Hey guys, I've seen some gameplay of both Fallout 3 and New Vegas...... And I want one of them.
I would appreciate it if someone is kind enough, to compare (if possible, Pros and Cons) them, please.
FYI: I already have Oblivion, so I know the basic feel for the games.
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I'll be honest, they are quite different games. They look the same and the basic mechanics are similar, but they are different.
I'm not really sure if you can choose between them without playing both. I love both of the games, but in my opinion New Vegas is better. Fallout 3 does a better job with the setting, making it a bit more immersive. However, I find there's a lot of stuff that New Vegas just does better.
1) Sound effects are better. Fallout 3 guns sound like cap guns, even big assault rifles do. New Vegas weapons sound a bit more believable.
2) Fallout 3 is a first person game with guns, yet you can't aim down the gun sights? In New Vegas you can aim down sights.
3) There is a larger weapon variety in New Vegas and there are (from my experience) more unique weapons in New Vegas as well.
4) New Vegas has ammunition types and weapon mods. Fallout 3 just has basic ammo, while in New Vegas you can purchase armor piercing rounds, surplus rounds, hollow point rounds, etc. all of which have certain advantages and disadvantages. New Vegas also has weapon mods. You can mod weapons so that they shoot or load faster, you can add scopes to some weapons, you can make weapons more accurate or do more damage, etc.
5) New Vegas has a better crafting system. In Fallout 3, you can just craft a selection of weapons, most of which aren't very useful. In New Vegas, you can craft/cook food so it heals more, you can make your own stimpaks, you can make 'doctor's bags' which heal all broken limbs and craft repair kits which will repair weapons even if you don't have a second version to take parts from, etc.
5) New Vegas has a 'hardcore mode' which means stimpaks heal over time instead of instantly, ammo has weight, basically everything is harder and more realistic. While there are mods that do this for Fallout 3, on consoles only New Vegas can do this.
In general, it's just better in my opinion and it's a lot like Fallout and Fallout 2, which were awesome games.
Meh, for some reason, I'm more attracted to Vegas... So, wish me luck! :biggrin.gif:
*Goes on Amazon.com*
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well, if you are looking for story, Fallout 3 Wins, if you are looking for gameplay, they are both great, but Fallout New Vegas wins. The next up will be Fallout 4, so if you are confused about the story when you don't play Fallout 3, don't blame me. Of cours, Fallotu 3 had numerous references to Fallout 1,2 and brotherhood of steel, but they always made an effort to explain to players what they ment, but if Bethesda does what they did with the Elderscrolls, they will start mentioning things from oldergames and make no effort to explain them in Fallout 4.
Feels much more desolate and hopeless than New Vegas
Most missions are very fun and creative
A karma system which has a significant impact on gameplay
Story and characters are more interesting than in New Vegas
More interesting areas than in New Vegas
New Vegas
The karma system means practically nothing, with a new focus on faction reputation
Less combat than in Fallout 3 (which is, in my opinion, a good thing)
Ironsights make real-time combat more fun and plausible
More weapons and combat options
Feels like much less of a "wasteland" than the one in Fallout 3, due to The Strip being almost untouched
Personally, I enjoyed New Vegas a little bit more, but I think you should get them both.
I see FO3 as more of a story-oriented game; it's got more interesting missions and more oomph, whereas FNV is weaker on the story, but much better gameplay additions (ADS, Crafting, Weapon Mods, etc). Personally, I would get both.
I would appreciate it if someone is kind enough, to compare (if possible, Pros and Cons) them, please.
FYI: I already have Oblivion, so I know the basic feel for the games.
Thanks in advance.
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I'm not really sure if you can choose between them without playing both. I love both of the games, but in my opinion New Vegas is better. Fallout 3 does a better job with the setting, making it a bit more immersive. However, I find there's a lot of stuff that New Vegas just does better.
1) Sound effects are better. Fallout 3 guns sound like cap guns, even big assault rifles do. New Vegas weapons sound a bit more believable.
2) Fallout 3 is a first person game with guns, yet you can't aim down the gun sights? In New Vegas you can aim down sights.
3) There is a larger weapon variety in New Vegas and there are (from my experience) more unique weapons in New Vegas as well.
4) New Vegas has ammunition types and weapon mods. Fallout 3 just has basic ammo, while in New Vegas you can purchase armor piercing rounds, surplus rounds, hollow point rounds, etc. all of which have certain advantages and disadvantages. New Vegas also has weapon mods. You can mod weapons so that they shoot or load faster, you can add scopes to some weapons, you can make weapons more accurate or do more damage, etc.
5) New Vegas has a better crafting system. In Fallout 3, you can just craft a selection of weapons, most of which aren't very useful. In New Vegas, you can craft/cook food so it heals more, you can make your own stimpaks, you can make 'doctor's bags' which heal all broken limbs and craft repair kits which will repair weapons even if you don't have a second version to take parts from, etc.
5) New Vegas has a 'hardcore mode' which means stimpaks heal over time instead of instantly, ammo has weight, basically everything is harder and more realistic. While there are mods that do this for Fallout 3, on consoles only New Vegas can do this.
In general, it's just better in my opinion and it's a lot like Fallout and Fallout 2, which were awesome games.
*Goes on Amazon.com*
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T: No
C: Tssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
M: Aww damn
Vegas was more like a mod.(which it was)
You have just read this. You are also manually breathing.
Feels much more desolate and hopeless than New Vegas
Most missions are very fun and creative
A karma system which has a significant impact on gameplay
Story and characters are more interesting than in New Vegas
More interesting areas than in New Vegas
New Vegas
The karma system means practically nothing, with a new focus on faction reputation
Less combat than in Fallout 3 (which is, in my opinion, a good thing)
Ironsights make real-time combat more fun and plausible
More weapons and combat options
Feels like much less of a "wasteland" than the one in Fallout 3, due to The Strip being almost untouched
Personally, I enjoyed New Vegas a little bit more, but I think you should get them both.
If I'm not the only one that gets this, then New Vegas would be a better option, in my opinion.
How did I escape? With difficulty....How did I plan this moment? With pleasure