“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.” — Albert Einstein
"Never try to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and it annoys the pig." — Robert Heinlein
"The war...has begun."
Want to know more? Check out the beginnings of my novel, Chronicles of Light, at Figment.com. Latest update: Chapter 1: Life of a Thief.
In the original theatrical version of the film, Han shoots Greedo and Greedo dies without firing a shot. The scene was modified for the 1997 re-release to feature Han using his weapon in retaliation after Greedo fires at him; the latter rather implausibly missing Han at point-blank range (<2 meters away).[1][2] Thus, the phrase "Han shot first" is a retort to director George Lucas' explicit cinematographic assertion that "Greedo shot first"
Caro, I am your father.
No, it chewbacca, dressed in a lizard skin, with the brain of Jabba, covered in pig guts, while eating garbage and making weapons...
"Never try to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and it annoys the pig." — Robert Heinlein
He shot.
Greedo didn't shoot at all.
This scene was aired on Cartoon Network when they showed the movie.
I think Feryll wins.
That's what George Lucas want's you to think.
FOOL! Dare you call the original Star Wars a liar!?!??!
That is what I SAW.
If you watch Star Wars backwards, that is.
Want to know more? Check out the beginnings of my novel, Chronicles of Light, at Figment.com. Latest update: Chapter 1: Life of a Thief.
lolo, I get it.
He's cool enough to get away with things like that.
I win. Boba shot first
I want to know God's thoughts, the rest are details. - Albert Einstein