I tried to contact you but I couldn't find your email.
It was a mistake on my part. Your avatar was inappropriate and instead of clicking "delete avatar" I was in "spam account" mode (mentally) and clicked "delete account".
It was an unintentional mistake and I'm sorry :sad.gif:
All right i've been thinking.. when life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade, MAKE LIFE TAKE THE LEMONS BACK. GET MAD! I DON'T WANT YOUR DAMN LEMONS! WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THESE?
Hey! On the bright side, your warning level is back to 0! If you had any warnings, that is.
and why was it needed for deletion?
don't click this link...
not for this cuz he was banned on accident
don't click this link...
It was a mistake on my part. Your avatar was inappropriate and instead of clicking "delete avatar" I was in "spam account" mode (mentally) and clicked "delete account".
It was an unintentional mistake and I'm sorry :sad.gif:
:biggrin.gif: YOU'RE NOT DEAD.
His avatar was a stick figure humping the word "your mom". It's not terrible, but it's not appropriate for the younger members of the forum.
And you can swear on these forums?
But it was offensive. Especially if your mom is dead ;-;
Fun forum about lamps
Bro, it's okay.
We both have lost our moms, so we take offense to it.
The world didn't blow up.
[12:41] Coffeeeeeee!
[16:29] "And lo, the tacos were delicious"