"You don't think that I can fight, eh? Give me a target then, in fact give me multiple. I'll even take on a guard if you wish." I spoke with a great amount of confidence in my words. Enough to make any normal man afraid of what could happen. "I've been taught by whom I would consider to be best, though not with tactics like yours. Cunning is what I've heard, though not seen. You must be very smart, or at the very least lucky. I was taught to never back away nor run, though to show extreme amounts caution. I try my hardest not to get into fights, but if I am you should know I'll fight tooth and nail to ensure that they know how much of a mistake they made." It was odd of me to speak this way to a stranger, but it seemed to be the only thing in common to speak about at the moment.
After several moments, I could easily tell from her constant surveying that she was mistrusting. I would be so as well given the circumstances, but I wouldn't know if she'd understand me being a Gerudo. Would she think me as a spy, fakely given the mark, and just kill me? Would she just hit me for lying? Or just flat out understand why? I couldn't quite stand it, and so I decided to speak. "your hate of the Gerudo. It stems from the thieves that captured you, correct? Have you ever met a normal Gerudo woman? A type of Gerudo that would ensure you fit in and take care of you no matter what? I'd just like to know of course." This would be the only way to ease her into my truth. I couldn't keep a lie large enough as faking where you come from for long, especially with such obvious visual signs as the tattoos.
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"Zazhigalka. I think this is Russian for 'smash your enemy's face in and then set him on fire.' I could be wrong though."
"Never be ashamed of sadness. Embrace it, love it, but don't become an emotional masochist. Without sadness, I guarantee you we would have one hundred times more killers in the world, and ten times as many wars."
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Kaler thinks about his words briefly before smiling faintly. She was lucky, but she also was careful and relied on speed and stealth more often than not over strength. Cunning? She wasn't quite sure, but she wasnt good at accepteing compliments, as she took his words that way.
"The gerudo killed my family basically... Took my home, tried to kill me... Couldn't care less about myself to be honest, but... It just... When you see them take a family to jail or take their supply of money that gives them food... That's what got me mad against the gerudo, not my years in jail. Those were just years, time I spent because I wasn't strong enough, and if anything I put myself down for not being out here helping people..." Kaler says quietly not meeting his eyes. "I never really met a real gerudo, they usually just attack me, or try to kill me, or something," Kaler shrugs.
"I know some people would say, 'oh, you seem so noble and blah blah blah,' but I'm not. I'm horrible in lots of things and this is one thing I can do to help change the life I was given by whoever guides us in life," Kaler says more to herself than anyone else, just loud enough to be considered whispering, but not very much louder than not speaking at all. Kaler frowns and feels a twinge of sadness as she sees a few children run by, parentless and slightly fearful.
"We'll then, allow me to inform you of something. The Gerudo aren't at all like those thieves. They have amazing manners and hospitality. Kind hearts and wits. Not all of them just pillage and steal from others. Let me tell you a story whilst we walk." I cleared my throat momentarily, thinking of a way to give more proof of the goodness of Gerudos. "There was once a young hylian boy, he was lost in a field. No others beside him, and he blacked out. When he awakened, he awoke in the arms of a Gerudo chief. Comforted and safe, the boy was nurtured by the tribe. Others of the tribe advised against keeping non-Gerudos within, but the chief ignored them. Eventually, the boy blossomed into a great hunter and diplomat. He could help convince other tribes to assist and could easily hold his own in a battle. When this boy's chief mother died, he was denied being crowned a chief himself. So, he gave his life to the tribe and never looked back; never wondered what it would have been like to not have such a great mother. That, is what the Gerudo are truly like."
I spoke the whole story solemnly, without a hint of deceit in my tone. Though it was entirely based upon my own story, it would help ease her into taking me along. I was tempted to say that the boy was myself, but that would just spoil it all. For now, the goal is to show that not all Gerudo wanted the destruction that the thieves strived for. The moment of truth may come soon however.
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"Zazhigalka. I think this is Russian for 'smash your enemy's face in and then set him on fire.' I could be wrong though."
"Never be ashamed of sadness. Embrace it, love it, but don't become an emotional masochist. Without sadness, I guarantee you we would have one hundred times more killers in the world, and ten times as many wars."
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Kaler stops and studies her newest companion with fierce eyes. "I've never heard such a story... I mean... I knew some gerudo weren't bloodthirsty b@st@rds, because of the sage of spirit. She is a gerudo, and she was said to have saved hyrule as well..." Kaler says quietly as she continues to walk again. "To be honest, it just all irritates and annoys me... Wait, I have a question... Did the boy ever hear of ganondorf? Don't all gerudo look to them as their main leader considering no other gerudo makes are born? Did he support him? Worship him as well?" Kaler asks completely curious at this point.
The castle began to look above the two and Kaler motioned for her companion to follow as she started straying from the path, watching for monsters and or patrolling gerudo as she searched for her usual entrance into the palace. Well, not really her usual so much as the usual entry place into the palace if you aren't invited.
As I followed Kaler precisely around the rather large castle, I answered her questions as truthfully as I knew. "The boy knew of the creature Ganondorf. Same as the rest of his tribe. They all cursed him, wanted his existence ended. He brought shame to the Gerudos. For this though, the tribe was punished. Seven straight years of fighting wave after wave of monsters changed many opinions. The boy found no hope, and only endless opposition, as his mother and friends died because of these cursed monsters." His tone had to change to a slightly more audible whisper when he answered her questions. She seemed to be more and more misunderstanding, basing on the stereotype of the thieves. If I based her initially on what we think of the Hylians, pompous, rude, and odd, then I would be in completely different standings. Those standings likely being on the ground in a pool of blood.
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"Zazhigalka. I think this is Russian for 'smash your enemy's face in and then set him on fire.' I could be wrong though."
"Never be ashamed of sadness. Embrace it, love it, but don't become an emotional masochist. Without sadness, I guarantee you we would have one hundred times more killers in the world, and ten times as many wars."
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Kaler glances at her companions face and frowns when she sees it hidden by the hood. She had forgotten he wore one, and that she had never seen his face. "Do me a favor and take off your hood..." She says carefully and steadily. For all she knew, this guy could have painted or tattooed the triforce on his hand to find her. She was definitely suspicious, but she had also already said a lot to him. Sometimes it wasnt a good thing to be as trusting as she was. "I haven't seen your face, though you've seen mine..." She says to him.
She moves to stand in between this guy and the entrance. If he charged her and they ended up grappling for some reason, he would have the advantage with his size and strength. Something in her head clicked and her mouth widened to an O. "You haven't showed me your face or any piece of skin because of the tattoos the gerudo males and females take," she whispers with a piece of shock. She takes a step back, her back cold on the stone and her front still wet with her blood.(Ragnas, what's your characters name? Also, I must commend you for your amazing roleplaying. You are one of the best I've encountered. Your posts are long, detailed, and always give something to respond to. Those are the posts that everyone loves. If everyone made those posts, these forums would be even more amazing.)
((His name is Moraden. I should probably put some sort of notifier as he only talks in first person. My roleplaying is adequate at best though, as I know people who practically write entire novels for every post they make. Your posting isn't anything to sneeze at either, it's extremely well done. Thank you for the commendation.))
As soon as I heard her speak the question of me removing my hood, there was bound to be trouble. "I suppose it is only fair that you know my identity as well," I answered to her other statement. As I went to slowly remove my hood, I kept a hand near one of my scimitars. There was no knowing if she would lash out at my true identity. I would only use it for blocking however.
She strangely made a barrier of herself to block me from the entrance. She was very smart for sure. Kaler looked as though she was preparing to fight, something that I didn't want in the slightest. Then her intelligence shined through at the worst point for me. I was expecting her to charge or to attack, but Kaler just seemed to step back. "You have found out... If we must fight, then it must be with honor." I practically threw the hood off of my head, and released the coverings I put on the spaces of my armor where skin showed. "The boy in that story... Was me. I don't want to fight you, I just wanted you to ease in. I had to take precautions considering your hate, and I despise Ganondorf as much as any Hylian does. It need not come to this, but I sense any of our trust has been lost." It was going to be rather hard to avoid any sort of conflict, whether physical or verbal. Then, I thought of something.
I kneeled onto one leg, removed my hands from the sheathes of the scimitars, and looked straight downward towards the ground. "If you wish me gone, then let it be. If you wish myself dead, then let that be as well. I have lied too many times to be of any worth, and I understand if you'd rather kill me. Use that weapon of yours and cleanly slice off the head upon my shoulders." I was trying to use guilt to its utmost potential. If me being extremely apologetic does not fix anything, then nothing could possibly work. I wasn't ready to fight a woman that never committed any wrongs or atrocities.
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"Zazhigalka. I think this is Russian for 'smash your enemy's face in and then set him on fire.' I could be wrong though."
"Never be ashamed of sadness. Embrace it, love it, but don't become an emotional masochist. Without sadness, I guarantee you we would have one hundred times more killers in the world, and ten times as many wars."
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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(Thanks, but this is better quality than most people I've worked with. I don't join harder rps for the lack of a good moderator, they're always just there in the end because others want them...)
Kaler feels sick when Moraden kneels. "Get up, I've never killed anybody and I hope to never have to," she snaps at him turning away to take a deep breath and run a hand through her hair. The markings were all too familiar, identifying him as a gerudo. "To be honest, I have kept some truths from you too... Though nothing as drastic as that," she practically spits the last part before glancing over her shoulder at him.
"Never, ever, kneel to me again, for I am nothing special and it makes me feel incredibly uncomfortable. People kneel at royals, those they respect, lords, ladies, and leaders. Not farm girls with weapon training and a triangle on their hand. This sword I carry, this sword is the master sword of legend. Link used it, princess Zelda used it, and now I use it temporarily. I won't stain it with Hylian, gerudo, Zora, Dodongo, or kokiri blood if I can help it, so don't bother with all those words," she says moving to hold the master sword in its sheath with amazement.
"Come on, if you are with me, I'll need your help. If you aren't... Just kill me with a knife through my back before turning me over to ganondorf. He would make sure I have a memorable death that would do any demon proud..." She says the last part quietly, as if slightly begging though she hated it. She moved through the hole and stepped out looking at the castle appreciatively before glancing behind her briefly and gripping the hilt of the master sword. Her thoughts swing to the way he kneeled to her, and she releases the hilt, letting her hand drop beside her as she waits for him, her back to the hole. He could easily kill her if he wanted to, he could also actually care making her chances for the ocarina infinitely better.(If you want to pretend to be a real gerudo, just toget the two inside, I'll eventually have you meet up with Ganon briefly before getting away. Let me know if you want to so I can have a gerudo soldier walk by and you can turn in Kaler and then you can retrieve the ocarina.)
Her tone was harsh, and unforgiving. She had honor whether she knew it or not. Now that I was plain as day seen as a Gerudo Hylian cross, if I were to be spotted by the thieves they could very much kill me on the spot. If there's one thing Gerudos don't like, it's impersonation. My weapons were also easily noticeable, though they reinforced the look of my strength. My two scimitars, silver dagger, and extra throwing knives could scare nearly any normal citizen half to death. I heard her say something about keeping truths from me as well, but who wouldn't? I was suspicious from the start.
As I stood up from my position, she oddly let out some inner feelings. "So, you think yourself to be a vigilante then? Someone who requires no respect, no thanks, or even love. You do it simply because you have to, with no extra gain. You speak of becoming a hero to Hyrule, for the both of us, yet you don't want the recognition to go along with it. Somehow, I get the feeling that these words aren't specifically directed towards me. I will kneel to anybody I deem greater or on equal par to myself, though you may not think that. A farm girl is much greater than a man who has done nothing but hunting." I couldn't stand people who thought they were worthless. Every soul is worth just the same as each other. It was not my place to speak these sorts of things, but I just could not hold it within myself.
"I will follow you. Though you lack self-esteem of any sort that seems to make any sort of leader, you know this place much better than I. You know everything about this much better than I, so I suppose I should call you my leader. Killing you wouldn't bring any honor to me, now that I know how you go about it." Kaler seemed to usher me into coming closer, and as such I slowly come towards her trying to seem as non-threatening as possible while doing so.
((I do like how the two of them are completely cautious about the other. Kaler thinks about how Moraden could kill her, and the same with Moraden. Could lead to interesting trust moments later on.))
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"Zazhigalka. I think this is Russian for 'smash your enemy's face in and then set him on fire.' I could be wrong though."
"Never be ashamed of sadness. Embrace it, love it, but don't become an emotional masochist. Without sadness, I guarantee you we would have one hundred times more killers in the world, and ten times as many wars."
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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(Definitely. XD)
Kaler looks away, not wanting to meet Moradens eyes. She didn't have anything to loose, she also didn't think she deserved anything considering she hadn't really done much. "We can discuss this at a later time. Right now, we need to get the ocarina," she says rather sharp. She couldn't stand the idea of someone looking up to her as a leader. Only then did she realize she sounded like one. It terrified her. If she was to lead, that would mean anything that went wrong would make her feel as if it were her fault, meaning she felt responsible for both of them.
"Oh goddesses give me strength," she whispered to herself before moving down the path, pulling her hood up. She didn't care what decision Moraden made, well, maybe she cared a little...but she wasnt going to bother watching him. She would be caught off guard by anything else and if she was caught off guard, they might never get the ocarina.
Kaler rounds the corner of the castle deep in thought and curses as she sees a gerudo guard walking around towards her. She was fast to get behind the cover of the castle, but not fast enough as she hears the gerudo shout that she saw an intruder. "Moraden, the dungeons, there's an entrance to them, if we get seperated, use that to get inside," she says to him not bothering to look back or quiet her voice.
As I followed Kaler half-heartedly down whatever path she was headed, he acknowledged her decision to not speak any longer. She would make an odd leader, but if we are to gather more like ourselves, she is the only one that knows what to do. I know nothing of sages, demons, or heroes. Although indirectly, she is put in the place of leader whether she likes it or not. I would cover the rear, making sure that we wouldn't be snuck up from behind.
I would have to hide my identity once more, as I quickly redid my coverings and hood. The coverings were just simple cloth cuttings that fit into the place of my armor that revealed tattoos. I would have to be quick to be on the same pace and knowledge as Kaler is. As I noticeably put on my hood, something stuck out to me. An Ocarina of Time... What could that even do? I wouldn't think about it too much at the moment, but it was something to pull up in a later conversation.
It seemed that Kaler wasn't paying enough attention as I had originally thought. When I ducked away for cover when spotting a thief, she inadvertently kept going. About to shout, I noticed she pulled herself away. Kaler relayed a set of instructions to me, but I had a whole nother idea. "Wait a moment," I whispered. "I could pretend to be one of the thieves, I have close enough markings. All I would have to say is that I captured you, and am taking you to Ganon. Then, as soon as we pass by the thief we can continue on. I've had to do this plenty of times in other tribes." While I was whispering the entire thing, I removed my coverings to reveal my tattoos. Hopefully, the thief would notice them and just carry on or question me. All I'd need was for her to agree with the plan. "Just consider it. If anything, I'll fight them all as a distraction." I gave her my secondary choice as well.
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"Zazhigalka. I think this is Russian for 'smash your enemy's face in and then set him on fire.' I could be wrong though."
"Never be ashamed of sadness. Embrace it, love it, but don't become an emotional masochist. Without sadness, I guarantee you we would have one hundred times more killers in the world, and ten times as many wars."
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Kaler's breath disappears as she grasps for any other idea but sighing. They needed the ocarina, of they didn't go with his ideas, they'd both be dead. "Fighting... Fighting won't work. There's way too many. I don't do arrows and they'll be coming left and right when archers come out. Just... Get the ocarina if we get split up. Get it and get the h*ll out of here," she says to him as she moves to take off her hood.
Kaler looks back at moraden with eyes that are careful and guarded. "Moraden, take the master sword and guard it for now," Kaler says hesitant at first before nodding her confidence as she unbuckled the sheathed sword and passes it to him. If he was good or not, it didn't so much matter, she was already pretty trapped. "The entrance is around the corner, the ocarina should be near the throne room if not in it," she explains.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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((You can't rp him as in the future, because he doesn't exist there. You have to go to the future through the use of the master sword. As to why I'm not posting, is because I'm on my way home! Yay!))
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"Jesus Christ now I realize how messed up I've made my characters....." -booksmusicanime, after writing a "Thought Experiment" post.
"Code Lyoko was such a badass show." - Morgan Elliott from Twitter, after agreeing with me that they should add Odd's hair into TUG!
After several moments, I could easily tell from her constant surveying that she was mistrusting. I would be so as well given the circumstances, but I wouldn't know if she'd understand me being a Gerudo. Would she think me as a spy, fakely given the mark, and just kill me? Would she just hit me for lying? Or just flat out understand why? I couldn't quite stand it, and so I decided to speak. "your hate of the Gerudo. It stems from the thieves that captured you, correct? Have you ever met a normal Gerudo woman? A type of Gerudo that would ensure you fit in and take care of you no matter what? I'd just like to know of course." This would be the only way to ease her into my truth. I couldn't keep a lie large enough as faking where you come from for long, especially with such obvious visual signs as the tattoos.
"Zazhigalka. I think this is Russian for 'smash your enemy's face in and then set him on fire.' I could be wrong though."
"Never be ashamed of sadness. Embrace it, love it, but don't become an emotional masochist. Without sadness, I guarantee you we would have one hundred times more killers in the world, and ten times as many wars."
"The gerudo killed my family basically... Took my home, tried to kill me... Couldn't care less about myself to be honest, but... It just... When you see them take a family to jail or take their supply of money that gives them food... That's what got me mad against the gerudo, not my years in jail. Those were just years, time I spent because I wasn't strong enough, and if anything I put myself down for not being out here helping people..." Kaler says quietly not meeting his eyes. "I never really met a real gerudo, they usually just attack me, or try to kill me, or something," Kaler shrugs.
"I know some people would say, 'oh, you seem so noble and blah blah blah,' but I'm not. I'm horrible in lots of things and this is one thing I can do to help change the life I was given by whoever guides us in life," Kaler says more to herself than anyone else, just loud enough to be considered whispering, but not very much louder than not speaking at all. Kaler frowns and feels a twinge of sadness as she sees a few children run by, parentless and slightly fearful.
I spoke the whole story solemnly, without a hint of deceit in my tone. Though it was entirely based upon my own story, it would help ease her into taking me along. I was tempted to say that the boy was myself, but that would just spoil it all. For now, the goal is to show that not all Gerudo wanted the destruction that the thieves strived for. The moment of truth may come soon however.
"Zazhigalka. I think this is Russian for 'smash your enemy's face in and then set him on fire.' I could be wrong though."
"Never be ashamed of sadness. Embrace it, love it, but don't become an emotional masochist. Without sadness, I guarantee you we would have one hundred times more killers in the world, and ten times as many wars."
The castle began to look above the two and Kaler motioned for her companion to follow as she started straying from the path, watching for monsters and or patrolling gerudo as she searched for her usual entrance into the palace. Well, not really her usual so much as the usual entry place into the palace if you aren't invited.
"Zazhigalka. I think this is Russian for 'smash your enemy's face in and then set him on fire.' I could be wrong though."
"Never be ashamed of sadness. Embrace it, love it, but don't become an emotional masochist. Without sadness, I guarantee you we would have one hundred times more killers in the world, and ten times as many wars."
She moves to stand in between this guy and the entrance. If he charged her and they ended up grappling for some reason, he would have the advantage with his size and strength. Something in her head clicked and her mouth widened to an O. "You haven't showed me your face or any piece of skin because of the tattoos the gerudo males and females take," she whispers with a piece of shock. She takes a step back, her back cold on the stone and her front still wet with her blood.(Ragnas, what's your characters name? Also, I must commend you for your amazing roleplaying. You are one of the best I've encountered. Your posts are long, detailed, and always give something to respond to. Those are the posts that everyone loves. If everyone made those posts, these forums would be even more amazing.)
As soon as I heard her speak the question of me removing my hood, there was bound to be trouble. "I suppose it is only fair that you know my identity as well," I answered to her other statement. As I went to slowly remove my hood, I kept a hand near one of my scimitars. There was no knowing if she would lash out at my true identity. I would only use it for blocking however.
She strangely made a barrier of herself to block me from the entrance. She was very smart for sure. Kaler looked as though she was preparing to fight, something that I didn't want in the slightest. Then her intelligence shined through at the worst point for me. I was expecting her to charge or to attack, but Kaler just seemed to step back. "You have found out... If we must fight, then it must be with honor." I practically threw the hood off of my head, and released the coverings I put on the spaces of my armor where skin showed. "The boy in that story... Was me. I don't want to fight you, I just wanted you to ease in. I had to take precautions considering your hate, and I despise Ganondorf as much as any Hylian does. It need not come to this, but I sense any of our trust has been lost." It was going to be rather hard to avoid any sort of conflict, whether physical or verbal. Then, I thought of something.
I kneeled onto one leg, removed my hands from the sheathes of the scimitars, and looked straight downward towards the ground. "If you wish me gone, then let it be. If you wish myself dead, then let that be as well. I have lied too many times to be of any worth, and I understand if you'd rather kill me. Use that weapon of yours and cleanly slice off the head upon my shoulders." I was trying to use guilt to its utmost potential. If me being extremely apologetic does not fix anything, then nothing could possibly work. I wasn't ready to fight a woman that never committed any wrongs or atrocities.
"Zazhigalka. I think this is Russian for 'smash your enemy's face in and then set him on fire.' I could be wrong though."
"Never be ashamed of sadness. Embrace it, love it, but don't become an emotional masochist. Without sadness, I guarantee you we would have one hundred times more killers in the world, and ten times as many wars."
Kaler feels sick when Moraden kneels. "Get up, I've never killed anybody and I hope to never have to," she snaps at him turning away to take a deep breath and run a hand through her hair. The markings were all too familiar, identifying him as a gerudo. "To be honest, I have kept some truths from you too... Though nothing as drastic as that," she practically spits the last part before glancing over her shoulder at him.
"Never, ever, kneel to me again, for I am nothing special and it makes me feel incredibly uncomfortable. People kneel at royals, those they respect, lords, ladies, and leaders. Not farm girls with weapon training and a triangle on their hand. This sword I carry, this sword is the master sword of legend. Link used it, princess Zelda used it, and now I use it temporarily. I won't stain it with Hylian, gerudo, Zora, Dodongo, or kokiri blood if I can help it, so don't bother with all those words," she says moving to hold the master sword in its sheath with amazement.
"Come on, if you are with me, I'll need your help. If you aren't... Just kill me with a knife through my back before turning me over to ganondorf. He would make sure I have a memorable death that would do any demon proud..." She says the last part quietly, as if slightly begging though she hated it. She moved through the hole and stepped out looking at the castle appreciatively before glancing behind her briefly and gripping the hilt of the master sword. Her thoughts swing to the way he kneeled to her, and she releases the hilt, letting her hand drop beside her as she waits for him, her back to the hole. He could easily kill her if he wanted to, he could also actually care making her chances for the ocarina infinitely better.(If you want to pretend to be a real gerudo, just toget the two inside, I'll eventually have you meet up with Ganon briefly before getting away. Let me know if you want to so I can have a gerudo soldier walk by and you can turn in Kaler and then you can retrieve the ocarina.)
Her tone was harsh, and unforgiving. She had honor whether she knew it or not. Now that I was plain as day seen as a Gerudo Hylian cross, if I were to be spotted by the thieves they could very much kill me on the spot. If there's one thing Gerudos don't like, it's impersonation. My weapons were also easily noticeable, though they reinforced the look of my strength. My two scimitars, silver dagger, and extra throwing knives could scare nearly any normal citizen half to death. I heard her say something about keeping truths from me as well, but who wouldn't? I was suspicious from the start.
As I stood up from my position, she oddly let out some inner feelings. "So, you think yourself to be a vigilante then? Someone who requires no respect, no thanks, or even love. You do it simply because you have to, with no extra gain. You speak of becoming a hero to Hyrule, for the both of us, yet you don't want the recognition to go along with it. Somehow, I get the feeling that these words aren't specifically directed towards me. I will kneel to anybody I deem greater or on equal par to myself, though you may not think that. A farm girl is much greater than a man who has done nothing but hunting." I couldn't stand people who thought they were worthless. Every soul is worth just the same as each other. It was not my place to speak these sorts of things, but I just could not hold it within myself.
"I will follow you. Though you lack self-esteem of any sort that seems to make any sort of leader, you know this place much better than I. You know everything about this much better than I, so I suppose I should call you my leader. Killing you wouldn't bring any honor to me, now that I know how you go about it." Kaler seemed to usher me into coming closer, and as such I slowly come towards her trying to seem as non-threatening as possible while doing so.
((I do like how the two of them are completely cautious about the other. Kaler thinks about how Moraden could kill her, and the same with Moraden. Could lead to interesting trust moments later on.))
"Zazhigalka. I think this is Russian for 'smash your enemy's face in and then set him on fire.' I could be wrong though."
"Never be ashamed of sadness. Embrace it, love it, but don't become an emotional masochist. Without sadness, I guarantee you we would have one hundred times more killers in the world, and ten times as many wars."
Kaler looks away, not wanting to meet Moradens eyes. She didn't have anything to loose, she also didn't think she deserved anything considering she hadn't really done much. "We can discuss this at a later time. Right now, we need to get the ocarina," she says rather sharp. She couldn't stand the idea of someone looking up to her as a leader. Only then did she realize she sounded like one. It terrified her. If she was to lead, that would mean anything that went wrong would make her feel as if it were her fault, meaning she felt responsible for both of them.
"Oh goddesses give me strength," she whispered to herself before moving down the path, pulling her hood up. She didn't care what decision Moraden made, well, maybe she cared a little...but she wasnt going to bother watching him. She would be caught off guard by anything else and if she was caught off guard, they might never get the ocarina.
Kaler rounds the corner of the castle deep in thought and curses as she sees a gerudo guard walking around towards her. She was fast to get behind the cover of the castle, but not fast enough as she hears the gerudo shout that she saw an intruder. "Moraden, the dungeons, there's an entrance to them, if we get seperated, use that to get inside," she says to him not bothering to look back or quiet her voice.
I would have to hide my identity once more, as I quickly redid my coverings and hood. The coverings were just simple cloth cuttings that fit into the place of my armor that revealed tattoos. I would have to be quick to be on the same pace and knowledge as Kaler is. As I noticeably put on my hood, something stuck out to me. An Ocarina of Time... What could that even do? I wouldn't think about it too much at the moment, but it was something to pull up in a later conversation.
It seemed that Kaler wasn't paying enough attention as I had originally thought. When I ducked away for cover when spotting a thief, she inadvertently kept going. About to shout, I noticed she pulled herself away. Kaler relayed a set of instructions to me, but I had a whole nother idea. "Wait a moment," I whispered. "I could pretend to be one of the thieves, I have close enough markings. All I would have to say is that I captured you, and am taking you to Ganon. Then, as soon as we pass by the thief we can continue on. I've had to do this plenty of times in other tribes." While I was whispering the entire thing, I removed my coverings to reveal my tattoos. Hopefully, the thief would notice them and just carry on or question me. All I'd need was for her to agree with the plan. "Just consider it. If anything, I'll fight them all as a distraction." I gave her my secondary choice as well.
"Zazhigalka. I think this is Russian for 'smash your enemy's face in and then set him on fire.' I could be wrong though."
"Never be ashamed of sadness. Embrace it, love it, but don't become an emotional masochist. Without sadness, I guarantee you we would have one hundred times more killers in the world, and ten times as many wars."
Kaler looks back at moraden with eyes that are careful and guarded. "Moraden, take the master sword and guard it for now," Kaler says hesitant at first before nodding her confidence as she unbuckled the sheathed sword and passes it to him. If he was good or not, it didn't so much matter, she was already pretty trapped. "The entrance is around the corner, the ocarina should be near the throne room if not in it," she explains.
"Jesus Christ now I realize how messed up I've made my characters....." -booksmusicanime, after writing a "Thought Experiment" post.
"Code Lyoko was such a badass show." - Morgan Elliott from Twitter, after agreeing with me that they should add Odd's hair into TUG!
"Jesus Christ now I realize how messed up I've made my characters....." -booksmusicanime, after writing a "Thought Experiment" post.
"Code Lyoko was such a badass show." - Morgan Elliott from Twitter, after agreeing with me that they should add Odd's hair into TUG!
"Jesus Christ now I realize how messed up I've made my characters....." -booksmusicanime, after writing a "Thought Experiment" post.
"Code Lyoko was such a badass show." - Morgan Elliott from Twitter, after agreeing with me that they should add Odd's hair into TUG!