More Info: How to Change Your Minecraft Skin in Java Edition
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Need Help? Click here for more information on How to Change Your Minecraft Skin in Java Edition.
1. You're in a regular highschool no powers or super natural
2. Be creative with your app
3. Have fun
4. If you want a sex scene please use a spoiler and warn about it
5. Respect mods and admins (and everyone else)
6. You better have fun
7. When talking OOC on the IC, use (( ... ))
8. When using multiple characters, please specify which character you are using, or RP in third person
9. When your character is using, use " ... "
10. Mention your time zone below your app
11. If you break the rules more than three times, you will be removed from the RP
12. If you do not post for thirty days, you will be removed, and will have to create a new app
13. Anyone who has an accepted app may control NPCs in the situation they are in
14. If you are not a staff member you may only have one character. If you've already had two accepted and
both have been in the RP already you may keep them, but otherwise choose one
15. If you do not apply in this thread you are automatically denied
[b]Name:[/b](Your Character's Full name)
[b]Age:[/b](preferably 15-19)
[b]Personality:[/b](you have to at least give me 5 adjectives to describe your character)
[b]Appearance:[/b](you can either have one hell of detailed speech on how he/she will look like, or a simple picture
[b]Other looks:[/b](if you want to change the look in you're character's picture or his/her secondary outfit)
[b]Boyfriend/Girlfriend:[/b](no real names. Type in Yes or No, this is means you will most likely get a BF or GF)
[b]Gender[/b]:(male or female)
[b]Bio: (optional)[/b](please give a good story of your bio if you're going to add one)
Please keep your application realistic. As in you're in the modern times, Not in a zombie outbreak, or from 200 years in the future. Also please don't add weapons.
Characters and Time Zones:
Accepted Apps:
farehaven- Tom Raiden
[b]Name:[/b]Tom Raiden
[b]Persionality:[/b]Arrogant,follows his own rules most of the time,video game lover,athletic, He's trustworthy if you get to know him.He has learned boxing for 3 years
[b]Other looks:[/b]
[b]Boyfriend/Girlfriend:[/b]I'll get one...
[b]Bio: (optional)[/b]Tom was born in England. He moved to America because his mother found out about the Everwood school branch.At the age of 11 he started boxing.At the age of 13 his father left for the Army which left him with his mother, brother and sister.On the age of 15 His mother left for Mexico to date a rich Mexican fellow.He now lives with his Brother and Sister.
LexyElizabeth- Abby Easton
[b]Name:[/b] Abby Easton
[b]Age:[/b] 17
[b]Personality:[/b]average teen
[b]Other looks: Not yet[/b]
[b]Gender[/b]: Female
[b]Bio: (optional)[/b] Abby helps out on family friends farm and knows as a country girl.
YaleTheDog- Lexi Knight
[b]Name: [/b][b]Lexi Knight[/b]
[b]Age: 16[/b]
[b]Personality: Lexi is a feisty, kind, and popular girl. She enjoys playing video games and being out with her friends.[/b]
[b]Other looks: N/A[/b]
[b]Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Is going to get one. (Hopefully)[/b]
[b]Gender[/b]: [b]Female[/b]
[b]Bio: Lexi never got along with her family and her parents are split up, she only really likes her brother which is 21 which she hardly ever sees anyway, so Lexi spends most of her time out of the house with her friends.[/b]
smarttle- Sheila Hatter
[b]Name: Sheila Hatter[/b]
[b]Age: 16[/b]
[b]Personality: sweet, slow to trust, outdoorsy[/b]
[b]Appearance: 5'3", short brown hair, green/brown eyes, thin[/b]
[b]Other looks: [/b]
[b]Boyfriend/Girlfriend: none but has a crush on someone[/b]
[b]Gender: female[/b]
[b]Bio: likes camping, so she camps one a month on the weekends. Her dad died when she was 2 but she never met him.[/b]
YaleTheDog- Kane Steel
[b]Name: Kane Steel[/b]
[b]Age: 19[/b]
[b]Personality: Kane is cold hearted, and unkind. He enjoys seeing other peoples misfortunes and pain. The only people who he shows a tiny spark of respect to are the people of his clan, Jigsaw.[/b]
[b]Other looks: N/A[/b]
[b]Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Nope.[/b]
[b]Gender[/b]: Male
[b]Bio: Kane never really had anything to do with anyone, or ever wanted to, he usually was out in the town at night in the alleys, or at the skatepark. Both of his parents are dead. When he was 16, Kane formed a gang called the Jigsaw Clan, and it is now very successful.[/b]
YaleTheDog- Zander Flint
[b]Name: Zander Flint[/b]
[b]Age: 19[/b]
[b]Personality: Zander seems to be emotionless and strict, though when you get to know him, he is warm hearted and very kind.[/b]
[b]Appearance: [/b]
[b]Other Looks: N/A[/b]
[b]Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Nope[/b]
[b]Gender: Male[/b]
[b]Bio: Zander was raised by a loving family, and was brought up with good manners. Though just like Kane, his parents also died. He has always been able to take care of himself very well, and is managing just fine on his own. When Zander just turned 17, he joined the Jigsaw clan, and has now been ordered by Kane to take care and watch over Lexi.[/b]
smarttle- Jake Paulson
Name: Jake Paulson
[b]Age: 15[/b]
[b]Personality: he's rather quiet. This is because he has slight problems with depression. He hates being poor and wants to help his family. Other than that he is very polite and if be knows you well he'll open up a bit.[/b]
[b]Appearance: he looks like Johnny from The Outsiders[/b]
[b]Other looks: he always wears a blue hat and doesn'twear a jean jacket. He wears a black leather jacket that is worn down.[/b]
[b]Boyfriend/Girlfriend: none. He would treat his girl like a queen of he had one though[/b]
[b]Gender[/b]: male
[b]Bio: Jake has always lived in a poor family. He lives with both his parents and has no siblings. When he was little his parents found a set of drums at a sale for a low price and they saved up and bought them for him. He is an excellent drummer and a huge fan of Gunner Wilson. He sings pretty well and would give anything to do a song with Gunner. He lives near "the hood" and he feels bad about that so he never let's his friends see his house.[/b]
Kawashi- Kawasi Kohiji
Name: Kawasa Kohiji
Age: 15
Personality: Normal Quiet, Smart Thinking, Bookworm, Low Annoyance tolerance, Anti Social, Quiet Loner
Other looks:
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Maybe, if luck gets me
Gender: Male
Bio: (opitional) Back then I was very cheerful and outgoing. Then my parents moved and left me alone. I was still the same until I got bullied at elementary school for my hair which was long. I cut it and never had it again.
smarttle- Gunner Wilson
Name: Gunner Wilson
Age: 17
Personality: he's sweet and tough. He is protective of his friends, and never let's anyone get hurt. He's like a savior. If something is going to happen he has a sense that lets him know. He doesn't know where, he just knows when. When this happens he becomes really protective.
Appearance: http://s1.zerochan.n...600.1268511.jpg
Other looks: none
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: none... yet
Gender: male
Bio: he grew up locally with his parents. He was a carefree child until he became a teenager and both his parents died. He began living with his brother, Zack, though he's never around. Zack acts like Gunner and looks like him but he's seven years older. Gunner sings and plays guitar quite well. He often performs shows in other states. He's the richest person in the city, and lives in a very high tech, huge mansion. (It would even shock Lexi)
Kawashi- Tayushiko Miyitu
b]Name[/b]: Tayushiko Miyitu
[b]Age[/b]: 16
[b]Personality[/b]: He is very caring. He flirts with a lot of the girls he sees, making him a flirt. He is also, like Kawasa, a transfer student. He is a transfer student from London, England. He does his best to help anyone who needs it. He is a good person who, if you need help, he'll do the best he can. He also likes to go to bars, although he isn't a heavy drinker.
Has blue eyes, and normally wears a Blue Tuxedo with Black Pants.
[b]Other Looks[/b]: An Orange Shirt, with Black Pants.
[b]Boyfriend/Girlfriend[/b]: He flirts with a lot of girls, although he plans on getting a girlfriend.
[b]Gender[/b]: Male
[b]Bio[/b]: Back then, he was a former prankster, setting his neighbors trash cans on fire. As well as doing pranks on his school in London. His parents soon found out, and sent him to a military school in London. After that, they transferred him to another school. He is now a mature, caring teenager.
farehaven- Sasha Woods
[b]Name:[/b]Sasha Woods
[b]Personality:[/b]Very lustful,kinda arrogant,never shy,She's one hell of a commando/leader
[b]Other looks:[/b]add in a black hoodie with the initials "SDC" wears Tight jeans and white converse shoes
[b]Bio: (optional)[/b]She was part of "The Edge" before the leader died, She was the one who fought Tom, Now shes the leader of the gang but she turned the name different and she said "Anyone who will defy me will be hunted down" she has a nasty evil grin and shes mildly rich
CDF- Tiana Kendal
Name: Tiana Kendal
Age: 17
Personality: Willing to help friends within his limits, somewhat lustiful, generally peaceful and friendly
Appearance: This woman puts you in mind of a placid lake. She has almond-shaped silver eyes. Her thick, wavy, yellow hair is worn in a style that looks somewhat like a bird's wing. She is short and has a somewhat thin build, with rather large breasts. Her skin is white. She has large feet.
Other looks:
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: None yet.
Gender: Female
Bio: Will make this soon.
JulietFrenchGirl- Olivia Christopher
Name: Olivia Christopher
Age: 16
Personality: Creative, smart, curious, kind, Adventurous, and determined
[b]Spoiler: [/b]
Other looks: Olivia usually has a rather nice variety of clothing that is comfortable yet in style. A pair of jeans and a cute or pretty shirt with small ankle boots fits her style most.
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Yes
Gender: Female
Bio: Olivia grew up in a higher class family, always having enough money to spend on practically anything they wanted, as long as it was within reason. She has an older sister who was a cheerleader and two older brothers who both played on the varsity football, basketball, and baseball teams. Olivia grew up being more of a tomboy until she began to hang around her sister more as their parents were never home, always working. Olivia already like basketball and softball, but she got into cheerleading because of her sister and now loves it. When she tried out for the squad, she made it without much difficulty, as she had done gymnastics when she was younger. Growing up, Olivia always got grades that would get her by, either a low A or high B, not the smarter but not bad at all. She has lived in the town her entire life and is rather excited as she finally gets to come to school, having been away for the first few weeks still on vacation.
Sargeant_om_nom- Nerin Reteck
[b]Name: [/b][b]Nerin Reteck[/b]
[b]Age: 17[/b]
[b]Personality: (I'm guessing you mean adjectives) Weird, spontanious, evil, cunning, tomboy[/b]
[b]Spoiler: [/b]
[b]Other looks: Outfit:[/b]
[b]Spoiler: [/b]
[b]Ignore the hair[/b]
[b]Boyfriend/Girlfriend: She has a crush on Jack Gleeson, the actor who plays Joffrey, GOT. But No.[/b]
[b]Gender: Female[/b]
[b]Bio: (Meh)[/b]
Shanzikul- Antonio Fernandez Carriedo
[b]Name: [/b]Antonio Fernandez Carriedo
[b]Age:[/b][b] [/b]18
[b]Personality:[/b][b] [/b]Is friendly most of the time, does anything to get your attention, flirty, funny, cheeky, loves Tomatoes.
[b]Spoiler: [/b]
[b]Other looks:[/b]N/A
[b]Boyfriend/Girlfriend:[/b][b] [/b]Nope
[b]Bio: (optional) [/b](Might do it later)
ThornsOnARose- Francis Bonnefoy
[b]Name: [/b]Francis Bonnefoy
[b]Age:[/b] 18
[b]Personality: [/b]Can be cruel at some points, flirtatious, sweet, outgoing, can be a bit in your face.
[b]Spoiler: [/b]
[b]Other looks:[/b]N/A
[b]Bio: [/b]N/A
Kawashi- Sarah Ryou
[b]Name[/b]: Sarah Ryou
[b]Age[/b]: 17
[b]Personality[/b]: She is very caring, smart, and a bit shy. She is also stubborn. She like hanging out with friends.
[b]Other Looks[/b]: She also likes to wear red, or purple dresses.
[b]Boyfriend/Girlfriend[/b]: Yes
[b]Gender[/b]: Female
[b]Bio[/b]: She used to live in North Dakota, until her mother lost her job. She was forced to move into Everwood. She really likes it there. She also likes to go the mall and buys dresses, as she is very obsessive with her appearance. Her hobby is traveling, and meeting new people.
XtremeProdigy- Theo Gray
[b]Name:[/b](Your Character's Full name) Theo Gray
[b]Age:[/b](preferably 15-19) 16
[b]Personality:[/b](you have to at least give me 5 adjectives to describe your character) Theo, in many peoples eyes. is directly between being a "nerd" and an average teen. He displays himself as being very loud mouthed and outgoing when around other people, though in reality is quite shy and gentle, though he seldom shows this side of him to others.
He also acts a lot more maturely for his age at times, often wanting no part of his friends shenanigans due to fear of getting in trouble. He also has completely different hobbies and interests than many his age do. He is deeply intrested in Medieval history and Fantasy literature, having also taking up internet Roleplaying on forums and video games as a hobby. However, he doesn't express these interests to his real life friends in fear of getting bullied. Another one of his interests is gaming in general, though he is not as shy admitting to this. He mostly plays RPG and fantasy games, though he also plays various shooters, strategy, and racing games.
Theo also harbours some "Emo" traits, suffering from faint depression. Partly from past events during his life, though also due to the stresses of going through puberty. He has self-harmed before, and continues to do so during his outbursts and sadness. At the worst, he's suffered from minor anxiety attacks. He is also very aggressive, and annoyed easily. Often not being fearful to stand up to what he believes in.
(Yes, he's Jon Snow/Kit Harington. Whatchu gonna do?)
[b]Other looks:[/b](if you want to change the look in you're character's picture or his/her secondary outfit)
(Basically, his casual clothing. Minus the sunglasses unless I RP him wearing them. Focus on the clothes, not the face)
[b]Boyfriend/Girlfriend:[/b](no real names. Type in Yes or No, this is means you will most likely get a BF or GF) Not yet, no
[b]Gender[/b]:(male or female) Male
[b]Bio: (optional)[/b](please give a good story of your bio if you're going to add one)
Born as the third son and youngest child of Bradon Gray and Allana Harlem, Theo was born into an already dysfuctional household. When asked about his childhood, Theo will often claim that his earliest memories were that of him laying in bed, awake and tears running down his cheeks as he listens to his parents yell and argue.
This went on for years, until Theo's mother immediately arranged a divorce after Brandon pushed her down the stairs. It took nearly a year until the once lawful marriage of the pair officially ceased to exist, with both of the parents having custody over Theo and his older siblings. This all happened when Theo was only 10 years of age.
Theo remained at his mother's during weekdays, and visited his father during the weekend during his school seasons. Despite the failed marriage with his wife, Theo's father loved all of his children very much, often spoiling them with gifts and even keeping contact with their mother for their childrens sake. Theo returned this love back, often excited to see his dad. Though Theo's mother always warned her children to steer clear of their Fathers path of women beating and drinking.
This all changed, however, when Theo was 12 years old. Brandon met another women, a lady by the name of Victoria Danish. Brandon instantly fell in love with her, and she moved in with him and the children.
At first, Theo and Victoria assumed a healthy relationship. Though over time, Victoria began to abuse and harass Theo and his siblings behind Brandons back. Theo's personality soon began to change. He went from a happy, adventurous boy content with life to a shy, secretive and defensive 12 year old. This abusement went on for almost 2 years, with neither Allana nor Brandon knowing of it due to the victims fearing what could happen if they told anyone.
When Theo was nearing 14 years old, his two older brother Roderik and Mark went missing, leaving him with his older sister Yanna. Many searches were carried out by the police to find the boys, but to know avail. In reality, the two had ran away to escape being abused.
Though in time, the truth was discovered. Theo's mother immediately went to court, putting Victoria behind bars and getting full custody over his children. Theo hasn't seen his father since, though hates him and blames him for what happened to him and why Roderik and Mark went missing.
Theo, 14 years old at this time, was left permanently scarred by these events. His changes to his personality did not stop with the end of the abusement. He became more to himself, preferring to stay indoors and play video games rather than go out with friends. The people he could call "friends" soon turned their back on him, leaving him to suffer alone. He soon began to become depressed, self-harming and even suffering from a minor anxiety attack during school hours. He began making more enemies than friends, being often bullied and attacked and not being able to fight back.
Now, a 16 year old Theo plans to move from his current residence in London to a town called Everwood in America along with his mother and sister. He has been on medication for months now, which has improved his condition greatly. Though he continues to live on with faint depression.
Time Zones:
YaleTheDog: GMT
LexyElixabeth: CST
farehaven: PST
smarttle: EST
DaBroIan: PST
Kawasi: EST
Xtreme_Prodigy: GMT
Amazing Admins:
Authority: approve or deny apps, skip time, control other players when necessary, up to five characters
farehaven (owner)
smarttle (co-owner)
Magnificent Mod:
Authority: approve or deny apps, up to three characters
Here is the geographic manual: http://www.minecraft...graphic-manual/
Here be dragons
Personality:quiet yet extremely loud
Appearance:hoodies and jeans EDIT: black, bout 6ft 130 pounds one headphone in his ear, sneakers,
Other looks:n/a
Bio: (optional) alex is an up and coming rapper who writes and draws about killing and violence when the teacher is talking
usa pacific time\
this is the same app on the other highschool rp
Come play on my awesome rp #link
Here be dragons
Come play on my awesome rp #link
Here be dragons
Come play on my awesome rp #link
Got any maps, redstone contraptions, or problems that you need help with? Just ask me, I'm always here to help!
Got any maps, redstone contraptions, or problems that you need help with? Just ask me, I'm always here to help!
Ohhhh.... can you post a copy of it?
Here be dragons
Got any maps, redstone contraptions, or problems that you need help with? Just ask me, I'm always here to help!
Got any maps, redstone contraptions, or problems that you need help with? Just ask me, I'm always here to help!
Here be dragons
Here be dragons
Here be dragons
Name: Kawasa Kohiji
Age: 15
Personality: Normal Quiet, Smart Thinking, Bookworm, Low Annoyance tolerance, Anti Social, Quiet Loner
Other looks:
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Maybe, if luck gets me
Gender: Male
Bio: (opitional) Back then I was very cheerful and outgoing. Then my parents moved and left me alone. I was still the same until I got bullied at elementary school for my hair which was long. I cut it and never had it again.
Timezone: EST (Eastern Time Zone)
Click the button if you like my post, I complemented you, or helped you in any way.
Oh ok. I'll add it right now.
DaBroIan I still need your app.
Here be dragons
Age: 17
Personality: he's sweet and tough. He is protective of his friends, and never let's anyone get hurt. He's like a savior. If something is going to happen he has a sense that lets him know. He doesn't know where, he just knows when. When this happens he becomes really protective.
Other looks: none
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: none... yet
Gender: male
Bio: he grew up locally with his parents. He was a carefree child until he became a teenager and both his parents died. He began living with his brother, Zack, though he's never around. Zack acts like Gunner and looks like him but he's seven years older. Gunner sings and plays guitar quite well. He often performs shows in other states. He's the richest person in the city, and lives in a very high tech, huge mansion. (It would even shock Lexi)
Here be dragons
And Tom XD
Here be dragons