"Okay. Then what are you going to do with me now?" I ask, almost getting impatient.
I chuckle once again as I walk to a table in the back of my lair. I pick up a long rope and hide it behind my back. I walk back over to Alex, pulling up a chair.
"You may want to sit down. It's a long story."
I sit in the chair, waiting for Luke to continue.
I suddenly begin wrapping the rope around Alex and the chair, tying her in place.
"You're so gullible when you're tired," I laugh.
I start to listen in on their conversation as I meditate more, knowing I was going to need my magic to help us get out of here. <Well, atleast to get me big again.> I thought.
"I Can Grow or shrink,And If I Shrink I Could Go Through that Hole And Open The Door From Inside."Then I Do Just That,Remembering to grow back to normal when I Reached the Door.A Cat That was Pawing The Door Raced in and Started Pawing another Door.When I Came closer I heard voices coming from inside.I Summond 2 Valkerie Warriors And Knocked."Anyone In There?"I Ask Cheerfully.
((If he holding someone hostage, and he hears a knock on the door, what do you expect him to do? Open it? Reply? All bad ideas. Can you give me something I can work with?))
After finishing my meditation, I force myself to unlock. I had enough energy to hopefulyl help us get out of here. I could've left easily, but I wanted to help Alex. Trying to kill Luke would've been pointless if she were captured by him in the end. I opened slightly and I unfused with the door, appearing next to it, still tiny.
<Good, we have a way out. Now I need to get Alex,> I thought and slowly walked through the room, near the edge. Hopefully, Luke didn't see me.
"Oh,Hello,Who are you?"Then the door opens slightly on its own.So I Motion to the Valkeries to follow me.And I Walk in,Almost Stepping on Cale Without Noticin,"Hello,I'm..."He Stops when he sees Alex Teid to a Chair and Someone<Definately her twin> Looking at Him.He Grabs his Necklace and a Sapphire Sword and Emerald Sheild appeared in my hands.The Valkeries readied thier Spears,And I Grew Slightly Larger."And WHO Are You?"I Say to the man.
"I think a better question is: What the hell are you doing in my home? You think you can just use whatever magic to open my door and walk inside with your little army to attack me? In my own home? You need to learn some manners, sir," I say angrily.((Alex doesn't see Cale.))
I come out from behind the shelf, walking quietly behind Luke and walk behind Alex's chair. I go by one foot and tap it, still trying to get her attention. I then half hide behind her leg, enough for her to see me if she looked down and at least enough where i wasn't out in the open.
I feel something tap my foot, and I look down to see Cale.
<Cale! I can't believe he came to save me.>
I don't say anything, knowing it would result in Luke turning around.
I start climbing up Alex's legs and go to the side of her chair. I motion to stay quiet as I go to her side and pull out my sword, enchanted like my other supplies to shrink with me. I start to cut through the rope, cutting through like steak, but that steak was big. <Come on, this shouldn't take much longer,> I thought, hoping Luke would still be distracted by the new visitor.
Brianna snarled at Luke, an aura of fire and shadow surrounding her. "I will glass you on the spot if you don't let them go!" She then gripped her sword with her teeth. The shadows behind her blended in with her fur, making her appear three times larger than she was.
I finish off the rope, freeing her and jumping off the chair. I transform myself back to regular size and said, "Hey, Luke," as I stood behind him. I held up my sword, waiting for him to turn so the sword would be pointed right at his face. "I think you know me from earlier," I said coolly, still waiting.
I chuckle once again as I walk to a table in the back of my lair. I pick up a long rope and hide it behind my back. I walk back over to Alex, pulling up a chair.
"You may want to sit down. It's a long story."
I sit in the chair, waiting for Luke to continue.
I suddenly begin wrapping the rope around Alex and the chair, tying her in place.
"You're so gullible when you're tired," I laugh.
My Rockstar Social Club Profile:http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/member/hero_of_mythra
My Rockstar Social Club Profile:http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/member/hero_of_mythra
<Good, we have a way out. Now I need to get Alex,> I thought and slowly walked through the room, near the edge. Hopefully, Luke didn't see me.
'm so confused.>
((Luke's view is opposite of Alex.))
My Rockstar Social Club Profile:http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/member/hero_of_mythra
<Cale! I can't believe he came to save me.>
I don't say anything, knowing it would result in Luke turning around.
"Okay, fine. I'll let her go. Go in and get her yourself," I say calmly.
't need her anymore anyway.>
"I'm guessing you've freed Alex. Well, you just saved me some effort," I say, almost happily.