Hey, guys. Quote me if you want me to respond. Otherwise I'll have no idea what the hell you want with me.
Friend Code: 1263-6258-8121 (Poison)
Friend Safaris: Poison: Swalot, Whirlipede, Seviper.
Dark Cloud. It was the first game made by Level-5 (The guys who made Prof. Layton), however it was an RPG and it was REALLY good! They made a sequel, but that was on the PS2 in 2003 (In the US). I would love to see a reboot or a remake in HD of these titles.
Some of these may have more recent games but I have no idea and am not inclined to look, so: Wild Arms, SSX3 (snowboarding game), Legend of Dragoon, Chrono Cross, Rival Schools, Suikoden, PaRappa the Rapper (aka my favorite ever game as a kid it was dorky but whatever maybe I don't want a newer series of that I'm just mentioning it because I love it), Skate or Die, Harvest Moon, Crash Bandicute, Spyro, Turok, Tenchu, mostly a lot of old games but I can't think of many more off the top of my head,
Rise of the Robots (because if it weren't for cruddy controls, it would have been the greatest 90's game of all time)
Scurge: Hive (though, I'd want a sequel more so than a reboot or remake)
Zelda: Oracle of Ages & Oracle of Seasons (personally, I'd love for it to return to its 3-game roots)
Banjo Kazooie.... no racing no racing no racing no more racing.....
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I agree on Turok. The mid 2000's version did not do the classic ones any justice at all, and the newest MoH didn't do it either.
For me there are two series I would like to see once again, the Mystical Ninja (Goemon) games and the Legacy of Goku games. I loved Goemon growing up but it seems that it's either Japan only at this point or they just quit making them, and the Legacy games are one of my favorite DBZ franchises still to this day.
Brute Force
Hogs of War (An awesome worms replacement)
Driver 1 remake
Hey, guys. Quote me if you want me to respond. Otherwise I'll have no idea what the hell you want with me.
Friend Code: 1263-6258-8121 (Poison)
Friend Safaris: Poison: Swalot, Whirlipede, Seviper.
Oh my I remember Turok, I never got a chance to play it though
Revive, not remake/reboot. Don't even get me started on that cancelled abomination that would have made mega man X become far more generic.
Also not a game or game series.... but Firefly. So much want for more Firefly.
K95 RGB / Logitech G502 PS / Alienware AW3418DW / ViewSonic XG2703-GS / Sennheiser HD 598
Ah I remember most wanted. That Skyline was beautiful at the time and the cop was a badass. I'd love a remake
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Oh, and an improved version of Toribash would be interesting.
Yes. Very Yes.
I would also like to see a Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask remake.
"It's not enough you have the will to care. What are you going to do to show it?"
That. Would be epic.
Scurge: Hive (though, I'd want a sequel more so than a reboot or remake)
Zelda: Oracle of Ages & Oracle of Seasons (personally, I'd love for it to return to its 3-game roots)
Banjo Kazooie.... no racing no racing no racing no more racing.....
(Warning: series may be NSFC [Not Safe For Church], viewer discretion is advised)
I agree on Turok. The mid 2000's version did not do the classic ones any justice at all, and the newest MoH didn't do it either.
For me there are two series I would like to see once again, the Mystical Ninja (Goemon) games and the Legacy of Goku games. I loved Goemon growing up but it seems that it's either Japan only at this point or they just quit making them, and the Legacy games are one of my favorite DBZ franchises still to this day.