Ok first of all, I am 11. I am turning 12 soon. I have wanted to play on a whitelist vanilla server for quite some time now and when ever I am filling out the application form to join one, they always think I am too young or immature. I think and have been told by many people that I am very mature for my age and it sucks that everyone just assumes and am a COD kid on the internet who swears here and there and doesn't give a crap about what he says and neither do their parents. A lot of times it is also because they think I won't fit in with people older than me.
That isn't true. For example: I played on a minecraft server for a year and half with a person who was 22 and when I finally told them I was 1o almost 11 they though I was 15 - 16. All I want is for people to give me a chance because I love minecraft, but not immature little kids.
I feel your pain, I'm 13 when I filling out registration forum they I always prefer you to be around at least 14. Adults seem to often think that kids are immature and make many assumptions about children even when they haven't even said a word to them. For example, when me and my family went to a restaurant for my 13th b-day, we were ordering our food and the waitress said "Oh, we can bring some mac and cheese or a grilled cheese for the children" I found this discriminating. Don't let this kinda stuff get your down though.
People have their opinions and rights to deny you access to a server because of your age, if you want to sound mature dont complain about it an just accept it.
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I don't mean to aggravate the situation, however I believe that placing age restrictions on a server is completely reasonable. I completely understand your situation, I have experienced similar situations many times when I was younger. It's often the case that these age restrictions are put in place in order to protect those who are younger, as many of these servers handle adult/mature content that is simply inappropriate for a younger audience. It's unfair to the community of that server to restrict what they can say or do because you are on the server, and it would be irresponsible of the server administration to not enforce these restrictions. Fortunately, you're not the only person who has experienced this situation, and with a little bit of effort you will be able to find (or perhaps make) the perfect community for you. It's also possible that you may forge some new life long friendships this way.
maybe they won't accept you to their server because they think that the chat will be too inappropriate for someone who is 8 or 10. The owners and the majority of the other players may be much older. I mean....you guys aren't even supposed to be allowed onto Youtube yet... idk
The reason you aren't accepted has little to do with your maturity level. Everyone (regardless of age) likes to believe that they are mature but no one realizes that life experience is just as important, if not more so. My 11yo nephew is very mature for his age but after playing Minecraft with him several times, I found myself really wanting to play with just adults for a while. Think of it this way, if you had to choose between playing with people your own age or a group of "mature" 7 year olds, which would you choose?
@Adventureupdate: Just because you're parents were too lazy to obey the law doesn't make it right much less a justification for allowing minors on a server. Arguments like that do far more to hurt your position than to help it.
The reason you aren't accepted has little to do with your maturity level. Everyone (regardless of age) likes to believe that they are mature but no one realizes that life experience is just as important, if not more so. My 11yo nephew is very mature for his age but after playing Minecraft with him several times, I found myself really wanting to play with just adults for a while. Think of it this way, if you had to choose between playing with people your own age or a group of "mature" 7 year olds, which would you choose?
@Adventureupdate: Just because you're parents were too lazy to obey the law doesn't make it right much less a justification for allowing minors on a server. Arguments like that do far more to hurt your position than to help it.
I am 24. Someone who is 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, or even 16 years old can not possibly relate to me. I have a full time job, pay my bills, commute to work in ungodly traffic, have a daughter. Things you kids simply know nothing about. I want to play among people who I can relate to, hold a decent conversation with, and not have to worry about holding my tounge.
And kid who says "I am mature for my age", or anything like that, no, you aren't. You are a child. Wait till you are out of school, life will smack you in the face, and keep on beating the crap out of you till the day you die. I havn't had a decent nights sleep in over a year...
You say being young isn't fun. When I was 12, I was outside playing in a damn canyon, building forts, playing hide-and-go-seek/kick-the-can. I played legos with my friend down the street, made pretend swards out of PVC pipes. Being 12 was flippping awesome. Get off your damn computer and go do something. Once you grow up, you will wish to be young again for the rest of your life.
and yesterday I finished making a tree house I made myself and I build things all the time. Instead of buying the 20 dollar diamond swords at the store I made one out of wood and other materials like cardboard.
That isn't true. For example: I played on a minecraft server for a year and half with a person who was 22 and when I finally told them I was 1o almost 11 they though I was 15 - 16. All I want is for people to give me a chance because I love minecraft, but not immature little kids.
From 0 to 9, whats your favorite number?
I've played Minecraft since I was 9-10 years old and yes I feel with you.
I was many times denied to play on server since I was too "young".
A lot of people think that people in age 9-12 can be extremly immature but everyone is different.
I am 13 years old and I fill 14 in 5 months. Many people thought I was 15 years old or older but this is who I am back on the pc.
No one know for sure how old we are.
Many server owners gives a mininum age to make an application but for me I really do not care about age, only matureness.
Age dosen't matter, only how you act.
I can say it right out, I feel with you.
With best regards,
From 0 to 9, whats your favorite number?
The world is cruel.
Just breakdancing along...
Okay sure im a brony but DO YOU THINK I FLIPPIN CARE?! AM I PROUD OF IT?...Okay maybe but...DEAL WITH IT DANGIT!
Farewell everyone o/
Just breakdancing along...
Okay sure im a brony but DO YOU THINK I FLIPPIN CARE?! AM I PROUD OF IT?...Okay maybe but...DEAL WITH IT DANGIT!
i meant to quote above.
Just breakdancing along...
Okay sure im a brony but DO YOU THINK I FLIPPIN CARE?! AM I PROUD OF IT?...Okay maybe but...DEAL WITH IT DANGIT!
From 0 to 9, whats your favorite number?
From 0 to 9, whats your favorite number?
@Adventureupdate: Just because you're parents were too lazy to obey the law doesn't make it right much less a justification for allowing minors on a server. Arguments like that do far more to hurt your position than to help it.
You're at most 14-15 years old I believe if you say you were 4 or 5 due to Youtube starting in 2005. How old are you exactly?
Thank you, have a nice day
From 0 to 9, whats your favorite number?
And kid who says "I am mature for my age", or anything like that, no, you aren't. You are a child. Wait till you are out of school, life will smack you in the face, and keep on beating the crap out of you till the day you die. I havn't had a decent nights sleep in over a year...
You say being young isn't fun. When I was 12, I was outside playing in a damn canyon, building forts, playing hide-and-go-seek/kick-the-can. I played legos with my friend down the street, made pretend swards out of PVC pipes. Being 12 was flippping awesome. Get off your damn computer and go do something. Once you grow up, you will wish to be young again for the rest of your life.
Cast aside your festive doylaks: dragon stuff is about to happen.
Multiplayer is lonely once you understand how it actually works.
Alpha 1.0.4
From 0 to 9, whats your favorite number?
From 0 to 9, whats your favorite number?