I looked at the assassin briefly before calling the information up on my glasses. "The easiest way would be to get on a plane, but that would mean you can't take your weaponry. I would suggest heading over to Black Mesa. I hear they have some teleportation technology." I offered the man my hand. "My name is Holland Schwarz. I'm a scientist at Wiz Tech. We focus on the magic and psychic types."
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Jennifer lost the war today, the fire burns and rains.
Slowly, the camera drips fresh, red blood. The red liquid drips out of the camera lens and gently taps the floor. As the bleeding progresses, the lens begins to look like an eye, quickly darting back and forth, as if it was looking for something. Suddenly there is a spark, and the camera dies, smoke seaping through the top of the frame. Beneath the camera is the pile of blood, which has disturbingly started to reform itself into something that vaguely looked like the exact person looking at the camera.
There was a loud shriek as the pool of blood was kicked, and it fell back over into an ordinary pool of blood. A civilian standing close by walks over after hearing the shout.
I tried to figure what had just happened, but I couldn't find any information. I just stared blankly at the blood. "Some sort of reality warping? I haven't seen anything like this, either."
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Jennifer lost the war today, the fire burns and rains.
((I will play a minor part in this for now, I really need to grab somebody for my evil plot though... I'll sit back and watch, you all carry on with what you were doing.))
Zachzman1 - Guess whaaaaaattttt Pokeman... > here comes a villiaaaaannnnn Name: Ari Age: 47, Human Counting. Bio: Ari, born an Avian, always an Avian, has believed in (Using this word too much) Avian gods. Until he was corrupted in the heart. Ever since, Ari has been grounded, (Don't think about grounded from a computer, it's an Avian term.) never to fly again, buuuut, his god doesn't believe in the grounding, so he broke that rule. along with that, he was banished to this sick world. he will prove to his people that his corrupted god is the true one, and that he was right all along. Ari has chosen to do this by becoming a criminal, (not the best career choice, but his god is weird...) and a skilled one at that. using Avian skills and technology, he has become almost unstoppable. Due to his agility, he has the ability to go faster than most creatures on this planet, and he is able to do more parkour ( > ). He carries around a light, human-made, bullet-using, primitive Pistol, along with alot of ammo. He does that, rather than an Avian weapon, due to the whole 'Banished' thing. Powers/Abilities: Avian Flight: Very Temperal flight, due to the loss wings, Avians can't really fly, but they can float. Avian Agility: Species: Avian (Think of Starbound) Gender: Male Appearance: Blue Feathers, (Mordecai's fluff around the beak) a small, eagle-like beak.
I feel like joining other RP's of yours.
((Gotta go, gonna post and come back later)
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Miley Cyrus entered my room. She approached slowly, with a grin on her face...
I looked over and saw a security camera. "Strange. This place NEVER puts up security cameras." I said."Am I in the right dimension...?" I muttered.
"My god, what just happened?"
Name: Ari
Age: 47, Human Counting.
Bio: Ari, born an Avian, always an Avian, has believed in (Using this word too much) Avian gods. Until he was corrupted in the heart. Ever since, Ari has been grounded, (Don't think about grounded from a computer, it's an Avian term.) never to fly again, buuuut, his god doesn't believe in the grounding, so he broke that rule. along with that, he was banished to this sick world. he will prove to his people that his corrupted god is the true one, and that he was right all along. Ari has chosen to do this by becoming a criminal, (not the best career choice, but his god is weird...) and a skilled one at that. using Avian skills and technology, he has become almost unstoppable. Due to his agility, he has the ability to go faster than most creatures on this planet, and he is able to do more parkour ( >
Avian Flight: Very Temperal flight, due to the loss wings, Avians can't really fly, but they can float.
Avian Agility:
Species: Avian (Think of Starbound)
Gender: Male
Appearance: Blue Feathers, (Mordecai's fluff around the beak) a small, eagle-like beak.
I feel like joining other RP's of yours.
((Gotta go, gonna post and come back later)