Scariest: Maybe SCP: Containment Breach. I can't run Amnesia or even Slender.
Saddest: Shadow of the Colossus
Longest: Hm... I'd have to say Runescape as well. I spent an unhealthy amount of time on that game.
Scariest: "The House". I only get scared by jumpscares, which is why Amnesia don't scare me too much.
Saddest: I'd say Heavy Rain, but only saw a walkthrough, haven't played it. Red Dead Redemption.
Longest: Runescape... It was so addicting it's almost scary.
Scariest: I don't know. I played Halo 1 as a child. The Flood really scared the bejesus out of five year old me.
Saddest: Metal Gear Solid 4. 'Nuff said.
Wow, really?
Thats's one of my games ruined, thanks.
Spoiler alert.
I'm freaking serious.
Why are you still looking?
If you got this far, then you deserve to have it spoiled.
There is a way to save Shepard. I'm not telling you how. You can google that yourself if you reall want the game spoiled for you. (It's not easy to do.)
Scariest: Slender or Amnesia.
Saddest: Red Dead Redemption, Darkness 1 and 2.
Longest: 587 hours on TF2, 500 hours on CSS, 192 hours on Gmod, 131 hours on Skyrim. Also spent many many hours in Oblivion, but I don't know the exact number.
Scariest: Amnesia (Justine DLC was pretty ****ing scary)
Saddest: Red Dead Redemption (Possibly L.A. Noire, aswell)
Longest: No idea, really. I can't keep track of my Minecraft time, and I have a shitload of gametime on every TES game (Mostly Oblivion and Skyrim). I also played Pokemon for far too long, if you count all the games. I played Pokemon Emerald to death, and I probably have 200 hours on it.
Scariest: BioShock 2. The Big Sister scared the **** out of 10 yr. old me.
Saddest: The ending of Kingdom Hearts.
Longest: No idea. Probably a Pokemon game.
Scariest: Silent Hill 2... *shudder*
Saddest: By saddest, do you mean most emotional or specifically saddest? Most emotional is definitely Bastion, but for saddest I'd have to go with Bioshock 2.
Longest: Probably Borderlands for total time spent, because I've played through it like 8 times with various friends. But 100 hours into one Skyrim save file.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
My name is Ozymandias, king of kings. Look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair.
Saddest: Red Dead Redemption really struck me. Scariest: Minecraft (thats friggin SSSSSSSSSSS, Man!) and In Fallout New Vegas when the Big mountain stealth suit kept talking to me. Longest you've spent on a game: Fallout NEw Vegas, Skyrim, Oblivion, Fallout 3 is the longest.
Saddest: Skyrim - My character fell in luurve with Lydia as soon as they met, and I waited for a patch so we could be married. For our honeymoon, we (I) planned for us to go to Solitude for the scenery, but on the way there, she was killed in a fight with a dragon.
Scariest: I don't really play horror-centric games, but when I was smaller, I was quite frightened by the Battle on the Amerigo in Starcraft. Ack, when that Hydralisk just stabbed the guy right through his face...the game wasn't exactly low on gore. Call me squeamish, but I had the volume cranked up and did NOT see that coming.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Intelligence is not one and the same with knowledge.
Saddest: Red Dead Redemption
Scariest: Dead Space 2 or Amnesia
Longest you've spent on a game: 155hours on Pokemon Emerald and 104hours on Skyrim.
What about you guys?
SCP games or Amnesia the Dark Descent.
Red Dead Redemption.
Runescape. I've spent at minimum 2,760 hours on the game total.
Saddest: Shadow of the Colossus
Longest: Hm... I'd have to say Runescape as well. I spent an unhealthy amount of time on that game.
Saddest: I'd say Heavy Rain, but only saw a walkthrough, haven't played it. Red Dead Redemption.
Longest: Runescape... It was so addicting it's almost scary.
Saddest: Mass Effect 3. Shepard dies.
Longest: Super Meat Boy, at 300 hours.
You mind putting that in spoiler tags?
Saddest: The Binding of Isaac
Longest: Dark Age of Camelot, around 4000+ hours
Moraterra Single Player Survival - Last Updated: September 16, 4:00 PM PST
Saddest: Metal Gear Solid 4. 'Nuff said.
Spoiler alert.
Moraterra Single Player Survival - Last Updated: September 16, 4:00 PM PST
Saddest: Red Dead Redemption, Darkness 1 and 2.
Longest: 587 hours on TF2, 500 hours on CSS, 192 hours on Gmod, 131 hours on Skyrim. Also spent many many hours in Oblivion, but I don't know the exact number.
Saddest: Red Dead Redemption (Possibly L.A. Noire, aswell)
Longest: No idea, really. I can't keep track of my Minecraft time, and I have a shitload of gametime on every TES game (Mostly Oblivion and Skyrim). I also played Pokemon for far too long, if you count all the games. I played Pokemon Emerald to death, and I probably have 200 hours on it.
Saddest: The ending of Kingdom Hearts.
Longest: No idea. Probably a Pokemon game.
Try Red Dead, like a lot of people said, first game to bring a tear to my eye.
Love it when people do this. If Bioshock 2 came out in 2010 and you were 10 years old in 2010, the youngest you could be at this time is 12 years old.
I should be on CSI or something.
Saddest: By saddest, do you mean most emotional or specifically saddest? Most emotional is definitely Bastion, but for saddest I'd have to go with Bioshock 2.
Longest: Probably Borderlands for total time spent, because I've played through it like 8 times with various friends. But 100 hours into one Skyrim save file.
My name is Ozymandias, king of kings. Look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair.
I'm actually 13, so not bad.
I see I'm not the only one who has spent around 15 hours on runescape.
(that was when I was little, though, I'm not that much of a potato today. )
15 hours? That's how long it took me to get to level 4 in RuneScape.
Scariest: Minecraft (thats friggin SSSSSSSSSSS, Man!) and In Fallout New Vegas when the Big mountain stealth suit kept talking to me.
Longest you've spent on a game: Fallout NEw Vegas, Skyrim, Oblivion, Fallout 3 is the longest.
Saddest: Skyrim - My character fell in luurve with Lydia as soon as they met, and I waited for a patch so we could be married. For our honeymoon, we (I) planned for us to go to Solitude for the scenery, but on the way there, she was killed in a fight with a dragon.
Scariest: I don't really play horror-centric games, but when I was smaller, I was quite frightened by the Battle on the Amerigo in Starcraft. Ack, when that Hydralisk just stabbed the guy right through his face...the game wasn't exactly low on gore. Call me squeamish, but I had the volume cranked up and did NOT see that coming.