((Sure, go ahead. I won't be able to post until the 19th, I'm having some IRL things that need to be taken care of. Sorry. Zachzman1 is in charge while I'm gone if he wants.))
We arrive back in GLaDOS' chamber, where she was checking the security feeds. She had her back turned. "See that little plug on the wall? Plug me into it and press the green button." I whispered.
Name: Maddie PeaceMaker
Age: 14
Powers: Telepathy (can move things with my mind) and a nearly impossible amount of intelligence.
Side: (Good, Evil, Neutral) Good
Appearance: Tall, with blue eyes and shoulder length hair that is dark blonde, almost brown. Always wears
colorful clothing and is a big fan of graphic tees, but almost always wears, leggings, shorts, or sweats. She has a happy, kind look always, though has a tinge of seriousness mixed in there, most likely due to her past.
Story: (Optional) A long time ago, when Maddie was only 5, her house was stormed by a gang of villains. She first heard the screams of her mom and dad downstairs, and woke up right away. She rushed downstairs and saw that her parents were being brutally beaten. Maddie decided to use her powers to crush the villains, but had little control of them. When she moved the large, heavy cupboard with her mind, she tried to drop it on the villains, but instead dropped it on her parents. Maddie was devastated. She stormed out of the house and ran, crying, to the far outskirts of the city. There, she made her home in a small, lonely alley to learn to control her powers, and has lived there ever since.
Weakness: When Maddie gets emotionally stressed, like say someone made her really angry or brought up her past and made her sad, she would lose all control of her powers like that night long, long ago. She wouldn't regain control unless she calmed down.
Name: The Gentleman
Age: Mid-30s
Powers: Whenever he comments about something, reality changes accordingly (E.G. Saying "good day" will banish any weather considered "bad")
Side: Neutral
Appearance: Stereotypical british gentleman.
Story: Born with an IQ of approximately 120, The Gentleman went through life as nobody in particular until (big surprise!) 13, when his powers manifested. Once this happened, nothing much actually changed. Admittedly he did accidentally kill someone when he was 16 by telling them that the human body is approximately 70% water, but nobody cared that much. Besides, he used his power to make people like him. Now he lives on his own, fairly comfortable but avoiding conversation due to his power.
Weakness: This power, while versatile, takes a long time to use depending on what needs to be said. Additionally there is little way to control it, since a vague sentence can have many interpretations.
Here is Sword
For my lord
F***ing Cool
Me Gusta
are goooooooood))
Age: 14
Powers: Telepathy (can move things with my mind) and a nearly impossible amount of intelligence.
Side: (Good, Evil, Neutral) Good
Appearance: Tall, with blue eyes and shoulder length hair that is dark blonde, almost brown. Always wears
colorful clothing and is a big fan of graphic tees, but almost always wears, leggings, shorts, or sweats. She has a happy, kind look always, though has a tinge of seriousness mixed in there, most likely due to her past.
Story: (Optional) A long time ago, when Maddie was only 5, her house was stormed by a gang of villains. She first heard the screams of her mom and dad downstairs, and woke up right away. She rushed downstairs and saw that her parents were being brutally beaten. Maddie decided to use her powers to crush the villains, but had little control of them. When she moved the large, heavy cupboard with her mind, she tried to drop it on the villains, but instead dropped it on her parents. Maddie was devastated. She stormed out of the house and ran, crying, to the far outskirts of the city. There, she made her home in a small, lonely alley to learn to control her powers, and has lived there ever since.
Weakness: When Maddie gets emotionally stressed, like say someone made her really angry or brought up her past and made her sad, she would lose all control of her powers like that night long, long ago. She wouldn't regain control unless she calmed down.
What now?
What now?
Name- Lady Deadpool (aww yea)
Powers-Awesome Martal Arts,Healing Factor,Teleporting,Weapon Master
Side-None really go as i please Mostly on good side
Appearence- Check this link-https://www.google.com/search?q=lady+deadpool&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=OtRAUuP_DsmQ2QWbo4DQBA&ved=0CEAQsAQ&biw=1241&bih=640&dpr=1
Story- Oh whata Life just check this PLEASE-http://www.comicvine.com/lady-deadpool/4005-67193/
Weakness- loosing an arm or leg etc. cause well i dont have time to get it on again in the middle of a fight
Add on? thnx
Personality- Plain Crazy, and AWESOME
thank u. My Minecraft Username- Tiger07954
I nod once again, and start to hover, putting him plug-first into the wall "Good Luck" I whisper at him.
Age: Mid-30s
Powers: Whenever he comments about something, reality changes accordingly (E.G. Saying "good day" will banish any weather considered "bad")
Side: Neutral
Appearance: Stereotypical british gentleman.
Story: Born with an IQ of approximately 120, The Gentleman went through life as nobody in particular until (big surprise!) 13, when his powers manifested. Once this happened, nothing much actually changed. Admittedly he did accidentally kill someone when he was 16 by telling them that the human body is approximately 70% water, but nobody cared that much. Besides, he used his power to make people like him. Now he lives on his own, fairly comfortable but avoiding conversation due to his power.
Weakness: This power, while versatile, takes a long time to use depending on what needs to be said. Additionally there is little way to control it, since a vague sentence can have many interpretations.