lets just say i have a few classes i am trying to interpret, i'm not very good at java, but i can understand other people's code thanks to google, except for one thing. i keep seeing the use of a variable called "super". google says that this is a special builtin variable that allows you to access variables and functions that were inititialized in the parent class. but the class has no parent so i'm not really sure what it is accessing. i know the code works for sure, but does anyone know what the variable would be accessing if its not the parent?
¯\(°_o)/¯ idk... i started learning java a while back, i dont think i got that far. Also i'd probably need to see the chunk of code to decipher for my self.
If the class in question is not a child class, then the super keyword will not do anything. The 'super' keyword is used to explicitly invoke methods from the parents class in cases where they are overwritten (which is ridiculous, actually, as that should never be needed).
I'm unaware of its behavior when there is no parent class.
On a scale of 1-10, how sure are you that this class isn't inheriting from anything?
I'm unaware of its behavior when there is no parent class.
On a scale of 1-10, how sure are you that this class isn't inheriting from anything?