Name: Apollo Cross Age:17 Powers:General Time powers, can move reall fast (like quicksilver) and can generate shileds out of time energy Side: (Good, Evil, Neutral) Neutral Appearance: (My skin) Has long grey hair, and wears a suit+monocle Story: (Optional)Alls you needs to know is that he's a robot.... Weakness:Electricity
Name: Hunter
Age: 20
Powers: Flight, invisibility, enhanced senses and speed
Side: Good
Appearance: Long silver hair, yellow eyes, looks like InuYasha
Story: Hunter used to be a skilled hacker for the CIA, NSA, and Military Intelligence. He was also geneticist on the side. Guy's gotta have a hobby. One day, one of his experiments went badly wrong, giving him long silver hair, golden eyes, and claws in place of fingernails. The experiment also gave him the ability to fly, turn invisible, and run at incredible speeds. He also gained enhanced senses of smell, touch, sight, and hearing.
Weakness: Heat. If he is caught in intense heat waves of over 120 degrees Fahrenheit, he will lose his powers and become incredibly weak
Personality: Sarcastic at times, loyal, protective, likes to help when he can, prefers to remain anonymous, mysterious, caring, cracks jokes on occasion, slight perfectionist (Ironic isn't it?)
Name: Glenn Waltz
Age: 24
Powers: Hacking, Parkour, Engineering
Side: Evil
Appearance: White Hoodie, Dirty blonde hair, Thick glasses and a Laptop bag. And bandana over his mouth
Story: Glenn was made fun of in middle school because he was such a nerd but one day he decided to run away taking his dads really old laptop with him. He slowly upgraded that laptop and made it better than the ones we have today. He put wiring in his glasses which gave him the ability to switch between night vision, camera and it can zoom in. He is a sorta mercenary who can always sneak around and scout the area...for the right price. He currently lives in an abandoned department store. He is evil because he hates society and mainstream bullies (basically he's the ultimate hipster XD)
Weakness: He is easily Manipulated, has an over reliance on technology and thinks he's WAAAY cooler than he actually is. But his main weakness is that he has ADHD and is VERY easily distracted.
Powers: Controls fire, can move things with mind (telekinises)
Appearance: Wears mask to cover up scars. Search deathstroke to see what he looks like.
Weakness: Silver and Golden blades.
Side: Neutral, but mostly evil.
Story: A man named Oliver Queen (or Green Arrow) left me on an island to die in a fire, while he got to escape. Years later I left the island, and went to the city in which Oliver Queen lived. I noticed that I couldn't be seen with my scars, so I wore a mask and a costume. I will have my revenge on him.
Name:Joshua S. Red Hunter
Powers:can climb on walls,turn invisible,and shoot red power beams
Side: Good
Appearance:I Wear a red mask (secret identity skin)
Story: was electrocuted by nuclear power plant during lightning storm
Weakness:eye of ender
Powers: superhuman strength, Agility, and uses 60% of his brain (unlike the average 10%)
Side: Neutral / Mercenary
Appearance: Black Jumpsuit covered in dark blue Armor. Face entirely covered by black mask with two eye holes
Story: (I decided to play along with the deathstroke/deadpool thing) (unknown)
Weakness: truth serums
power:can scare peaple with a drug and haunt there minds/i would recomend blindness and nausua and screen screenshaking for all 10 seconds (screen shaking its a command)
weakness:well milk (but i recomend you make milk rare mean its a cure) but the screen shaking cant be cured)
APEARANCE: thee pic
personality:CRazy scientist for testing
Story:Dr. Jonathan Crane,is an overly-obessive and deranged ex-professor of psychology who uses a variety of drugs and psychological tactics to use the fears and phobias of his adversaries. He does not commit his crimes for wealth, but rather as a form of "research" to further study the effects of fear on humans (later, he does it to satisfy his own psychopathic desires), making the innocent citizens of Gotham his unwilling guinea pigs.
Name: John Jakens Age: 20 Powers: Runs fast as lightning and has a sword that can strike lightning Side: Hero Appearance: Black spandex suit with a yellow letter "T" and the stem is crocked as a lightning bolt and a has yellow lines coming from the "T" logo and goes down his legs and arms with spider-man eyes but more smoothed out. Story: Works in the school's lab alone after school for a special project of making super strength. But then, a lightning bolt struck through the glass breaking all the lab chemicals and John himself knocking him unconscious. When he woke up, he was in the hospital. He started twitching quite fast then, time became slow. Nurses walked by slowly, the sounds of shoes tapping on the floor sounded slower and weirdest of all, he wasn't moving slow. He got up feeling fine then, time went back to normal. He felt weird, he was still twitching fast. The doctors said he was fine so, they let him go home but, time slowed down again, this time John didn't care so he just walked home. Later in his track club, his team was practicing with him but them, when they did a practice lap, John started thinking about time slowed and then time slowed. He then started darting towards the finish line and when he did, time went back to normal and no one even got a chance to move. The coaches were shocked and speechless as the other teammates. They couldn't believe what they saw. After John was told he was really fast, he realized that he got super speed so, he was about to name himself the Flash until he found out someone else took it. So, he named himself Lightning. Later, he found a yellow sapphire sword in his basement when creating a suit for himself. The sword was glowing and making spark sounds and John got attracted to it. When he touched it, a great sound of thunder was struck down through his windows and hit him. He was fine and felt nothing. He realized he is resistant to lightning so, he lifted the sword and felt the urge to lift it. When he did, another strike of thunder when through the windows and realized, he also can control lightning. Weakness: Someone faster and more skilled
Personality: Serious while hero, joking in normal self
Guys, if you keep posting here, I will have no choice but to [censored] and then [censored] those [censored] and [censored] and after I do that I will [censored] until you [censored].
But in all seriousness, PLEASE STOP MAKING NEW APPS. Nothing is happening here. Ever. Period.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Normally I would put an advertisement for a game that doesn't exist or a stupid sign telling you you've got a virus.
Not today.
If you are a citizen of the United States, or anyone who is involved in any way with the United States, I urge you to watch this video. Your government has a serious problem.
Powers:General Time powers, can move reall fast (like quicksilver) and can generate shileds out of time energy
Side: (Good, Evil, Neutral) Neutral
Appearance: (My skin) Has long grey hair, and wears a suit+monocle
Story: (Optional)Alls you needs to know is that he's a robot....
Age: 20
Powers: Flight, invisibility, enhanced senses and speed
Side: Good
Appearance: Long silver hair, yellow eyes, looks like InuYasha
Story: Hunter used to be a skilled hacker for the CIA, NSA, and Military Intelligence. He was also geneticist on the side. Guy's gotta have a hobby. One day, one of his experiments went badly wrong, giving him long silver hair, golden eyes, and claws in place of fingernails. The experiment also gave him the ability to fly, turn invisible, and run at incredible speeds. He also gained enhanced senses of smell, touch, sight, and hearing.
Weakness: Heat. If he is caught in intense heat waves of over 120 degrees Fahrenheit, he will lose his powers and become incredibly weak
Personality: Sarcastic at times, loyal, protective, likes to help when he can, prefers to remain anonymous, mysterious, caring, cracks jokes on occasion, slight perfectionist (Ironic isn't it?)
age: 10 (they were created 10 years ago)
powers: can hack most technology and go threw walls (they have no mass)
side: evil
Appearence he is made up of spinning blue numbers
Weakness black holes and lasers
ZallCaTor's Sprite Ordering Service. is awesome too
Is my RPG answerI guess
Did it work?
welcome to Cursebound
"Dead" means no one roleplays here any more.
Age: 24
Powers: Hacking, Parkour, Engineering
Side: Evil
Appearance: White Hoodie, Dirty blonde hair, Thick glasses and a Laptop bag. And bandana over his mouth
Story: Glenn was made fun of in middle school because he was such a nerd but one day he decided to run away taking his dads really old laptop with him. He slowly upgraded that laptop and made it better than the ones we have today. He put wiring in his glasses which gave him the ability to switch between night vision, camera and it can zoom in. He is a sorta mercenary who can always sneak around and scout the area...for the right price. He currently lives in an abandoned department store. He is evil because he hates society and mainstream bullies (basically he's the ultimate hipster XD)
Weakness: He is easily Manipulated, has an over reliance on technology and thinks he's WAAAY cooler than he actually is. But his main weakness is that he has ADHD and is VERY easily distracted.
MC Name: Circlex
Age: 12
Powers: Controls fire, can move things with mind (telekinises)
Appearance: Wears mask to cover up scars. Search deathstroke to see what he looks like.
Weakness: Silver and Golden blades.
Side: Neutral, but mostly evil.
Story: A man named Oliver Queen (or Green Arrow) left me on an island to die in a fire, while he got to escape. Years later I left the island, and went to the city in which Oliver Queen lived. I noticed that I couldn't be seen with my scars, so I wore a mask and a costume. I will have my revenge on him.
Anywho, this roleplay is dead, meaning no one is playing it any more and apps are not being accepted or denied.
Powers:can climb on walls,turn invisible,and shoot red power beams
Side: Good
Appearance:I Wear a red mask (secret identity skin)
Story: was electrocuted by nuclear power plant during lightning storm
Weakness:eye of ender
age: 30
Powers: superhuman strength, Agility, and uses 60% of his brain (unlike the average 10%)
Side: Neutral / Mercenary
Appearance: Black Jumpsuit covered in dark blue Armor. Face entirely covered by black mask with two eye holes
Story: (I decided to play along with the deathstroke/deadpool thing) (unknown)
Weakness: truth serums
power:can scare peaple with a drug and haunt there minds/i would recomend blindness and nausua and screen screenshaking for all 10 seconds (screen shaking its a command)
weakness:well milk (but i recomend you make milk rare mean its a cure) but the screen shaking cant be cured)
APEARANCE: thee pic
personality:CRazy scientist for testing
Story:Dr. Jonathan Crane,is an overly-obessive and deranged ex-professor of psychology who uses a variety of drugs and psychological tactics to use the fears and phobias of his adversaries. He does not commit his crimes for wealth, but rather as a form of "research" to further study the effects of fear on humans (later, he does it to satisfy his own psychopathic desires), making the innocent citizens of Gotham his unwilling guinea pigs.
Name: lildeegaming
Powers:Regenaration (Heals So Fast He Cant Die)
Side: Neutral
Appearance: Wears a red and black ninja suit
Weakness: Silver Bullet
Character: Deadpool
IRL Info:
Name: ThePerfectAsian
Age: 11
Super Hero Info:
Name: John Jakens
Age: 20
Powers: Runs fast as lightning and has a sword that can strike lightning
Side: Hero
Appearance: Black spandex suit with a yellow letter "T" and the stem is crocked as a lightning bolt and a has yellow lines coming from the "T" logo and goes down his legs and arms with spider-man eyes but more smoothed out.
Story: Works in the school's lab alone after school for a special project of making super strength. But then, a lightning bolt struck through the glass breaking all the lab chemicals and John himself knocking him unconscious. When he woke up, he was in the hospital. He started twitching quite fast then, time became slow. Nurses walked by slowly, the sounds of shoes tapping on the floor sounded slower and weirdest of all, he wasn't moving slow. He got up feeling fine then, time went back to normal. He felt weird, he was still twitching fast. The doctors said he was fine so, they let him go home but, time slowed down again, this time John didn't care so he just walked home. Later in his track club, his team was practicing with him but them, when they did a practice lap, John started thinking about time slowed and then time slowed. He then started darting towards the finish line and when he did, time went back to normal and no one even got a chance to move. The coaches were shocked and speechless as the other teammates. They couldn't believe what they saw. After John was told he was really fast, he realized that he got super speed so, he was about to name himself the Flash until he found out someone else took it. So, he named himself Lightning. Later, he found a yellow sapphire sword in his basement when creating a suit for himself. The sword was glowing and making spark sounds and John got attracted to it. When he touched it, a great sound of thunder was struck down through his windows and hit him. He was fine and felt nothing. He realized he is resistant to lightning so, he lifted the sword and felt the urge to lift it. When he did, another strike of thunder when through the windows and realized, he also can control lightning.
Weakness: Someone faster and more skilled
Personality: Serious while hero, joking in normal self
Guys, if you keep posting here, I will have no choice but to [censored] and then [censored] those [censored] and [censored] and after I do that I will [censored] until you [censored].
But in all seriousness, PLEASE STOP MAKING NEW APPS. Nothing is happening here. Ever. Period.
Normally I would put an advertisement for a game that doesn't exist or a stupid sign telling you you've got a virus.
Not today.
If you are a citizen of the United States, or anyone who is involved in any way with the United States, I urge you to watch this video. Your government has a serious problem.