((Its totally cool with me. Ill figure out something to do with Ninty and Silva. Thats why i havent responded ina. While. Couldnt think of anything. ^^" my apologies.))
((Hi guys, sorry for the absence. Winter storm, lots of snow, etc. My state isn't really accustomed to it. Anyway, to anyone who hasn't lost power/internet to the winter storm which is traveling up the eastern seaboard, I will do the timeskip now.))
Robur realized he lost focus on his shift and had been dreaming. When he came back to his senses, he realized it was morning already. He smelled smoke, and when he looked down from his perch, he realized the surrounding forest was ablaze. "Fire! Fire!" He shouted, trying to wake everyone up.
Jelly woke to Robur's screams. She smelled intense smoke, and standing up, she realized the log she had slept on was on fire. "Ah! We need to move!" Jelly hastily grabbed her things and attempted to wake everyone up with Robur.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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((I got hit, but we never lost power or anything like that.))
Pigmus woke up and saw flames raging around him. They wouldn't bother him, but he had to get everyone else to safety. "EVERYONE WAKE UP!" he yelled. He started walking around the little camp, shaking everyone to wake them up. "Jelly, how will that suit do with fire?" he asked.
Ninty was jostled out of her sleep, but didn't complain too much. She had been having a nightmare. She looked around, her purple eyes widening and her pupils contracting. "Oh my End..." She stared through the flickering flames, and saw a lump behind a tree. "There's someone out there!!"
The dark lord has been spending a few hours, ravaging the insides of the temple and looking for his prize with Brutal. He was busy pushing away chests and throwing away pieces of sandstone, as Brutal looked at the intricately made patterns on the wall. The Enderman studied them carefully, before noticing that one part of the wall seemed to stood out. There was an extremely tiny protrusion of a Creeper's eye on the pattern. Brutal looked at it closely, before pressing it down. A wall seemed to open directly in front of him, catching the attention of Nightmare. A pedestal with a ruby sitting on top of it was shown, but not before the Enderman quickly grabbed it and presented it to his master. The madman smiled, holding it in his hands and staring at the treasure he had just uncovered.
GLitCH/ %=- ## 11011000101 MaLFuNC|tION||*) 1101010001
In a quiet and averagely sized cavern, a dark and humanoid creature sat on an unevenly heightened rock made of cobblestone, using it as a seat. There was absolutely no presence of light, and almost nothing could be seen if someone was there other than this mob. He breathed heavily, his right arm clutching extremely tightly onto a piece of rock, causing some dust to be released as some stone was cracked. The dark creature's eyes glowed a tiny bit in the dark, as his body leaned onto the wall behind his seat. He had been running through every single though through his mind. Every. Single. One...
*&--= #\\ TteN HoURRS aG-GO )|| = 1001011110
The bat continued to slowly sink through the ground, is face now a mix of anguish, pain and grief. He let his hands loose, facing them up as his body continued to go down lower and lower. I've lost everything. My life. Brother. Friends. Everything... The mob suddenly dropped through some dirt, falling onto a floor of cold stone.
He laid down, and quietly rose his head up, only opening one of his eyes, the other being shut. He saw a tiny cave, with stones and rocks laying around the place. He must have fell into this empty space in the ground. A small block however, laid a few feet away from him, a glowing block of obsidian, with blue Lapis streaks on it. It looked like it was crying. Sad. Forgotten. He took up what was left of his strength and pulled himself a bit closer, feeling more angry by the moment as he moved his body. Using his right hand, he continued to move himself, experiencing a large amount of pain as he slowly slid through the rough ground.
I didn't do anything to deserve this... it isn't my fault... my brother died... I'm going to die... it isn't my fault... it's... theirs...
A trail of blood was made, before the bat finally grabbed the object, holding it in his hand. The item began to glow, the lapis streaks turning from a Navy Blue colour to a Dark Red one. They left me to die... Did nothing to save me... Killed me... Killed my... brother...
He growled furiously, before a dark red aura blasted out of the object, consuming the bat. As it engulfed him, he began to feel strange, as if energy and power coursed through his veins. Then he suddenly just pushed the small block into his chest, feeling blood bleed out onto his chest as he forced it through his flesh. He himself had almost no idea why he did that, he just had a strong urge to just do so when he had finally touched it. Feeling even more pain now, he crouched onto the ground, tearing his hand out from his flesh. The red aura seemed to immediately jump into the wound that the bat had made, all of it going into his chest where had placed the block. The wound seemed to be covered by some of the leftover red aura, before it solidified and turned back to his normal skin quickly. His size slowly increased by twice the amount, over the course of around two hours as he just laid still.
Finally, Neo stood back up, with both his eyes closed in pain as he leaned onto a nearby wall. He growled softly, before opening his left eye, revealing that the eye was now coloured a Crimson Red.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Pigmus looked into the flames. "Where?" he asked Ninty. "I can go in the flames, they don't bother me." He walked a few steps into them, looking for this person trapped in the fire. He caught fire, flames fanning around from his arms. He looked at his arm in flames. This made the pig part nervous, but it filled the pigman part of him with energy. He started looking behind trees and in bushes, searching for this person.
"I'll fly up and look around!" He said, scanning the area for the person. Near a tree, he spotted something that he couldn't make out. "Pigmus! Over here!"
While they were looking around, Jelly was searching for an exit. Maybe they could build something, if any wood wasn't burnt.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Pigmus looked to see where Robur was pointing. He walked around that area, occasionally looking up to see exactly where the creature was. He pushed aside some bushes, revealing a small blue spider. "Can you hear me?" he asked. "You need to come with us and get out of here, there's a huge fire."
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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"Looks like a cave spider," Pigmus called up. "He or she is a long way from home. It's not waking up. It needs to wake up now, or we need to get out of here and leave it. The fire may have already done its work on it."
100010110101 = NeEo==- MALwArRE\\ _*#%(--)
Neo felt more powerful, bigger and much more... bloodthirsty ever since the incident. He stood back up, kicking away the cobblestone seat and smashing the somewhat fragile block into pieces as it hit the stone wall beside the bat. The mob growled, now showing his fangs and incisors at almost every moment. The bat's eyes were enhanced, now however seeing things in complete red. Swerving his head around quickly, he looked towards a dirt wall nearby, squinting his eyes at it. He took one step back, placing his now larger leg with longer and bigger claws behind him, before he immediately ran towards his target.
Using his now hardened and stronger wings to shield him, he managed to break through the soil, entering an abandoned mineshaft. He shielded himself with his wing from the light emitting from the torches left by the now dead miners, before taking it away, his eyes now adjusting to it. He looked around in anger, feeling what's left of his sanity slowly disappearing. He had to get out of here, or he would be stuck here... forever. Almost half his mind was gone, he couldn't even think straight. Neo figured that it must've been the effect of that... Crying Obsidian. He leaned on a wall, rubbing his head with a clawed hand, trying to get his thoughts straight. The bat was losing control of himself.
He tried to mutter a word, but couldn't even do that, only capable of making a growling sound. Neo tried to speak again, before he fell to the ground, talking out a few words to himself in a darker voice than before, as if the sound of a beast. "Need... food... blood...". Neo had no idea what he just said, but he was already beginning to lose himself. It was then he got an idea. He immediately used the last of his strength to claw his right eye, moaning in pain before he finally got some control back, the jolt getting his mind back. Standing back up, he noticed that the eye healed up slowly, but a scar was clearly visible.
The now monstrous bat continued to walk towards an opening of another cave, which led up, as he could tell from his now new enhanced red vision. As he stepped on some blocks of stone, he struggled to keep himself together. After a long and painful journey, which seemed like hours to him, he finally managed to get a glimpse of a small amount of sunlight, due to the time of day. Climbing up more, he finally got to feel some grass on his arm, before finally taking a jump up. He noticed that he was in the opening of a small cave, able to see a forest which seemed to be burning down in front of him. Neo smiled a bit, taking a few steps, before finally collapsing onto the ground, vomiting some blood out. A squarish puddle of red liquid began to form as the bat's head struggled to keep his head up, looking at the sky and forest.
He knew it himself. This was inevitable. He was going to lose himself, and become a creature of violence and evil, who only survives on the suffering, destruction and death of others, only guided by the ruins of his past memories. To gain revenge on the ones who had done wrong. To destroy the ones who had murdered him. To murder the ones who had let his brother die. To feast on the bones of his hated enemies and foes. Neo sighed, before finally dropping his head onto the ground, causing some blood to jump up, before dropping back onto the grass. Nothing was heard but the crackling of fire and an extremely tiny sound of a group talking nearby.
Neo was dead. Both of them.
The Glitch, combining with one of the most corrupting and maddening items of Minecraftia... will result in chaos and evil. Now begins... the era of Malware.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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He kept hearing the yelling of the groups. Why is this forest so big? He had been literally going in circles for many hours, making no progress. He then stopped. And he let his sight fade. He ran towards the group based only on hearing. Fortunately he didn't trip. He now found the correct direction, and let his eyesight come back. I wonder if I could make myself feel...? He couldn't do it, to his sadness. He did see some dots in the forest though, a bit further from here. He heard his first employer's voice. He responded by yelling back too. "I'll be right there, one moment through!" He then dashed towards the dots.
He heard a crackle. Huh? And then he opened his eight eyes to reveal a burning world. It was comparable to the Nether itself. He was so startled he fell out of the tree. And then he hit the ground, and was quite disoriented. He thought he heard voices, but he couldn't tell where they were. His eight eyes were not helping, and they made it so he couldn't tell left from right. He ended up just sitting there, quite worried. "H-help!"
((Oh dang, Malware sounds super interesting. And sorry for not being very active, I got into a Skyrim and Minecraft phase. And LAN finally works for me, so I freaked out. And I had writer's block. I only could find time to check, not post. But that ends today!))
Grievous: He heard the voice of bone, but the smoke was blinding him, and making him cough. "There's no time! I..." He heard the group of mobs running in the distance. He rushed towards the spot where he last was, but Nightmare was nowhere to be seen. In the distance, he saw a temple in the desert. Exited, he rushed towards it. Hoping for treasure, he went inside the door. However, what he saw was not treasure. In front of Nightmare was a somewhat glitchy bat. He drew a sword to the bat, remembering there were at least two bats in the mob's party. "How are you still alive? The Wither should have killed you."
((Um, the bat actually isn't there, he's still in the forest in a cave. In the desert, Nightmare is there of course. And the appearance of the bat isn't actually glitchy, just big and much more monstrous. Well, at least for now. Also, like I said before, Behemoth was actually still waiting for Grievous, as shown in this post:
He waited still, his arms folded as he looked out into the desert. Nightmare took a few turns and looks around the area, not seeing Grievous anywhere. The man turned towards Behemoth, gesturing for him to stay here and wait for them. Nightmare would first head towards the area of which the Crying Obsidian pointed towards with Brutal. Behemoth would lead Grievous and Bone when they came back. Nightmare took one last look around the area, before walking off into the desert with the Enderman, heading for their objective.
In the meantime, Twitch, Sentinel and the new corrupted Wither travelled through some plains, walking towards the Wither of which they were tracking. They knew it was only a matter of time before they reached him. Sentinel got ready his arrows as they continued to get closer towards their objective. They knew they were on the right path, due to the path of destruction that the monster left behind as he went along.
But anyways, let's just pretend the zombie followed Grievous and led the way.))
He turned around, noticing the skeleton known as Grievous, and his zombie apprentice, Behemoth. Nightmare kept the Ruby in his pocket, looking around and nodding towards his ally. Brutal stood next to Nightmare, looking around and standing still for a few seconds before he walked off, investigating the area even more again. As he did so, the dark lord spoke out some words towards Grievous.
"So, where is your friend you went looking for?", he said as he walked one or two metres away, opening a chest and looking through the objects, not that these type of items, whether they were intrinsic or extrinsic, only wanting to search for items which could further help him.
Ninty glanced over at the others in bewilderment. They had found someone else. She decided to let them save that mob as she went for the other. She ducked through the flaming, overhanging branches and reached the figure, who was now decidedly female. She grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her. "Come on! COME ON!! You have to get up! NOW!"
Silva was jostled awake by who she quickly realized as the Enderwoman she had saved. "Wha-..." She trailed off, breathing in her first lungful of smoke before coughing it back out. She noticed the flames all around them, and her eyes widened.
Once the young witch was conscious, Ninty hooked her arms underneath hers and started dragging her back to the clearing, which wasn't as smokey yet.
Grievous: "He found them. They're near the forest, and they're distracted. Can we please proceed with my plan?" He asked anxiously.
Merasmus (Yay!) : While mixing some potions, he saw a light in the distance. It looked like fire, but he couldn't tell from this distance. Then he noticed another thing. "Something is wrong..." he sensed. "Nightmare has an ally... but they haven't attacked the group in a while... what is he up to?..." He went to check on his potion, and noticed it had turned white. "Hmm... am I starting to forget?" He went out into the desert to test it...
In the desert, he finally found a dead bush. He carefully poured a drop onto it. The plant started to glow white, and it began to revert to a light turquoise. He tried to destroy it and pull it out, but it wouldn't budge. "Amazing! This is a brilliant discovery!..." He dug up the sand holding the plant, and took it back to his house.
He decided he'll walk north to search for some players and maybe a portal!.
He walked through the vast plain and hoped for the best.
Click on my egg to hatch it? Cmon y'know you want to :D,PWEASE IT'LL DIE IN 7 DAYS UNLESS IT HATCHES ..
Thank you!
Robur realized he lost focus on his shift and had been dreaming. When he came back to his senses, he realized it was morning already. He smelled smoke, and when he looked down from his perch, he realized the surrounding forest was ablaze. "Fire! Fire!" He shouted, trying to wake everyone up.
Jelly woke to Robur's screams. She smelled intense smoke, and standing up, she realized the log she had slept on was on fire. "Ah! We need to move!" Jelly hastily grabbed her things and attempted to wake everyone up with Robur.
What now?
Pigmus woke up and saw flames raging around him. They wouldn't bother him, but he had to get everyone else to safety. "EVERYONE WAKE UP!" he yelled. He started walking around the little camp, shaking everyone to wake them up. "Jelly, how will that suit do with fire?" he asked.
"It should hold up for a while!" Jelly looked around, and noticed something. "How will we get out? The flames are surrounding us!"
What now?
I killed 5 Jedi today. What did you do?
Enter the Void.
The dark lord has been spending a few hours, ravaging the insides of the temple and looking for his prize with Brutal. He was busy pushing away chests and throwing away pieces of sandstone, as Brutal looked at the intricately made patterns on the wall. The Enderman studied them carefully, before noticing that one part of the wall seemed to stood out. There was an extremely tiny protrusion of a Creeper's eye on the pattern. Brutal looked at it closely, before pressing it down. A wall seemed to open directly in front of him, catching the attention of Nightmare. A pedestal with a ruby sitting on top of it was shown, but not before the Enderman quickly grabbed it and presented it to his master. The madman smiled, holding it in his hands and staring at the treasure he had just uncovered.
GLitCH/ %=- ## 11011000101 MaLFuNC|tION||*) 1101010001
In a quiet and averagely sized cavern, a dark and humanoid creature sat on an unevenly heightened rock made of cobblestone, using it as a seat. There was absolutely no presence of light, and almost nothing could be seen if someone was there other than this mob. He breathed heavily, his right arm clutching extremely tightly onto a piece of rock, causing some dust to be released as some stone was cracked. The dark creature's eyes glowed a tiny bit in the dark, as his body leaned onto the wall behind his seat. He had been running through every single though through his mind. Every. Single. One...
*&--= #\\ TteN HoURRS aG-GO )|| = 1001011110
The bat continued to slowly sink through the ground, is face now a mix of anguish, pain and grief. He let his hands loose, facing them up as his body continued to go down lower and lower. I've lost everything. My life. Brother. Friends. Everything... The mob suddenly dropped through some dirt, falling onto a floor of cold stone.
He laid down, and quietly rose his head up, only opening one of his eyes, the other being shut. He saw a tiny cave, with stones and rocks laying around the place. He must have fell into this empty space in the ground. A small block however, laid a few feet away from him, a glowing block of obsidian, with blue Lapis streaks on it. It looked like it was crying. Sad. Forgotten. He took up what was left of his strength and pulled himself a bit closer, feeling more angry by the moment as he moved his body. Using his right hand, he continued to move himself, experiencing a large amount of pain as he slowly slid through the rough ground.
I didn't do anything to deserve this... it isn't my fault... my brother died... I'm going to die... it isn't my fault... it's... theirs...
A trail of blood was made, before the bat finally grabbed the object, holding it in his hand. The item began to glow, the lapis streaks turning from a Navy Blue colour to a Dark Red one. They left me to die... Did nothing to save me... Killed me... Killed my... brother...
He growled furiously, before a dark red aura blasted out of the object, consuming the bat. As it engulfed him, he began to feel strange, as if energy and power coursed through his veins. Then he suddenly just pushed the small block into his chest, feeling blood bleed out onto his chest as he forced it through his flesh. He himself had almost no idea why he did that, he just had a strong urge to just do so when he had finally touched it. Feeling even more pain now, he crouched onto the ground, tearing his hand out from his flesh. The red aura seemed to immediately jump into the wound that the bat had made, all of it going into his chest where had placed the block. The wound seemed to be covered by some of the leftover red aura, before it solidified and turned back to his normal skin quickly. His size slowly increased by twice the amount, over the course of around two hours as he just laid still.
Finally, Neo stood back up, with both his eyes closed in pain as he leaned onto a nearby wall. He growled softly, before opening his left eye, revealing that the eye was now coloured a Crimson Red.
"I'll fly up and look around!" He said, scanning the area for the person. Near a tree, he spotted something that he couldn't make out. "Pigmus! Over here!"
While they were looking around, Jelly was searching for an exit. Maybe they could build something, if any wood wasn't burnt.
What now?
"What is it?" Robur called to Pigmus, curious about the organism.
What now?
Neo felt more powerful, bigger and much more... bloodthirsty ever since the incident. He stood back up, kicking away the cobblestone seat and smashing the somewhat fragile block into pieces as it hit the stone wall beside the bat. The mob growled, now showing his fangs and incisors at almost every moment. The bat's eyes were enhanced, now however seeing things in complete red. Swerving his head around quickly, he looked towards a dirt wall nearby, squinting his eyes at it. He took one step back, placing his now larger leg with longer and bigger claws behind him, before he immediately ran towards his target.
Using his now hardened and stronger wings to shield him, he managed to break through the soil, entering an abandoned mineshaft. He shielded himself with his wing from the light emitting from the torches left by the now dead miners, before taking it away, his eyes now adjusting to it. He looked around in anger, feeling what's left of his sanity slowly disappearing. He had to get out of here, or he would be stuck here... forever. Almost half his mind was gone, he couldn't even think straight. Neo figured that it must've been the effect of that... Crying Obsidian. He leaned on a wall, rubbing his head with a clawed hand, trying to get his thoughts straight. The bat was losing control of himself.
He tried to mutter a word, but couldn't even do that, only capable of making a growling sound. Neo tried to speak again, before he fell to the ground, talking out a few words to himself in a darker voice than before, as if the sound of a beast. "Need... food... blood...". Neo had no idea what he just said, but he was already beginning to lose himself. It was then he got an idea. He immediately used the last of his strength to claw his right eye, moaning in pain before he finally got some control back, the jolt getting his mind back. Standing back up, he noticed that the eye healed up slowly, but a scar was clearly visible.
The now monstrous bat continued to walk towards an opening of another cave, which led up, as he could tell from his now new enhanced red vision. As he stepped on some blocks of stone, he struggled to keep himself together. After a long and painful journey, which seemed like hours to him, he finally managed to get a glimpse of a small amount of sunlight, due to the time of day. Climbing up more, he finally got to feel some grass on his arm, before finally taking a jump up. He noticed that he was in the opening of a small cave, able to see a forest which seemed to be burning down in front of him. Neo smiled a bit, taking a few steps, before finally collapsing onto the ground, vomiting some blood out. A squarish puddle of red liquid began to form as the bat's head struggled to keep his head up, looking at the sky and forest.
He knew it himself. This was inevitable. He was going to lose himself, and become a creature of violence and evil, who only survives on the suffering, destruction and death of others, only guided by the ruins of his past memories. To gain revenge on the ones who had done wrong. To destroy the ones who had murdered him. To murder the ones who had let his brother die. To feast on the bones of his hated enemies and foes. Neo sighed, before finally dropping his head onto the ground, causing some blood to jump up, before dropping back onto the grass. Nothing was heard but the crackling of fire and an extremely tiny sound of a group talking nearby.
Neo was dead. Both of them.
The Glitch, combining with one of the most corrupting and maddening items of Minecraftia... will result in chaos and evil.
Now begins... the era of Malware.
He kept hearing the yelling of the groups. Why is this forest so big? He had been literally going in circles for many hours, making no progress. He then stopped. And he let his sight fade. He ran towards the group based only on hearing. Fortunately he didn't trip. He now found the correct direction, and let his eyesight come back. I wonder if I could make myself feel...? He couldn't do it, to his sadness. He did see some dots in the forest though, a bit further from here. He heard his first employer's voice. He responded by yelling back too. "I'll be right there, one moment through!" He then dashed towards the dots.
He heard a crackle. Huh? And then he opened his eight eyes to reveal a burning world. It was comparable to the Nether itself. He was so startled he fell out of the tree. And then he hit the ground, and was quite disoriented. He thought he heard voices, but he couldn't tell where they were. His eight eyes were not helping, and they made it so he couldn't tell left from right. He ended up just sitting there, quite worried. "H-help!"
((Oh dang, Malware sounds super interesting. And sorry for not being very active, I got into a Skyrim and Minecraft phase. And LAN finally works for me, so I freaked out. And I had writer's block. I only could find time to check, not post. But that ends today!))
I killed 5 Jedi today. What did you do?
Enter the Void.
But anyways, let's just pretend the zombie followed Grievous and led the way.))
He turned around, noticing the skeleton known as Grievous, and his zombie apprentice, Behemoth. Nightmare kept the Ruby in his pocket, looking around and nodding towards his ally. Brutal stood next to Nightmare, looking around and standing still for a few seconds before he walked off, investigating the area even more again. As he did so, the dark lord spoke out some words towards Grievous.
"So, where is your friend you went looking for?", he said as he walked one or two metres away, opening a chest and looking through the objects, not that these type of items, whether they were intrinsic or extrinsic, only wanting to search for items which could further help him.
Ninty glanced over at the others in bewilderment. They had found someone else. She decided to let them save that mob as she went for the other. She ducked through the flaming, overhanging branches and reached the figure, who was now decidedly female. She grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her. "Come on! COME ON!! You have to get up! NOW!"
Silva was jostled awake by who she quickly realized as the Enderwoman she had saved. "Wha-..." She trailed off, breathing in her first lungful of smoke before coughing it back out. She noticed the flames all around them, and her eyes widened.
Once the young witch was conscious, Ninty hooked her arms underneath hers and started dragging her back to the clearing, which wasn't as smokey yet.
Merasmus (Yay!) : While mixing some potions, he saw a light in the distance. It looked like fire, but he couldn't tell from this distance. Then he noticed another thing. "Something is wrong..." he sensed. "Nightmare has an ally... but they haven't attacked the group in a while... what is he up to?..." He went to check on his potion, and noticed it had turned white. "Hmm... am I starting to forget?" He went out into the desert to test it...
In the desert, he finally found a dead bush. He carefully poured a drop onto it. The plant started to glow white, and it began to revert to a light turquoise. He tried to destroy it and pull it out, but it wouldn't budge. "Amazing! This is a brilliant discovery!..." He dug up the sand holding the plant, and took it back to his house.
I killed 5 Jedi today. What did you do?
Enter the Void.