((The bomb would cause a large enough explosion which would create a minor shockwave. Debris from the lobby of Galloway towers would like cascade down the streets. There'd be no shrapnel since it's mean't to cripple Galloway Towers, however the structural integrity of the building wouldn't allow it. However the blast radius would probably create a big enough explosion to damage the buildings around it. Like I said, Reverse is just across the street. It's not entirely likely that Lurway died, but surely it'd create panic & people would rush away. About the only thing that could happen is bring Reverse's ceiling down, but since that guy doesn't even post anymore, I'm cancelling out the explosion even happening to prevent further discussion of an explosion, so you may continue with the Reverse Mix posts, just disregard the explosion.
((The explosive was just a scare-factor sort of thing; there would be no significant structural damage and the Reverse would have at most broken windows. I was basing it off this. It's a primary high explosive with an RE of 0.8, so there would at least be a shockwave. Sorry for not posting for a while; I'm waiting for some time to pass so that my next post makes sense. Tell me if I'm kicked out.))
The City {Accepting}