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Quote from Kerma »You now will never look at this song with pride.
Quote from Peri »Peggy, I'm tellin' ya, that boy ain't raght.
Quote from Cliff Racer »If a creeper walked in to my house, I'd either be cowering in a corner or unzipping my trousers.
Quote from Ikarus »It's undeniable, she's pretty sexy.
And the whole "I hate anyone who spells 'girls', 'gurls'" thing.
There was never any chance of that anyway.
It heals all of your goddamn hearts! - kittensamurai
oh wait wrong song
Can't believe I didn't catch that earlier.
*gasp face*
making that my avatar, brb
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< Dragon Cave! (aid)
"Greeeeetiiiiings loved ones! It's time to get hoorrny!"
I fail to agree.