No really, i am new to this site :biggrin.gif: but sure not new to the forums. I used to be on a forum called PR aka planetrenders.
I been designing for about 5 years on and off. Recently been playing minecraft for a couple months. I LOVE IT!
Well pretty much im looking to make texture packs soon :smile.gif: but i do not know where to start... any tutorials? thanks!
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Comin where I wanna -Eyes wide shut close reek of marajuana -It's stuffy up in here got it lookin like a sonna
Smokin kills Terminator you can call it Sarah Conor
No really, i am new to this site :biggrin.gif: but sure not new to the forums. I used to be on a forum called PR aka planetrenders.
I been designing for about 5 years on and off. Recently been playing minecraft for a couple months. I LOVE IT!
Well pretty much im looking to make texture packs soon :smile.gif: but i do not know where to start... any tutorials? thanks!
Texture packs are fairly easy. Grab all the PNGs from the minecraft.jar, edit them, and stick the files into a zipped file.
I already said this over in the chat thread, but welcome to MCF!
So thaaaaaaat's why you posted in the chat thread. And here I was thinking you were introducing yourself to us chit-chat'ers exclusively. I am now offended.
Read the rules and pretend to follow them or I will hit you with a lamp. Enjoy your stay.
I love minecraft, I've come to this forum to hopefully be pretty known or something, Providing HQ contributions etc. Also to learn how to mod and stuff.
I like most things, I'm a very technical person and I love computers.
"Against all the evil that Hell can conjure, all the wickedness that mankind can produce; We will send unto them... only you."
Colored text indicates in-character statements/actions. Because Forum Games has basically just been a big open RP for a long time now and it's the only place I ever post anymore, when I post at all.
Also hi hello.
Doubt im remembered at all. Probably wont stay as this board seems in a more sorry state then when I left. Heres hoping im wrong.
Welcome back! Re-read the rules just in case you forgot them while you were gone, but make sure you still have a good time. (:
Or, you know, you made all of those Let's Plays, I think.
Steam: RobotDeathParty
No really, i am new to this site :biggrin.gif: but sure not new to the forums. I used to be on a forum called PR aka planetrenders.
I been designing for about 5 years on and off. Recently been playing minecraft for a couple months. I LOVE IT!
Well pretty much im looking to make texture packs soon :smile.gif: but i do not know where to start... any tutorials? thanks!
Smokin kills Terminator you can call it Sarah Conor
Texture packs are fairly easy. Grab all the PNGs from the minecraft.jar, edit them, and stick the files into a zipped file.
I already said this over in the chat thread, but welcome to MCF!
Read the rules and pretend to follow them or I will hit you with a lamp. Enjoy your stay.
Welcome newcomer.
Its called a break, i even said so in my sig.
When will you be back?
I'm 19, college student studying for Natural Resources with a minor in Japanese. Been playing since 1.0? Day before it hit beta I think is correct.
I play Dungeons & Dragons, World of Darkness and currently work at a Halloween store, and moving to Spencer's after that.
Oh, and I make a mean cupcake.
Hello Kelserz, welcome to Off-Topic and remember to read the rules!
Don't worry, we won't bite you.
I'm more concerned about the endermen and bronies.
What? We're completely harmless!
My pets are dead because of bronies!
I'm totally not lying.
Really. You can trust me, bro.
I'm from the internet.
Hi. I'm Pillippatty.
I like Minecraft.
Um, I also like turtles.
Enjoy the minecraft forums, and read the rules, you totally-not-newfag.
Steam: RobotDeathParty