So basically, I am doing a king of the nerds ripoff on the sims, but with video game characters instead. You can see who is left from the tags. If they're in, they're in a tag. [edit] actually, I have no idea how to take the tags off. So the contestants are:
Mario(athletic, good, handy, loves the outdoors, mooch)
Link (angler, athletic, brave, virtuoso, commitment issues)
Red (pokemon) (ambitious, animal lover, family-orientated, genius, loves the outdoors)
Sonic the Hedgehog (ambitious, athletic, charismatic, daredevil, good sense of humour)
megaman (brave, athletic, dog person, genius, good)
Spyro the Dragon (animal lover, brave, daredevil, loves the oudoors, socially awkward)
This is how king of the games will work.I will update as much as I can. there will be a day for the heros to get to know each other. Then they will start off with a game challenge, which can be anything to test them as a game. The losing team will have two of their members go into the game-off. The game-off will be related to the game challenge in some way. The one who loses the game-off will leave the competition immediately.
I'll see you after the first round!
Color code is:
Green- still in the game.
Yellow- In the Game-off
Black- game over
Alright: first challenge!
This time's challenge is: Tabletop games!
Link's asleep before anyone else. Probably wanted to get some rest before the first challenge.
Megaman and Mario are next. (by the way, megaman has been getting some logic training in, while Link has been working out.)
Now everyone but red is asleep. He's just eating. he really should sleep, or he could be too tired for tomorrow's challenge.
(report: my computer crashed at this point, so I had to go from where I left off.)
So the challenge Is foosball. There will be four matches. the team who wins the most matches wins the challenge. If there is a tie, then the four winners play. If THAT is a tie, then the two remaining play.
first game was Sonic Vs. Spyro, which Sonic won
Then Samus Vs. Megaman, which Megaman won
then Kirby Vs. Link, which Link won
Finally Mario Vs. Red, which Mario won
So there was a tie. 2-2
the next round was:
Sonic Vs. Megaman, which went to Megaman
Mario Vs. Link, and Link won that one.
So Team Ice won the first Game War. Team Fire would send two games into the Game-off the following day.
Everyone went to bed rather quickly that night, except for Samus, who spent time on her logic skills online.
She was the last one up the next morning. And all the contestants were sent to the throne room to see who was going into the game-off.
Fire's votes:
Since it was a tie, the other team decides which of the two will go into the game-off.
Mario would head into the game-off along with Kirby.
The Game-off is: Chess.
It was a tense game. But, the winner came out to be:
Kirby. While you could not claim this crown, know that we will always love your positive attitude. Return to Dreamland, Kirby, and continue to be the best eater in any world.
Why don't you settle this like a man and play Super Smash Bros.? Almost all those characters are around.
Also, Red sends animals out to cockfight, beats up other animals with his own, and steals the Elite 4 and the champion's lunch money every time he wants a Pokemon at LVL 100.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Hey, guys. Quote me if you want me to respond. Otherwise I'll have no idea what the hell you want with me.
Friend Code: 1263-6258-8121 (Poison)
Friend Safaris: Poison: Swalot, Whirlipede, Seviper.
The challenge will have three parts.
First, a member of each team will speak about science to one of their peers
Second, said peer will use their newly found knowledge and translate it onto a whiteboard for the third member.
The third member will perform the experiment. The first team to do so successfully wins the game war.
Team fire's order was: Sonic, Mario, Samus
Team Ice's order was: Red, Link, Spyro
The speaking has begun. Red and Sonic have been speaking to Mario and Link.
Now Red is done. that was fast. Link is getting set to teach Spyro
Sonic just got done, and Link is almost ready to go.
Now link is going, but Mario is just starting on the equation
Mario just got done on the equation. Fire's catching up..
Both are presenting now.
Link is done, so Spyro can start on the experiment.
Mario is done, so Samus can start on the experiment.
Spyro has finished the experiment. He is Incorrect!
Samus has finished the experiment. She is Correct!
Team Fire has won the game war!
Mario is the first one up this morning. Everyone else got up soon after.
Now it's voting time.
Ice's votes
Spyro- Megaman
Red- Megaman
Link- Megaman
Megaman- Red
Megaman will be going into the game-off
fire's votes
Mario- Spyro
Sonic- Link
Samus- Spyro
Spyro will be going into the game-off
the game-off is: Painting (only because I've literally used everything scientific I can do right now.)
the challenge is: Who can paint the larger painting first.
Megaman has barely started first. Spyro is about to start.
They are tied at the moment. both have developed painting skill.
Megaman is ahead by a sliver.
This one is coming down to the wire
Both are finished, but the winner is...
Spyro. While you could not burn the opposition, your fire has lit up this house up until this point. Now use your fiery passion, and keep defeating those who offend your race.
And that is the end of day 2.
Question: What is your favorite game of all time, and why?
Why don't you settle this like a man and play Super Smash Bros.? Almost all those characters are around.
Also, Red sends animals out to cockfight, beats up other animals with his own, and steals the Elite 4 and the champion's lunch money every time he wants a Pokemon at LVL 100.
For your first question, I don't want to, because I think this will be much more interesting, and not ALL the characters are there.
For your second statement, while the first two parts are true, the last one, is just wrong.
The challenge will have three parts.
First, a member of each team will speak about science to one of their peers
Second, said peer will use their newly found knowledge and translate it onto a whiteboard for the third member.
The third member will perform the experiment. The first team to do so successfully wins the game war.
Team fire's order was: Sonic, Mario, Samus
Team Ice's order was: Red, Link, Spyro
The speaking has begun. Red and Sonic have been speaking to Mario and Link.
Now Red is done. that was fast. Link is getting set to teach Spyro
Sonic just got done, and Link is almost ready to go.
Now link is going, but Mario is just starting on the equation
Mario just got done on the equation. Fire's catching up..
Both are presenting now.
Link is done, so Spyro can start on the experiment.
Mario is done, so Samus can start on the experiment.
Spyro has finished the experiment. He is Incorrect!
Samus has finished the experiment. She is Correct!
Team Fire has won the game war!
Mario is the first one up this morning. Everyone else got up soon after.
Now it's voting time.
Ice's votes
Spyro- Megaman
Red- Megaman
Link- Megaman
Megaman- Red
Megaman will be going into the game-off
fire's votes
Mario- Spyro
Sonic- Link
Samus- Spyro
Spyro will be going into the game-off
the game-off is: Painting (only because I've literally used everything scientific I can do right now.)
the challenge is: Who can paint the larger painting first.
Megaman has barely started first. Spyro is about to start.
They are tied at the moment. both have developed painting skill.
Megaman is ahead by a sliver.
This one is coming down to the wire
Both are finished, but the winner is...
Spyro. While you could not burn the opposition, your fire has lit up this house up until this point. Now use your fiery passion, and keep defeating those who offend your race.
And that is the end of day 2.
Question: What is your favorite game of all time, and why?
For your first question, I don't want to, because I think this will be much more interesting, and not ALL the characters are there.
For your second statement, while the first two parts are true, the last one, is just wrong.
I was joking. And I'm pretty sure I did that back in Red.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Hey, guys. Quote me if you want me to respond. Otherwise I'll have no idea what the hell you want with me.
Friend Code: 1263-6258-8121 (Poison)
Friend Safaris: Poison: Swalot, Whirlipede, Seviper.
Hoo. I am slightly excited about this one. Slightly.
today's theme is: athleticism!
Yes I know this one is lame.
So here is how it will work. I will have one of each team run to a close point and back. Then, another one will run to a farther away point and back. finally, the last member will run to a faraway point and back. The first team to finish wins.
The players have been randomly chosen
for the first run: Samus and Red
for the second run: Megaman and Mario
for the third run: Sonic and Link
Samus has finished going to the close mark. Red is a little bit behind her.
Red's made it. he's on his way back now.
Samus has made it back home, and Mario has started.
Red'e back, and Megaman has started
Mario has made it to the second point, and Megaman is catching up.
Megaman has made it to the second point.
Mario has made it Home, and Megaman is still behind. Sonic will start.
Megaman finished, and Sonic just started, so Link is right behind.
Sonic tripped! Link has passed him!
Both get to the third destination at around the same time.
They are almost back now.
Link trips a few feet from the house
they are so close...
sonic gets there first
Team Fire has won the Game war!
The teams have voted.
Ice's votes
Red- Megaman
Link- Megaman
Megaman- Link
Megaman will be going into the game-off
Fire's votes
Mario- Red
Sonic- Link
Samus- Link
Link will be going into the game-off
the game-off is:
A breath holding competition
There will be two to three rounds. The first to win two rounds wins the game-off
The first one goes to... Link
The second one goes to... Link
Link has won the Game-off
Megaman. Though the crown is now out of your sights, we know that you will never take "no" for an answer. However, your time here is up. Now charge your buster for the rest of your life.
See you guys tomorrow, I guess.
Question of the Day!
What challenges would you like to see next? Keep in mind that I have the University Life and Pets Expansion packs.
another day, another challenge. Or two.
Today's theme: courage!
the game war will work like this. the teams will dare each other to do tasks. the first team to accept and complete three dares will win the game war. Since Team Ice has two members left, one of them will have to do two dares. I've randomly selected, and Red will be doing the extra dare.
Mario starts by daring red.
divide by zero.
Red doesn't.
Red dares Mario to
imply someone's mother is a llama
Mario doesn't.
Samus dares link to:
eat cinnamon.
Link doesn't
Link dares Samus to:
divide by zero (there are only six options.)
Samus doesn't
It's obvious that this is going nowhere, so I'll just say what they actually DO.
Red implies someone else's mother is a llama for Sonic
Sonic divides by Zero for Red. Aaand he's on fire. Red puts him out.
Mario eats cinnamon for Red.
Links shows a gross video to someone for Samus.
If Samus does Link's dare, fire wins.
She doesn't
If Red does Mario's dare, ice wins.
Red doesn't.
will anyone do anything?
The next person to complete a dare is:
Samus. she showed a gross video to someone for Link.
team Fire has won the Game War!
since Team Ice only has two members, there will be no voting.
It's Red vs. Link in the Game-off, and they will literally fight each other.
Yes, the game-off is: A fight!
I made them hate each other. Now to sit back and watch the show.
the winner was:
Link. While the triforce of courage did not save you here, we know that you will always be the most skilled swordsman of us all. Head back to Hyrule, Link, and continue saving your princess.
After Link left, the games were shocked to learn that the teams were dissolved, and they would all be on their own.
Alright! Finally back!
Today's theme: fan base!
This is how the game war will work:
Each game will go to the park and rant about something there. Whichever game gets the most followers wins.
the order has been randomly predetermined. It will be:
Mario(athletic, good, handy, loves the outdoors, mooch)
Link (angler, athletic, brave, virtuoso, commitment issues)
Kirby (absent minded, brave, clumsy, easily impressed, excitable)
Samus (athletic, brave, genius, handy, workaholic)
Red (pokemon) (ambitious, animal lover, family-orientated, genius, loves the outdoors)
Sonic the Hedgehog (ambitious, athletic, charismatic, daredevil, good sense of humour)
megaman (brave, athletic, dog person, genius, good)
Spyro the Dragon (animal lover, brave, daredevil, loves the oudoors, socially awkward)
This is how king of the games will work.I will update as much as I can. there will be a day for the heros to get to know each other. Then they will start off with a game challenge, which can be anything to test them as a game. The losing team will have two of their members go into the game-off. The game-off will be related to the game challenge in some way. The one who loses the game-off will leave the competition immediately.
I'll see you after the first round!
Color code is:
Green- still in the game.
Yellow- In the Game-off
Black- game over
the team captains are:
Mario- team Fire
Spyro- team Ice
Mario chose first:
Sonic. Not surprised, he's been sweet talking both of the captains
Spyro chooses:
Red.Once again, not surprised. Both are Animal Lovers
Sonic chooses:
Samus. He is a ladie's man
Red chooses:
Link. I have no idea why.
Samus chooses:
Kirby. Um... she might think he's cute?
And that means that Megaman will go to team Ice.
Teams are:
see you next time!
Question of the day: Who do you think will win? You can post below, or not, your choice.
This time's challenge is: Tabletop games!
Link's asleep before anyone else. Probably wanted to get some rest before the first challenge.
Megaman and Mario are next. (by the way, megaman has been getting some logic training in, while Link has been working out.)
Now everyone but red is asleep. He's just eating. he really should sleep, or he could be too tired for tomorrow's challenge.
(report: my computer crashed at this point, so I had to go from where I left off.)
So the challenge Is foosball. There will be four matches. the team who wins the most matches wins the challenge. If there is a tie, then the four winners play. If THAT is a tie, then the two remaining play.
first game was Sonic Vs. Spyro, which Sonic won
Then Samus Vs. Megaman, which Megaman won
then Kirby Vs. Link, which Link won
Finally Mario Vs. Red, which Mario won
So there was a tie. 2-2
the next round was:
Sonic Vs. Megaman, which went to Megaman
Mario Vs. Link, and Link won that one.
So Team Ice won the first Game War. Team Fire would send two games into the Game-off the following day.
Everyone went to bed rather quickly that night, except for Samus, who spent time on her logic skills online.
She was the last one up the next morning. And all the contestants were sent to the throne room to see who was going into the game-off.
Fire's votes:
Since it was a tie, the other team decides which of the two will go into the game-off.
Ice's votes
Mario would head into the game-off along with Kirby.
The Game-off is: Chess.
It was a tense game. But, the winner came out to be:
Kirby. While you could not claim this crown, know that we will always love your positive attitude. Return to Dreamland, Kirby, and continue to be the best eater in any world.
See you guys next time.
Thank you. I will consider it
Also, Red sends animals out to cockfight, beats up other animals with his own, and steals the Elite 4 and the champion's lunch money every time he wants a Pokemon at LVL 100.
Hey, guys. Quote me if you want me to respond. Otherwise I'll have no idea what the hell you want with me.
Friend Code: 1263-6258-8121 (Poison)
Friend Safaris: Poison: Swalot, Whirlipede, Seviper.
Today's theme: Science!
The challenge will have three parts.
First, a member of each team will speak about science to one of their peers
Second, said peer will use their newly found knowledge and translate it onto a whiteboard for the third member.
The third member will perform the experiment. The first team to do so successfully wins the game war.
Team fire's order was: Sonic, Mario, Samus
Team Ice's order was: Red, Link, Spyro
The speaking has begun. Red and Sonic have been speaking to Mario and Link.
Now Red is done. that was fast. Link is getting set to teach Spyro
Sonic just got done, and Link is almost ready to go.
Now link is going, but Mario is just starting on the equation
Mario just got done on the equation. Fire's catching up..
Both are presenting now.
Link is done, so Spyro can start on the experiment.
Mario is done, so Samus can start on the experiment.
Spyro has finished the experiment. He is Incorrect!
Samus has finished the experiment. She is Correct!
Team Fire has won the game war!
Mario is the first one up this morning. Everyone else got up soon after.
Now it's voting time.
Ice's votes
Spyro- Megaman
Red- Megaman
Link- Megaman
Megaman- Red
Megaman will be going into the game-off
fire's votes
Mario- Spyro
Sonic- Link
Samus- Spyro
Spyro will be going into the game-off
the game-off is: Painting (only because I've literally used everything scientific I can do right now.)
the challenge is: Who can paint the larger painting first.
Megaman has barely started first. Spyro is about to start.
They are tied at the moment. both have developed painting skill.
Megaman is ahead by a sliver.
This one is coming down to the wire
Both are finished, but the winner is...
Spyro. While you could not burn the opposition, your fire has lit up this house up until this point. Now use your fiery passion, and keep defeating those who offend your race.
And that is the end of day 2.
Question: What is your favorite game of all time, and why?
For your first question, I don't want to, because I think this will be much more interesting, and not ALL the characters are there.
For your second statement, while the first two parts are true, the last one, is just wrong.
I was joking. And I'm pretty sure I did that back in Red.
Hey, guys. Quote me if you want me to respond. Otherwise I'll have no idea what the hell you want with me.
Friend Code: 1263-6258-8121 (Poison)
Friend Safaris: Poison: Swalot, Whirlipede, Seviper.
today's theme is: athleticism!
Yes I know this one is lame.
So here is how it will work. I will have one of each team run to a close point and back. Then, another one will run to a farther away point and back. finally, the last member will run to a faraway point and back. The first team to finish wins.
The players have been randomly chosen
for the first run: Samus and Red
for the second run: Megaman and Mario
for the third run: Sonic and Link
Samus has finished going to the close mark. Red is a little bit behind her.
Red's made it. he's on his way back now.
Samus has made it back home, and Mario has started.
Red'e back, and Megaman has started
Mario has made it to the second point, and Megaman is catching up.
Megaman has made it to the second point.
Mario has made it Home, and Megaman is still behind. Sonic will start.
Megaman finished, and Sonic just started, so Link is right behind.
Sonic tripped! Link has passed him!
Both get to the third destination at around the same time.
They are almost back now.
Link trips a few feet from the house
they are so close...
sonic gets there first
Team Fire has won the Game war!
The teams have voted.
Ice's votes
Red- Megaman
Link- Megaman
Megaman- Link
Megaman will be going into the game-off
Fire's votes
Mario- Red
Sonic- Link
Samus- Link
Link will be going into the game-off
the game-off is:
A breath holding competition
There will be two to three rounds. The first to win two rounds wins the game-off
The first one goes to... Link
The second one goes to... Link
Link has won the Game-off
Megaman. Though the crown is now out of your sights, we know that you will never take "no" for an answer. However, your time here is up. Now charge your buster for the rest of your life.
See you guys tomorrow, I guess.
Question of the Day!
What challenges would you like to see next? Keep in mind that I have the University Life and Pets Expansion packs.
Today's theme: courage!
the game war will work like this. the teams will dare each other to do tasks. the first team to accept and complete three dares will win the game war. Since Team Ice has two members left, one of them will have to do two dares. I've randomly selected, and Red will be doing the extra dare.
Mario starts by daring red.
divide by zero.
Red doesn't.
Red dares Mario to
imply someone's mother is a llama
Mario doesn't.
Samus dares link to:
eat cinnamon.
Link doesn't
Link dares Samus to:
divide by zero (there are only six options.)
Samus doesn't
It's obvious that this is going nowhere, so I'll just say what they actually DO.
Red implies someone else's mother is a llama for Sonic
Sonic divides by Zero for Red. Aaand he's on fire. Red puts him out.
Mario eats cinnamon for Red.
Links shows a gross video to someone for Samus.
If Samus does Link's dare, fire wins.
She doesn't
If Red does Mario's dare, ice wins.
Red doesn't.
will anyone do anything?
The next person to complete a dare is:
Samus. she showed a gross video to someone for Link.
team Fire has won the Game War!
since Team Ice only has two members, there will be no voting.
It's Red vs. Link in the Game-off, and they will literally fight each other.
Yes, the game-off is: A fight!
I made them hate each other. Now to sit back and watch the show.
the winner was:
Link. While the triforce of courage did not save you here, we know that you will always be the most skilled swordsman of us all. Head back to Hyrule, Link, and continue saving your princess.
After Link left, the games were shocked to learn that the teams were dissolved, and they would all be on their own.
Today's theme: fan base!
This is how the game war will work:
Each game will go to the park and rant about something there. Whichever game gets the most followers wins.
the order has been randomly predetermined. It will be: