Well, yet again, title says what this is already, so:
After the deletion of the Cybeasts (MMBN6), the internet seemed to be at peace for good this time. however, shortly after, there were multiple cases of Navis dissappearing, as well as sabotage of public areas. Wily was suspected to be behind this, despite reforming, but there was no proof of him or anybody else doing this. due to this, extra security measures were taken, but the culprit still continued, putting the net at risk. whoever it is, the culprit must be extremely powerful, as no trace of the suspected victims were found, and the destroyed areas are numerous. recently, multiple operators and navis, even ones with no operator, have been trying to find out who did these acts. are you one of them? or perhaps you are working for another cause, or maybe you are even allied with the culprit.
Solo?: (Y/N)
Operator: (if No is chosen for Solo)
Element: (Normal, Wood, Fire, Aqua, or Elec)
Main Attack:
Navichip Function: (if defeated in combat easily, whoever beat you will get this.)
1. Navichips should not be OP as in: " a copy of (insert your navis name here) warps in front of the user and deletes all viruses and/or navis on the enemy field instantly." but they should still be kind of useful, such as: "a copy of (insert your navi's name here) warps in front of the user and fires (insert your navi's main attack here) at the nearest virus/navi."
2. you are NOT be allowed to delete some else's navi without their permission, but if said navi is not solo, that person's operator can obtain a new navi.
3. you may PM me battle chip suggestions.
4. put Hikari in you operator's app (if you make one), so i know you read the rules.
5. put Megaman in your netnavi's app, so i know you read the rules.
6. your Netnavi's main attack cannot be OP, as in: "Fires huge shots that instantly delete whoever is hit, and does not need charging time/only need to charge for a few seconds"
7. Have Fun!
By the way, I forgot to mention that you don't have to control/make an app for the operator of your netnavi if you don't want to, but you can if you want, unless said operator is an original character, in which case that info will need to be provided.
Name: Scrap Man.EXE
Solo: Yes
Appearance: A red brain with only a pair of eyes, no nose or mouth, can have additional appearance if he's got data parts attached.
Backstory: Created by the culprit to act as a easily adapting solider to their army, but he betrayed them, and he has a particular dislike towards operated Netnavis, especially Mega Man.
Element: Normal, but change depending on attached data.
Main Attack: Data Throw, which allows him to throw himself or attached Data Parts at opponents.
Navichip Function: Netnavi using the chip will spark for 3 seconds, then launch one of their limbs.
Other: He's a translation of the Scrap Man robot master from the classic roleplay, also, he tends to speak harshly of Megaman.
Name: Scrap Man.EXE
Solo: Yes
Appearance: A red brain with only a pair of eyes, no nose or mouth, can have additional appearance if he's got data parts attached.
Backstory: Created by the culprit to act as a easily adapting solider to their army, but he betrayed them, and he has a particular dislike towards operated Netnavis, especially Mega Man.
Element: Normal, but change depending on attached data.
Main Attack: Data Throw, which allows him to throw himself or attached Data Parts at opponents.
Navichip Function: Netnavi using the chip will spark for 3 seconds, then launch one of their limbs.
Other: He's a translation of the Scrap Man robot master from the classic roleplay.
I think you forgot something from the rules... specifically, rules #4-5. add that one word in the other section, and you will be accepted!
Backstory: After the defeat of the WWW for the first time, when the Zero Virus was spreading around (Megaman: Network Transmission), Brightman.EXE was given a vaccine for the virus by his operator, after obtaining it from a strange Navi (Not telling who because spoilers if you haven't played that game). however, the Vaccine turned out to be fake, and it contained a Navi Hacking Program, which caused Brightman to go on a rampage in the shopping district. he was soon defeated by Megaman.EXE, and knocked back to his senses long enough to be Jacked out. after the incident, he usually explores the net, sometimes heading to other areas with his Operator. after hearing of the "Navi Killer", who attacked navis and deleted them, him and his operator decided they would try to find the culprit.
Operator: Unknown (because his is never named in-game, and is never revealed in any other media)
Element: Elec
Main Attack: RemoPlug: Fires one of the plugs attached to his head 9or just fires one out of a buster or something if used by another navi), which can be adjusted to aim a more up, down, left or right once fired, although it constantly moves forwards.
Navichip Function: Brightman: A copy of Brightman is summoned, and creates a bright flash of light, stunning opponents. RemoPlug: see Main attack.
Other: Megaman
Name: Scrap Man.EXE
Solo: Yes
Appearance: A red brain with only a pair of eyes, no nose or mouth, can have additional appearance if he's got data parts attached.
Backstory: Created by the culprit to act as a easily adapting solider to their army, but he betrayed them, and he has a particular dislike towards operated Netnavis, especially Mega Man.
Element: Normal, but change depending on attached data.
Main Attack: Data Throw, which allows him to throw himself or attached Data Parts at opponents.
Navichip Function: Netnavi using the chip will spark for 3 seconds, then launch one of their limbs.
Other: He's a translation of the Scrap Man robot master from the classic roleplay, also, he tends to speak harshly of Megaman.
Scrap Man.EXE was wandering around the internet, he was wearing a trench coat and fedora, so you couldn't tell what he had for data
parts, except for his hands.
Brightman.EXE Jacks into ACDC area 1. "Alright, I'm I- Whoa! What happened here?!?" Brightman looks around at the destruction, seeing no trace of any navis. "What is it?" "I was too late! this area has already been attacked, and there is no trace of anyone around!" "try heading towards cyber square and looking for survivors! there HAS to be someone around!" "On it!" Brightman starts heading to ACDC area 2.
((BTW, Brown Speech is Brightman's operator (only Brightman can hear him, unless another operator is nearby), and Orange Speech is Brightman.EXE))
((I'm not sure... since Bass.EXE is pretty powerful... I don't really know.))
Brightman reaches ACDC area 2, to see that there are some survivors there. "Why did I ever think he would stop with area 1... at least there are survivors." "Well, go ask them if they saw who did it." "Okay, I got it." Brightman walks over to one of the surviors, a Normalnavi. "Er... Hi. Did you see who did this, by any chance?" "No... but he took out most of us, and a big chunk of the area, out with one blast!" "Okay, I'll see if I can find out where he went." Brightman starts looking around for more survivors.
((Sorry, but... after thinking, i would have to say no. I'm already incorperating Bass.EXE into the story, so he will be there. you can apply as another navi, though.))
After the deletion of the Cybeasts (MMBN6), the internet seemed to be at peace for good this time. however, shortly after, there were multiple cases of Navis dissappearing, as well as sabotage of public areas. Wily was suspected to be behind this, despite reforming, but there was no proof of him or anybody else doing this. due to this, extra security measures were taken, but the culprit still continued, putting the net at risk. whoever it is, the culprit must be extremely powerful, as no trace of the suspected victims were found, and the destroyed areas are numerous. recently, multiple operators and navis, even ones with no operator, have been trying to find out who did these acts. are you one of them? or perhaps you are working for another cause, or maybe you are even allied with the culprit.
Solo?: (Y/N)
Operator: (if No is chosen for Solo)
Element: (Normal, Wood, Fire, Aqua, or Elec)
Main Attack:
Navichip Function: (if defeated in combat easily, whoever beat you will get this.)
Netnavi: (required)
1. Navichips should not be OP as in: " a copy of (insert your navis name here) warps in front of the user and deletes all viruses and/or navis on the enemy field instantly." but they should still be kind of useful, such as: "a copy of (insert your navi's name here) warps in front of the user and fires (insert your navi's main attack here) at the nearest virus/navi."
2. you are NOT be allowed to delete some else's navi without their permission, but if said navi is not solo, that person's operator can obtain a new navi.
3. you may PM me battle chip suggestions.
4. put Hikari in you operator's app (if you make one), so i know you read the rules.
5. put Megaman in your netnavi's app, so i know you read the rules.
6. your Netnavi's main attack cannot be OP, as in: "Fires huge shots that instantly delete whoever is hit, and does not need charging time/only need to charge for a few seconds"
7. Have Fun!
Character List
Solo: Yes
Appearance: A red brain with only a pair of eyes, no nose or mouth, can have additional appearance if he's got data parts attached.
Backstory: Created by the culprit to act as a easily adapting solider to their army, but he betrayed them, and he has a particular dislike towards operated Netnavis, especially Mega Man.
Element: Normal, but change depending on attached data.
Main Attack: Data Throw, which allows him to throw himself or attached Data Parts at opponents.
Navichip Function: Netnavi using the chip will spark for 3 seconds, then launch one of their limbs.
Other: He's a translation of the Scrap Man robot master from the classic roleplay, also, he tends to speak harshly of Megaman.
Name: Brightman.EXE
Solo?: No
Backstory: After the defeat of the WWW for the first time, when the Zero Virus was spreading around (Megaman: Network Transmission), Brightman.EXE was given a vaccine for the virus by his operator, after obtaining it from a strange Navi (Not telling who because spoilers if you haven't played that game). however, the Vaccine turned out to be fake, and it contained a Navi Hacking Program, which caused Brightman to go on a rampage in the shopping district. he was soon defeated by Megaman.EXE, and knocked back to his senses long enough to be Jacked out. after the incident, he usually explores the net, sometimes heading to other areas with his Operator. after hearing of the "Navi Killer", who attacked navis and deleted them, him and his operator decided they would try to find the culprit.
Operator: Unknown (because his is never named in-game, and is never revealed in any other media)
Element: Elec
Main Attack: RemoPlug: Fires one of the plugs attached to his head 9or just fires one out of a buster or something if used by another navi), which can be adjusted to aim a more up, down, left or right once fired, although it constantly moves forwards.
Navichip Function: Brightman: A copy of Brightman is summoned, and creates a bright flash of light, stunning opponents. RemoPlug: see Main attack.
Other: Megaman
parts, except for his hands.
((BTW, Brown Speech is Brightman's operator (only Brightman can hear him, unless another operator is nearby), and Orange Speech is Brightman.EXE))
Brightman reaches ACDC area 2, to see that there are some survivors there. "Why did I ever think he would stop with area 1... at least there are survivors." "Well, go ask them if they saw who did it." "Okay, I got it." Brightman walks over to one of the surviors, a Normalnavi. "Er... Hi. Did you see who did this, by any chance?" "No... but he took out most of us, and a big chunk of the area, out with one blast!" "Okay, I'll see if I can find out where he went." Brightman starts looking around for more survivors.