These forums have been crazy active lately because of this archive thing.
conspiracy: they announced that they were archiving the forum to bring back the activity and on June 15th they'll say "actually, since it's so popular again we'll keep it around". repeat every time the activity slows down.
"Against all the evil that Hell can conjure, all the wickedness that mankind can produce; We will send unto them... only you."
Colored text indicates in-character statements/actions. Because Forum Games has basically just been a big open RP for a long time now and it's the only place I ever post anymore, when I post at all.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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god thats a good question
i have a very different friend group these days. still have a few friends from mcf, but even they are mostly not chat thread people. i occasionally get in touch but yea i just sorta fell off from it all
Sooooo, what have people been up to in the last 5 years?
I've managed to consistently get fatter over the past years and go from "a size i'm not comfortable with" to "a size i'm really not comfortable with" although I do plan on changing that this summer. (He said, again)
I'm at the end of my 3rd year of Uni now and I just need my finals to end before I game end myself. I'm studying to be an English Teacher, but i'm already working for a private course on the side. So i'm technically already a teacher? I have students and they refer to me as a teacher and it's wack.
Other than that, not much else has changed for me. I still play video games and watch different tv shows far too often for someone who should be studying for exams and preparing lessons for my students.
IIRC I moved on when the IRC closed down and at that point I had friends IRL that followed my interests
Sooooo, what have people been up to in the last 5 years?
Life, I guess. Finished high school and part of college, made a ton of new friends in real life and become completely opposite of the person I was on here 6 years ago.
Also, it wouldn't be me on the chat thread unless I get one last warning for spamming or flaming.
conspiracy: they announced that they were archiving the forum to bring back the activity and on June 15th they'll say "actually, since it's so popular again we'll keep it around". repeat every time the activity slows down.
edit: oops wrong account
whoops sorry haha was signed into the wrong account just then back on the right account now dunno how that happened
Or do they
this is sad. where are all my old friends.
hi citricsquid
yo citric im sorry for spamming you with pms when i was 10
forgive plez?
rip kuro 27/6/2013 - ???
Kuro's Profile - Member List - Minecraft Forum (
I vote that instead of archiving the minecraft forums we just straight up switch to being the fortnite forums.
If you are in favor of this idea, delete system32 to show your support.
Welp... that sounds like a
terribleGREAT IDEA! IhateLOVE IT! Wait... why did it saylove instead ofhateOH LORDHis world shalt be entered on the day of legends.
Current avatar: Imp from Media Molecule's own Dreams
#TeamRowlet #TeamSun
FF14: Gold Zephzellian World: Zalera
My Characters
Hi! This is me, hello!
Get out! I'm Alice!
Hey! I'm Draco!
Please help my Pokemon grow:
I had to make a new account because my old one was axed when they merged with Twitch.
Now that turned out to be a grand series of events.
People all just coming out of the woodwork now
Really? I came up with a really cool name too:
The offtopic top hat day cakes chat.
Where did you even go after the chat threads went under. I don't think I ever saw you again, unless you use different nicknames.
Aw yeah we're going full nostalgia mode now.
Big thanks to Jennifer.
Man, I’m gonna miss this place... spent a long time here.
His world shalt be entered on the day of legends.
Current avatar: Imp from Media Molecule's own Dreams
#TeamRowlet #TeamSun
FF14: Gold Zephzellian World: Zalera
My Characters
Hi! This is me, hello!
Get out! I'm Alice!
Hey! I'm Draco!
Please help my Pokemon grow:
Life happened.
A-levels ended up hitting me hard so I lost interest in the forums. Then I had university which I have just finished today in fact.
Now I am a full blown adult with work and responsibilities and stuff.
Understandable, I just wondered if you'd moved somewhere else or not.
IIRC I moved on when the IRC closed down and at that point I had friends IRL that followed my interests
Sooooo, what have people been up to in the last 5 years?
god thats a good question
i have a very different friend group these days. still have a few friends from mcf, but even they are mostly not chat thread people. i occasionally get in touch but yea i just sorta fell off from it all
I've managed to consistently get fatter over the past years and go from "a size i'm not comfortable with" to "a size i'm really not comfortable with" although I do plan on changing that this summer. (He said, again)
I'm at the end of my 3rd year of Uni now and I just need my finals to end before I game end myself. I'm studying to be an English Teacher, but i'm already working for a private course on the side. So i'm technically already a teacher? I have students and they refer to me as a teacher and it's wack.
Other than that, not much else has changed for me. I still play video games and watch different tv shows far too often for someone who should be studying for exams and preparing lessons for my students.
I became the omega furry I was destined to be.
You have ascended.
Life, I guess. Finished high school and part of college, made a ton of new friends in real life and become completely opposite of the person I was on here 6 years ago.
Also, it wouldn't be me on the chat thread unless I get one last warning for spamming or flaming.