's changing lanes and didn't bother to look first.
Use your blinker! USE IT! It's there for a reason. But make sure it's canceled when you have completed your turn or lane change.
Don't end your sentence with a preposition. Wait... wrong advice.
Don't drive drunk, stoned or high. And for the sake of every driver around you STAY OFF THE PHONE! Text and drive and die, usually in a fiery, burny, death. I've taken out several road signs while drunk or texting. Its not a good idea at all.
Don't eat and drive. Your greasy cheeseburger can wait till you get home. I hit some kids dog right in front of them cuz of a stupid cheeseburger. I was lucky it wasn't the kid.
Fiddle with the radio and stuff at stoplights. I can't tell you how many near misses I've had cuz a stupid song came on the radio and I had to change it. Or I was too cold and had to turn off the A/C.
It's super effective!
Pointless thread has fainted!
This is why i love MC fourm's moderators
This is false, You will be docked points off if you allow the wheel to slide through your hands when finishing a turn. Note that I personally do this while driving, as it is much easier and more fluid, but during a driving test they will want you to do hand over hand turning both for the turn and for straightening the wheel.
As for not knowing how much pressure to apply, you will get the hang of it, just takes a little time. I was very jerky when I started out, takes 2-4 practice drives (depending on how much driving you do) to get the hang of it.
Over-compensating simply means that if you drift to far in on direction, you attempt to fix it by going to far in the other direction. Same thing here, just practice. Get used to the car you will be using on the test.
match the speed of your fellow drivers, even if they are breaking the speed limit. no one likes "that guy" who is perfectly following the speed limit.
Try and stay in a group with your fellow drivers, I HATE when there is just one car lagging behind the group stopping me from making a left turn, and once he passes the next group is about ready to come.
*there may or may not be cake
Heck, didnt you learn anything for grand theft auto and saints row?!
you can crash all you want, just stop once the black smoke is there.
Also, no need to worry about cops
so long as you dont get seen hitting a walking pedestrian, you can get away with anything (besides hitting the officers car)
You have just read this. You are also manually breathing.
1. Follow lane while driving and avoiding jumping lanes.
2. Don't honk unnecessarily as it causes air pollution.
3. Use indicators while turning the vehicle left or right.
Just keep practicing. Good luck!