Scott was in fact captured by the Tower's crew. He was dragged into an interrogation room. He saw a knife on a table, and the edges were singed and glowing red. Scott was strapped into a chair. He sat calmly, waiting to be questioned. When he was questioned, he would answer them honestly, because he didn't want to die a liar. Scott saw the shadow of what must've been the owner of the Tower. Scott was expecting to feel searing pain soon, so he tensed up, waiting for what was to come.
Mason grunted at the man. "What makes you think I'll go anywhere, where's my things?" Mason aggressively asked the man (Blake) whilst stepping into his personal space.
Over a week has passed since I managed to escape Atlanta, I haven't found any more survivors since that group I found a few days ago. As I was walking I stumbled upon what seems like a military humvee. Hoping to find some ammo and maybe a new weapon, I walked up to it. Much to my joy, there was a weapon, but no boxes of ammo nearby. I took the weapon, which looks like a rifle of sorts, and continued on north.
"Damn, night is falling," I looked around. "And no shelter at all in sight." I sped up to a jog, hoping to avoid any possible walker herds. As I was jogging the road I was on started to cut into a forest. "The trees can provide enough cover and shelter for me." I ran into the woods and hid, hoping no walker will see me.
Scott winced at the pain from the knife against his chest. "I got inside by being captured by two men, I am the only one that came here, and I expected to find a man in this same chair, bruised and beaten after he brought you a van." Scott said shakily, " I would not blame if you wanted to kill me, but there is something I can't die with." Scott said, flipping off his hat backwards, and a gun was there. "That is the only weapon I have on me, and search if you please. Also, about the camera, very sorry."
Age(Between 15 & 45)- 35
Gender(Male/Female/Both)- Male
Ethnicity(Caucasian/African-American/Asian/Etc.)- Caucasian
Physical Appearance(Body Type and Facial/Picture or Description)- About 5,8ft tall, skinny, Short hair, Decently built,Green eyes, and a five o-clock shadow.
Personality(Characteristics)-Sycophantic, Paranoid, A compulsive lair, Sneaky, Bipolar, Intelligent, and stubborn.
Biography- Christian was 25 when he was put in jail more than 40 brutal murders of women and the elderly. He was given the street name of The Brooklyn Reaper, because of how many people he killed already close to death or thinking of committing suicide. In which he was jailed for life, when the outbreak began and riots in the prison he was in erupted he was to first to start slaughtering guards and inmates to get out of the prison. He was 34 when this happened and and been out in the infested world for a year, hes learned a few things about this virus or sickness. One everyone is infected,he learned this after he murdered someone and they got back up, when they weren't even bitten. Two you must bash their brains in, he already would go for the head of his victims first so did really notice this until he slit ones throat and it kept coming at him, thats when he figured out that you need to go for their ugly faces. Three if you are bit kill yourself or have someone kill you, he just killed people so he didn't care. Christian the psycho he is, is enjoying the end of the world.
City/Location- U.S., NY Brooklyn
Inventory(11 Items or Less)- Two Ice picks ( ), a jug of water ( 4 days left ), A bag of chips, Canned food, A pack of lock picks, A M9, two clips of ammunition, 3x fire crackers ( used for distractions), and duct tape.
Scott was being moved into a cell, where he would most likely would rot away. Still, he felt guilt about destroying the camera. Scott said to this man, which he had learned was called Wolf, "Sir, I doubt you would let me, but I have to get you a new security camera." Scott truly did feel guilt about that, if he were to die, he would want them to live regardless.
Keeping low under some dead leaves and branches, I waited for day to come, whilst trying to hide from walkers. I let out a sigh. "How much longer must I wait?" I remained under the cover of the leaves.
I looked around and saw a lone walker. "Don't come this way. Don't you come this way." I mumbled to myself. The walker just stood there, not doing much of anything. Then before I knew it I saw a knife pierce the walker's head. When the walker fell I saw a man. "Y'know that ain't fooling anyone." He said. "Anybody can see that a person is underneath all of those leaves, especially if they left their backpack on." Ah hell, I thought. He must've seen me.
The owner of the tower did have a good logic, but he made one last plea, "Please, just don't kill me." He assumed the words would just bounce off of them, and they would just ignore him, but it was worth a try. Anyway, if things got very bad, he would be on floor 14, and that is about 112 feet, and he could just end himself.
"But sir! I didn't say I wanted to die!" Scott begged, "I said please don't kill me!" Scott was nearly in tears of the thought of what the owner said they would do to him. Scott began to calm down, "Sir, I understand my life is in your hands, so, whatever you need, I will do it."
"There are better places to sleep than under some leaves," the person said. "Are you trying to get eaten?" I got up from underneath the leaves. "I was just trying to hide from the walkers. Seeing as there's no shelter nearby, that was my only alternative." I explained. "I wouldn't be too sure about that. I have a camp that way." He pointed towards a path in the forest. "Do I have a choice?" "Of course, you decline, you become food. You come with me you'll have a certain chance of survival." I shrugged and went with him.
Scott was very happy to hear this, "Thank you, sir! I won't let you down!" Scott was still slightly worried he would die, but his chances were reduced, they should be anyway. Wolf led him to the roof, where he would help him install solar panels.
Age(Between 15 & 45)- 21
Gender(Male/Female/Both)- Male
Ethnicity(Caucasian/African-American/Asian/Etc.)- Amerindian
Physical Appearance(Body Type and Facial/Picture or Description)- As most guarani people, he has mongolic eyes and medium heigth, straigth hair and ligth brown skin.
Clothing-A white, old shirt, a pair of vjeans and two old, brown shoes.
Personality(Characteristics)- He is optimistic, but normally he tries to show the brigth side to everyone to hide his desperation. He is religious and hard to anger, despite he finds easy to make someone angry at him, he likes being with people, despite his trust sometimes took him to a horrible consequences.
Biography- He was born in Argentina, he lived a normal life and at the age of 18 he moved to USA to study History, when the outbreak began, for him where just weird news, until too late. He tried to save his friends, but only he and his friend Francisco got out. He tried to keep a positive look to the situation, but he would have killed himself if not by George, Mike and Lucy.City/Location- Somewhere in the New York State.
Inventory(11 Items or Less)- Machete, a rudimentary crossbow with 6 bolts (he does not want to make noise, ever), painkillers, a cross and a piece of rat meat.
Theme Song- Warlords-AudioMachine
Name- Francisco Rodrigues
Age(Between 15 & 45)- 21
Gender(Male/Female/Both)- Male
Ethnicity(Caucasian/African-American/Asian/Etc.)- Caucasian
Physical Appearance(Body Type and Facial/Picture or Description)- He is short, with straigth blach hair, brown eyes and a big nose.
Clothing- A green shirt, a pair of jeans and two old shoes. Personality(Characteristics)- He is intelligent, sometimes the only racional guy in the room, despite he can be pesimistic, he can control himself (and the people close to him, as many times showed). He is Jewish, and he tres hard not to loose his faith.
Biography- Born in California, he moved to NY at the age of 16, there he lived until the outbreak.
City/Location- Somewhere in the New York State.
Inventory(11 Items or Less)- A knife, a hachet, 4 cans of something (he can eat it, at last), a revolver with 3 bullets and a green backpack
Theme Song-
Name- George Connors
Age(Between 15 & 45)- 45
Gender(Male/Female/Both)- Male
Ethnicity(Caucasian/African-American/Asian/Etc.)- African American.
Physical Appearance(Body Type and Facial/Picture or Description)- Dark skinned and wide back. Has grey hair and a goatee. His face shows a calm guy.
Clothing- A white shirt, brown pants and a pair of shoes (think Hershel's clothing).
Personality(Characteristics)- Calm and peaceful, he is normally the one who calm down the people of the group.
Biography- He does not want to talk about that "Past is done" he says. It's known to have seen his children die.
City/Location- Somewhere in the New York State.
Inventory(11 Items or Less)- A knife, a shotgun (used only in emergencies) with 3 rounds, a first aid kit, a picture of his sons he does not shows to anyone, a Bible.
Physical Appearance(Body Type and Facial/Picture or Description)- She is short with blonde hair, green eyes and prominent lips.
Clothing- A grey shirt, a pair of jeans, old shoes. Personality(Characteristics)- Has a feeling of leadership, being hard to her to trust anyone external to the group, she can be histerycal and unstable.
Biography- She does not talk about that, or maybe Mateo was not listening. She is a cop.
City/Location- Somewhere in the New York State.
Inventory(11 Items or Less)- A gun with 8 bullets, some food and a knife
Theme Song-
Name- Michael "Mike" O'Connor
Age(Between 15 & 45)- 23
Gender(Male/Female/Both)- Male
Ethnicity(Caucasian/African-American/Asian/Etc.)- Irish (Caucasian)
Physical Appearance(Body Type and Facial/Picture or Description)- He is tall, redheaded and has a moustache.
Clothing- Shirt, old pants, old shoes, a jacket. Personality(Characteristics)- He does not talk much. But don't make him angry...
Biography- Never said nothing about that.
City/Location- Somewhere in the New York State.
Inventory(11 Items or Less)- A gun, 6 bullets, food, a knife and a piture of his family.
"Unwelcome" Robert, Helen, Stephanie, Annabelle, Upstate, New York, Scrambling through the closet, Robert removes several handgun clips, shotgun shells, and other useful items that could be used. Helen returns with an empty cardboard box, the likes of which would be used for the guns. Stashing the guns away in the box, Robert eases himself up on his good leg. Limping towards the kitchen, carrying the box of guns, Robert helps stack boxes on top of each other to reduce the amount of trips to and from the house. Opening the door to the garage, Robert quickly unlocks the back of the grey Toyota mini-van and stacks the boxes in the back seats. The garage light flickers on and off, indicating the fluctuation of power throughout the city. Silenced without a word, the garage lights flicker off, plunging Robert into darkness.
"Great." Robert sighs shuffling around the garage; making his way towards the door inside the house.
The shine of a flashlight through the door made it easy for Robert to make his way into the house.
"Rob, you there?" Helen asks.
"Yeah, here can you hand me that?" Robert responds as he shuffles next to her.
Helen hands Robert the flashlight, he takes it with ease as he calls out to his daughters.
"Stephanie, Annabelle, come on, grab your things and let's go!" Robert shouts.
Footsteps echo in the house, marking the sound of the daughters rushing towards the garage.
"Do we have everything we need Helen?" Robert asks.
"I think so." Helen responds.
"I'ma do a quick sweep of the house, see if we forgot anything valuable, stay put." Robert says as he rushes off back into the kitchen.
Scanning the area for anything forgotten, Robert picks up a stray cardboard box filled with cans of soup and other food items. Accepted
Nomad camp, New York state.
The camp was running short of supplies, and the walker attacks were more frequent than before, it was time to move out.
-Allrigth guys, let's get going, make sure you don't forget anything!- Lucy was anxious for leavng.
-I hated thid place anyway-Said Mateo.
Then, a gunshot was heard, and Mike fell to the floor, being hit on his leg.
-Aaaaaaaaah! God damnit!
More gunshots, until the bandit was shot on the stomach, Lucy ran towards him, kicked him in tha face, and then stabbed him on the skull, Lucy was always violent, but her face was different that time, like if she enjoyed killing people.
-Let's go then, this guy will be bait for the walkers, so we must keep moving.
Sometime later, the group was going near a forest, and Mateo was sent hunting.
"Yeah, sure, send me, why not? I can be replaced..." He tougth to himself.
Then, he saw a rabbit, so he sot him a bolt, nearly missing, hitting the bunny on the leg.
-Well, food at last! Never something filling, but it's something!
A noise was heard on the distance.
Mateo spied trough some bushes, he was paralyzed, 20, maybe 30 walkers, he was terrified, he never saw so much in the same place, he didn't knew why, but they didn't smell the rabbit's blood, the rabbit, agonyzing, moved a little bit, suprising Mateo.
-Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!Oh, wait did I just..,cr ap ,cr ap ,cr ap ...
The walkers began moving towards him, he just threw the dying rabbit at them and ran away, to the camp, with 30 walkers following him... Not the smartest of ideas actually...
-Guys, bad news, we need to go!
-What have you done now?-Francisco did not seemed worried, until he heard the groaning.
-C'mon! Into the cars!-Lucy was hysterical.
-There's no fuel!
-Allright, we can do something, maybe we can outrun them or... OH GOD WE ARE ALL GONNA DIE- The yelling would attract more walkers, but Mateo was panicking too.
-Calm down!-Said George-You can leave now, but I'm ded weight, I'm too old for this world I guess, now go!
-No! Is all of us or nobody!
-G-Guys... Can we stop talking and RUN?!-Mike was scared too, and he knew he couldn't make it with his leg hurt.
They run as they could, but they knew that the walkers would not stop following them, and they would not get tired, Lucy knew that one of them had to die for the rest. And it was not going to be her.
-Sorry, Mike, but we can do nothing to heal your leg so...
Lucy pushed him to the floor, where he couldn't get up because of the pain on his leg.
-Lucy!!! Aaaaaaagh!! Fuuuuuuck youuuuu!!!
The walkers distracted with the poor Mike, letting the group time to escape, but the other three saw Lucy killing Michael without even thinking about it.
-What the hell have you just done!?
-I did it for the safety of the group, for our safety!!
-We could have outrun them, you know? They don't run, they are stupid, we could just leave behind without killing anyone, you crazy b*tch!
-.What did you just called me?!-Lucy aimed her gun to Francisco's head. George tried to speak.
-You killed a man, Lucy, but not a bandit, or someone trying to hurt us, you killed Michael in cold blood, you killed our friend, we wouldn't even be here if not for him. We don't want you here anymore.
-You don't understand, I did it for...
-For what, you bloodthirst?-Mateo was just furious-Don't think we don't notice but we saw you, when you killed that kid that shot Mike in the leg, we saw you, you enjoyed it!
-Shut up!-At the time she said that, Lucy tried to shoot Mateo's head, but she missed.
-Allright, then, kill us, c'mon. Do it then.
Lucy saw them all looking at her, waiting for the final shot. She couldn't stand for it, she lost her mind and ran away.
The reduced group traveled aimlessly for some time, until Mateo saw something... A... Town?! Yes, it defintivley looke like a town, it was surrounded by a high metallic fence, there were also wooden barricades near the gates, mostly outside the perimeter as to keep it clean. A cannon was placed on the rooftop.
-Holy mother of God... Guys!! Come here!!
-Did I ate a mushroom and I am having hallucinations?-Francisco said.
-Hello! Anybody in there?!
((Allrigth funkybub, I found it ))
Nobody appeared to be on the walls, Mateo insisted.
Then, three men appeared on the walls, they amimed the group with their guns, and Mateo, George and Francisco putted their hands over their heads.
-Calm down, we mean no harm, we need food!
((I may edit this, but in your last post you said that there were sent 2 or 3 men over the walls to watch, I'll wait, I guess))
Somewhere in the New York State
Lucy was still running away, she heard the groans of the herd, eating what was left of Michael. She kept running.
When nigth came, she saw a fire, so she went closer. A group of men was cooking some food over there. They saw her.
-Hey! Come closer!
She went near the fire.
-Here, you want some meat?-Said one of the men, handing her a strange piece of meat, it looked like a finger.
-Th...Thank you.
It had a strange taste, she liked it, then she saw the fire. They were cooking an arm. A human arm. She vomited.
-What? You didn't liked it? C'mon! There's nothing else to eat! They do it, why shouldn't we?
She did not responded. She just shot him in the chest, killing him. The other three men ran towards her with knives and hatchets. She pushed one of them to the fire, where he burnt. She shot one of the other two in the head, andthe last one (a small, bald guy) gave up. She tied him.
-H...Hey! What are you doing?! First stab John in the head! He's gonna turn!
-Let's see if you like cannibalism after this...
-Hey! No! Don't leave me here! Please! Nooooooooooo!
She went away, and when the tied guy began to scream in pain, she laughed. Mateo was rigth, she enjoyed killing people. And she was going to find them, to get revange.
((So, I forgot about creating Dietrich Heeles, gonna begin to take the role of him also.))
((Another thing, this first post is going to be a flashback of Dietrich and how he is where he is))
Dietrich Heeles, three days into the outbreak.
Dietrich woke up, though he never slept easy, mostly from his loss of sanity. Dietrich didn't realize that the first walker he killed on his doorsteps was actually a walker, because he wasn't afraid to commit murder. Although, the walker did try to harm him, giving him a good reason to kill it. Though now, he saw more of those... things. He had also seen them attack other, more intelligent human. Only if the unintelligent ones were humans. That evening, he grabbed some things, decided it was entirely safe here. He didn't have a liesence, or a car, the government took that from him. Although he was around plenty of cars, and he had a bonesaw. He found one, swerved to the side of the rode, that still had its keys In the ignition. The shatter of glass was loud, and attracted many of those things. He began to drive, hitting a few walkers, still thinking they were humans, and many followed till they could see him, or hear him, no longer. Eventually, he ended up in Maine, somewhere in it atleast.
Mason grunted at the man. "What makes you think I'll go anywhere, where's my things?" Mason aggressively asked the man (Blake) whilst stepping into his personal space.
"Damn, night is falling," I looked around. "And no shelter at all in sight." I sped up to a jog, hoping to avoid any possible walker herds. As I was jogging the road I was on started to cut into a forest. "The trees can provide enough cover and shelter for me." I ran into the woods and hid, hoping no walker will see me.
(( Just incase you didnt see it ))
I looked around and saw a lone walker. "Don't come this way. Don't you come this way." I mumbled to myself. The walker just stood there, not doing much of anything. Then before I knew it I saw a knife pierce the walker's head. When the walker fell I saw a man. "Y'know that ain't fooling anyone." He said. "Anybody can see that a person is underneath all of those leaves, especially if they left their backpack on." Ah hell, I thought. He must've seen me.
Gender(Male/Female/Both)- Male
Ethnicity(Caucasian/African-American/Asian/Etc.)- Amerindian
Physical Appearance(Body Type and Facial/Picture or Description)- As most guarani people, he has mongolic eyes and medium heigth, straigth hair and ligth brown skin.
Clothing-A white, old shirt, a pair of vjeans and two old, brown shoes.
Personality(Characteristics)- He is optimistic, but normally he tries to show the brigth side to everyone to hide his desperation. He is religious and hard to anger, despite he finds easy to make someone angry at him, he likes being with people, despite his trust sometimes took him to a horrible consequences.
Biography- He was born in Argentina, he lived a normal life and at the age of 18 he moved to USA to study History, when the outbreak began, for him where just weird news, until too late. He tried to save his friends, but only he and his friend Francisco got out. He tried to keep a positive look to the situation, but he would have killed himself if not by George, Mike and Lucy.City/Location- Somewhere in the New York State.
Ethnicity(Caucasian/African-American/Asian/Etc.)- Caucasian
Personality(Characteristics)- He is intelligent, sometimes the only racional guy in the room, despite he can be pesimistic, he can control himself (and the people close to him, as many times showed). He is Jewish, and he tres hard not to loose his faith.
Inventory(11 Items or Less)- A knife, a hachet, 4 cans of something (he can eat it, at last), a revolver with 3 bullets and a green backpack
Ethnicity(Caucasian/African-American/Asian/Etc.)- African American.
Inventory(11 Items or Less)- A knife, a shotgun (used only in emergencies) with 3 rounds, a first aid kit, a picture of his sons he does not shows to anyone, a Bible.
Ethnicity(Caucasian/African-American/Asian/Etc.)- Caucasian
Personality(Characteristics)- Has a feeling of leadership, being hard to her to trust anyone external to the group, she can be histerycal and unstable.
Inventory(11 Items or Less)- A gun with 8 bullets, some food and a knife
Ethnicity(Caucasian/African-American/Asian/Etc.)- Irish (Caucasian)
Personality(Characteristics)- He does not talk much. But don't make him angry...
Inventory(11 Items or Less)- A gun, 6 bullets, food, a knife and a piture of his family.
((I was planning on founding your town eventually, so yeah, but I must be accepted first, I think))
Robert, Helen, Stephanie, Annabelle,
Upstate, New York,
Scrambling through the closet, Robert removes several handgun clips, shotgun shells, and other useful items that could be used. Helen returns with an empty cardboard box, the likes of which would be used for the guns. Stashing the guns away in the box, Robert eases himself up on his good leg. Limping towards the kitchen, carrying the box of guns, Robert helps stack boxes on top of each other to reduce the amount of trips to and from the house. Opening the door to the garage, Robert quickly unlocks the back of the grey Toyota mini-van and stacks the boxes in the back seats. The garage light flickers on and off, indicating the fluctuation of power throughout the city. Silenced without a word, the garage lights flicker off, plunging Robert into darkness.
"Great." Robert sighs shuffling around the garage; making his way towards the door inside the house.
The shine of a flashlight through the door made it easy for Robert to make his way into the house.
"Rob, you there?" Helen asks.
"Yeah, here can you hand me that?" Robert responds as he shuffles next to her.
Helen hands Robert the flashlight, he takes it with ease as he calls out to his daughters.
"Stephanie, Annabelle, come on, grab your things and let's go!" Robert shouts.
Footsteps echo in the house, marking the sound of the daughters rushing towards the garage.
"Do we have everything we need Helen?" Robert asks.
"I think so." Helen responds.
"I'ma do a quick sweep of the house, see if we forgot anything valuable, stay put." Robert says as he rushes off back into the kitchen.
Scanning the area for anything forgotten, Robert picks up a stray cardboard box filled with cans of soup and other food items.
The camp was running short of supplies, and the walker attacks were more frequent than before, it was time to move out.
-Allrigth guys, let's get going, make sure you don't forget anything!- Lucy was anxious for leavng.
-I hated thid place anyway-Said Mateo.
Then, a gunshot was heard, and Mike fell to the floor, being hit on his leg.
-Aaaaaaaaah! God damnit!
More gunshots, until the bandit was shot on the stomach, Lucy ran towards him, kicked him in tha face, and then stabbed him on the skull, Lucy was always violent, but her face was different that time, like if she enjoyed killing people.
-Let's go then, this guy will be bait for the walkers, so we must keep moving.
Sometime later, the group was going near a forest, and Mateo was sent hunting.
"Yeah, sure, send me, why not? I can be replaced..." He tougth to himself.
Then, he saw a rabbit, so he sot him a bolt, nearly missing, hitting the bunny on the leg.
-Well, food at last! Never something filling, but it's something!
A noise was heard on the distance.
Mateo spied trough some bushes, he was paralyzed, 20, maybe 30 walkers, he was terrified, he never saw so much in the same place, he didn't knew why, but they didn't smell the rabbit's blood, the rabbit, agonyzing, moved a little bit, suprising Mateo.
-Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!Oh, wait did I just..,cr ap ,cr ap ,cr ap ...
The walkers began moving towards him, he just threw the dying rabbit at them and ran away, to the camp, with 30 walkers following him... Not the smartest of ideas actually...
-Guys, bad news, we need to go!
-What have you done now?-Francisco did not seemed worried, until he heard the groaning.
-C'mon! Into the cars!-Lucy was hysterical.
-There's no fuel!
-Allright, we can do something, maybe we can outrun them or... OH GOD WE ARE ALL GONNA DIE- The yelling would attract more walkers, but Mateo was panicking too.
-Calm down!-Said George-You can leave now, but I'm ded weight, I'm too old for this world I guess, now go!
-No! Is all of us or nobody!
-G-Guys... Can we stop talking and RUN?!-Mike was scared too, and he knew he couldn't make it with his leg hurt.
They run as they could, but they knew that the walkers would not stop following them, and they would not get tired, Lucy knew that one of them had to die for the rest. And it was not going to be her.
-Sorry, Mike, but we can do nothing to heal your leg so...
Lucy pushed him to the floor, where he couldn't get up because of the pain on his leg.
-Lucy!!! Aaaaaaagh!! Fuuuuuuck youuuuu!!!
The walkers distracted with the poor Mike, letting the group time to escape, but the other three saw Lucy killing Michael without even thinking about it.
-What the hell have you just done!?
-I did it for the safety of the group, for our safety!!
-We could have outrun them, you know? They don't run, they are stupid, we could just leave behind without killing anyone, you crazy b*tch!
-.What did you just called me?!-Lucy aimed her gun to Francisco's head. George tried to speak.
-You killed a man, Lucy, but not a bandit, or someone trying to hurt us, you killed Michael in cold blood, you killed our friend, we wouldn't even be here if not for him. We don't want you here anymore.
-You don't understand, I did it for...
-For what, you bloodthirst?-Mateo was just furious-Don't think we don't notice but we saw you, when you killed that kid that shot Mike in the leg, we saw you, you enjoyed it!
-Shut up!-At the time she said that, Lucy tried to shoot Mateo's head, but she missed.
-Allright, then, kill us, c'mon. Do it then.
Lucy saw them all looking at her, waiting for the final shot. She couldn't stand for it, she lost her mind and ran away.
The reduced group traveled aimlessly for some time, until Mateo saw something... A... Town?! Yes, it defintivley looke like a town, it was surrounded by a high metallic fence, there were also wooden barricades near the gates, mostly outside the perimeter as to keep it clean. A cannon was placed on the rooftop.
-Holy mother of God... Guys!! Come here!!
-Did I ate a mushroom and I am having hallucinations?-Francisco said.
-Hello! Anybody in there?!
((Allrigth funkybub, I found it ))
Nobody appeared to be on the walls, Mateo insisted.
Then, three men appeared on the walls, they amimed the group with their guns, and Mateo, George and Francisco putted their hands over their heads.
-Calm down, we mean no harm, we need food!
((I may edit this, but in your last post you said that there were sent 2 or 3 men over the walls to watch, I'll wait, I guess))
Somewhere in the New York State
Lucy was still running away, she heard the groans of the herd, eating what was left of Michael. She kept running.
When nigth came, she saw a fire, so she went closer. A group of men was cooking some food over there. They saw her.
-Hey! Come closer!
She went near the fire.
-Here, you want some meat?-Said one of the men, handing her a strange piece of meat, it looked like a finger.
-Th...Thank you.
It had a strange taste, she liked it, then she saw the fire. They were cooking an arm. A human arm. She vomited.
-What? You didn't liked it? C'mon! There's nothing else to eat! They do it, why shouldn't we?
She did not responded. She just shot him in the chest, killing him. The other three men ran towards her with knives and hatchets. She pushed one of them to the fire, where he burnt. She shot one of the other two in the head, andthe last one (a small, bald guy) gave up. She tied him.
-H...Hey! What are you doing?! First stab John in the head! He's gonna turn!
-Let's see if you like cannibalism after this...
-Hey! No! Don't leave me here! Please! Nooooooooooo!
She went away, and when the tied guy began to scream in pain, she laughed. Mateo was rigth, she enjoyed killing people. And she was going to find them, to get revange.
((Another thing, this first post is going to be a flashback of Dietrich and how he is where he is))
Dietrich Heeles, three days into the outbreak.
Dietrich woke up, though he never slept easy, mostly from his loss of sanity. Dietrich didn't realize that the first walker he killed on his doorsteps was actually a walker, because he wasn't afraid to commit murder. Although, the walker did try to harm him, giving him a good reason to kill it. Though now, he saw more of those... things. He had also seen them attack other, more intelligent human. Only if the unintelligent ones were humans. That evening, he grabbed some things, decided it was entirely safe here. He didn't have a liesence, or a car, the government took that from him. Although he was around plenty of cars, and he had a bonesaw. He found one, swerved to the side of the rode, that still had its keys In the ignition. The shatter of glass was loud, and attracted many of those things. He began to drive, hitting a few walkers, still thinking they were humans, and many followed till they could see him, or hear him, no longer. Eventually, he ended up in Maine, somewhere in it atleast.