Whoa! I just realized this thread is over a year old! Ontopic: I hope that none of you potential customers purchase this game. It turned my brother into an antisocial basement dwelling pile of lard. He used to be cool!
I played the trial once, wasn't impressed. I prefer the pay-monthly model but I've honestly played pay-for-perks games that worked better and were more fun in general.
After a few months of my friends trying to get me to play I finally gave in and tried it on an account one of my friends wasn't using. Played it twice for a couple hours each time, didn't like it.
Before i loved wow but now i play mostly minecraft and stuff but wow is definately the best MMORPG i've ever played. And my main was a 85 death knight named Arth
Dude, this thread was dead for over a year before you posted.
Why? D:
I always come back to Wow..even if I think I'm done with it.
Not looking forward to? Are you saying that you're going to play but you don't want to?
"...Billions of lighthouses, stuck at the far end of the sky."
Like anime? Try Visual Novels.
I'd probably love WOW, but I just don't get into the whole "keep paying to play what you've already bought" thing..
This exactly. never played it and nor will I ever. It's such a bad game truthfully.
You never played it and never will, but somehow you are able to say it's a bad game? That makes absolutely no sense.
got bored,
moved on.
ive tryed with friends i dont like it and i will never play it
i play minecraft and COD :3
This persons post is what I'm thinking right now.
Didn't play, and probably won't.
Raise your flag!
I have, however, played Runescape!