excuse me,if you had finished the roleplay,may i join?
apperance:yellow long hair with a pink strip,wears a blue hoodie,wears red and purple sneakers,red eyes,wears a necklace with a heart on it,
backstory:born in the woods,her parents died in a war,she walked down a stream of water,waiting for a person to stop by and rescue her,but,no one came,she sit on a branch,thinking, "my life is the worst.'' then came rain,a farmer passed by,looking at her.''hey whats wrong kid?'' she said: ''well my parents died in the previous war we had'' the farmer said: ''why not i take you inside the farm house because its raining,come on lets go in''. the farmer gave her some fresh milk,and fruits and bread.9 years later,she lived with the farmer.
Name: Gold
Appearance: Elf, long blonde hair, green medieval hoodie, brown leather shoulderguards, gloves, and hood, brown pants, iron knee guards, has a iron sword on back, iron lined boots, red eyes, mecanon glove
Gender: Male
Backstory: Begins in Elfia, but sent away with mecanon glove to guide him, became warrior in torturous camp, eventually killed them all with iron sword and decided to be good
How did you arrive to the tavern where the roleplay will start?: Sit on stool, sharpen iron sword with whetstone.
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His world shalt be entered on the day of legends.
Current avatar: Imp from Media Molecule's own Dreams
A hooded figure walked into the tavern, her face and hair concealed by her green cloak. She glanced at the other patron and his pet pig, and sat down at his table. "Quiet night," she chuckled, "I hope I'm not interrupting your date with Miss Piggy here."
Brown hair, blue eyes, and fair skin. Wearing a immaculate dark red tunic, iron belt, light brown fitted pants, brown buckled shoes, and a thin gold neckpeice that wraps around his neck that displays his family coat of arms in a clear diamond on the right side.
Gender: Male
As a son of a noble, much was expected out of him. He was given given the best education that one could buy form early childhood and he succeeded. In the world he grew up in, he didn't need to work much. He was raised in a bubble, he knew of only two types of people, nobles and the commoners (everyone else). He grew to look down at "commoners", "They're not like us" his mother would tell him. Him and his family where caught off guard during a raid on their estate, John was the only survivor. He emerged from his hiding place only to see that much of his home was destroyed and chests looted. He gathered what he could find, a half used iron sword, a few iron, and gold ingots and set off into the real world.
How did you arrive to the tavern where the roleplay will start?:
While walking around on an empty stomach, something he wasn't exactly used to, he spotted a tavern and thought it was a place where he would be able to fill up.
Should in theory be both an excellent swordsmen and archer, but has never truly been in a "combat situation", strong
Don't be fooled my his immaculate exterior, hes a master of deceit. He was taught from a young age to use any means necessary to reach his goals and can be cruel and ruthless, but stays loyal to allies*.
Appearance:Nakamura is a shrine maiden and wears the traditional pair of red hakama (long, divided trousers) underneath a a long, red, slightly pleated skirt tied with a bow, a white haori (kimono jacket). Her black hair is long but neatly contained by a red ribbon. She is a relatively-short and slender build. Pale skin.
Gender: Female
Backstory: Nakamura formally lived on the boundary of life & death, a very conceptual place that skill needed religious service and a place frequently attacked by Youkai, demons of Japanese mythology. Her opponents were more of the argumentative-swindling-conning kind of demon than the throwing of hellfire and crushing kind of demon, but occasionally they needed banishing too. She was taken in as a baby on the doorstep style arrangement, her early years were filled with religious study and various ethical philosophical discussions, a very dull life for a energy fueled child, but it's the only life she knew and was humbled by it.
Becoming a teenager, she moved onto more advanced studies, whereas her duties previously were mainly chanting, now she being more actively trained for the future in hand. She was trained in the use of spell cards to fight her foes, some of her contemporaries preferred power, others speed and agility but Nakamura preferred accuracy. She could be as slow and patient as she wanted, but always got her target.
Her life however would inevitably get turned upside down. She was dueling a demon who was the concept of banishment, he demanded access to the mortal world to cause a 'great migration of a million' to feed his increasing hungers and desires. The fight began well but the demon revealed Nakamura's past, her own banishment from her parents was a source of great pain and that was enough to weaken her and for the demon to finish her off by banishing her.
She awoke in a strange world, a place where she didn't know where she was, but she felt great disappointment in herself for failing. Further investigation took her to a village that kindly took her in until she got her bearings, it was a strange world, a place where people could craft tools with little skill and few resources but it was a place that was calm and peaceful. Yes, the undead did rise at night but at least they had limited mental capacity. She discovered pretty quickly that her amulets and spell cards were useless in this world but a catalpa bow was still particularly effective. A demon was a demon, and she took herself to village to village, shooting a few of the denizens of the night from a high vantage point and offering prayers in the morning. The farmers got some bonemeal for their crops and in exchange she got some food and water and enough supplies to travel around. The prayers were just to add to the belief of the boundary shrine, the more belief they have in worlds like this, the more power they get. Even though she was a plane of existence away, she would do all she could to help them and maybe even one day, return home.
She was exploring North along the great road, she had never been this far but wanted to know if there was any need for her services, she arrived late at night at Creeperton and doubted the village head would recieve her at this time. Instead she went to tavern, hoping to secure a hot meal and a bed for the night.
Personality: Humble, professional, philosophical on the outside, inside she feels guilty about her past and actions. This could either be pushed towards self pity or improved with a bit of self-humility. She also has an inner demon of laziness, but she can't stop for the fear of more guilt and actually surviving. Her long term goal is to somehow get to home and make amends for her failure. She would also like her magic to work in this world but that's a minor frustration at this point.
Character Traits:
-- Low Strength (Slender, rejects Power-style)
-- Low Agility (rejects speed-style, Lazy)
/ Average Constitution
/ Average Charisma (+ Sociable, - Self-guilt)
++ High Dexterity (Bow Training, Prefers Accuracy-style)
+ Above Average Perception (Fought Intelligent Demons)
++ High Intelligence (Theological upbringing, Philosopical)
+++ Very High Wisdom (Spellcasting lifestyle, Theological Upbringing, Humble)
excuse me,if you had finished the roleplay,may i join?
apperance:yellow long hair with a pink strip,wears a blue hoodie,wears red and purple sneakers,red eyes,wears a necklace with a heart on it,
backstory:born in the woods,her parents died in a war,she walked down a stream of water,waiting for a person to stop by and rescue her,but,no one came,she sit on a branch,thinking, "my life is the worst.'' then came rain,a farmer passed by,looking at her.''hey whats wrong kid?'' she said: ''well my parents died in the previous war we had'' the farmer said: ''why not i take you inside the farm house because its raining,come on lets go in''. the farmer gave her some fresh milk,and fruits and bread.9 years later,she lived with the farmer.
Name: Gold
Appearance: Elf, long blonde hair, green medieval hoodie, brown leather shoulderguards, gloves, and hood, brown pants, iron knee guards, has a iron sword on back, iron lined boots, red eyes, mecanon glove
Gender: Male
Backstory: Begins in Elfia, but sent away with mecanon glove to guide him, became warrior in torturous camp, eventually killed them all with iron sword and decided to be good
How did you arrive to the tavern where the roleplay will start?: Sit on stool, sharpen iron sword with whetstone.
"Killed them all with iron sword and decided to be good" Um... Approved.
Also, this is how the roleplay will work: You have one IC post per round and rounds start when I post an answer to your actions and end when I do it again, starting another round, so if you post twice in a round, I'll just ignore your second post (This doesn't includes OOC posts).
((Would it be against the rules for my character to have a pet baby creeper that can't explode? Or is that too much of a stretch? I can change it if necessary.))
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Insulting people for their beliefs is not a good way of convincing them to adopt yours.
Fiction is just a game of make-believe recorded on paper or film. But that's what makes it so great.
((Would it be against the rules for my character to have a pet baby creeper that can't explode? Or is that too much of a stretch? I can change it if necessary.))
You can have her, but don't be angry if I get her kidnapped or dead very soon.
Gold my character was asking yours if you needed her to help killing stuff, lol. Hence the "are you looking for a mysterious cloaked maiden like myself" part.
Backstory: became an ender-human fuse when he made a deal with an enderman to get him more ender pearls when they shaked hands they fused together and got a mark on his eye and hoodie now endermen and endermite roam his house but he can't teleport he only has alot of enderpearls
How did you arrive to the tavern where the roleplay will start?:trying to go where the enders can't follow he trew an enderpearl really hard after a couple of trows he teleported in a village and saw a tavern and he was hungry very hungry
excuse me,if you had finished the roleplay,may i join?
apperance:yellow long hair with a pink strip,wears a blue hoodie,wears red and purple sneakers,red eyes,wears a necklace with a heart on it,
backstory:born in the woods,her parents died in a war,she walked down a stream of water,waiting for a person to stop by and rescue her,but,no one came,she sit on a branch,thinking, "my life is the worst.'' then came rain,a farmer passed by,looking at her.''hey whats wrong kid?'' she said: ''well my parents died in the previous war we had'' the farmer said: ''why not i take you inside the farm house because its raining,come on lets go in''. the farmer gave her some fresh milk,and fruits and bread.9 years later,she lived with the farmer.
iDKName: Gold
Appearance: Elf, long blonde hair, green medieval hoodie, brown leather shoulderguards, gloves, and hood, brown pants, iron knee guards, has a iron sword on back, iron lined boots, red eyes, mecanon glove
Gender: Male
Backstory: Begins in Elfia, but sent away with mecanon glove to guide him, became warrior in torturous camp, eventually killed them all with iron sword and decided to be good
How did you arrive to the tavern where the roleplay will start?: Sit on stool, sharpen iron sword with whetstone.
His world shalt be entered on the day of legends.
Current avatar: Imp from Media Molecule's own Dreams
#TeamRowlet #TeamSun
FF14: Gold Zephzellian World: Zalera
My Characters
Hi! This is me, hello!
Get out! I'm Alice!
Hey! I'm Draco!
Please help my Pokemon grow: http://pfq.me/GoldHero101
A hooded figure walked into the tavern, her face and hair concealed by her green cloak. She glanced at the other patron and his pet pig, and sat down at his table. "Quiet night," she chuckled, "I hope I'm not interrupting your date with Miss Piggy here."
That's best, approved.
How did she arrive to the tavern?
"Killed them all with iron sword and decided to be good" Um... Approved.
Also, this is how the roleplay will work: You have one IC post per round and rounds start when I post an answer to your actions and end when I do it again, starting another round, so if you post twice in a round, I'll just ignore your second post (This doesn't includes OOC posts).
It would be better if you post the story in the thread. Not like feedback.
((Yeah, it would be better to start a separate IC roleplay thread))
I stare at the girl who sits down. "Cubie is my friend, not my date." I reply coldly, sipping my bucket of milk.
OK I'll start an IC thread here.
She entered thw tavern through a horse from the ranch. "One glass of water.please."
iDKThat's fine, approved, but remember this is the OOC thread.
((Would it be against the rules for my character to have a pet baby creeper that can't explode? Or is that too much of a stretch? I can change it if necessary.))
Insulting people for their beliefs is not a good way of convincing them to adopt yours.
Fiction is just a game of make-believe recorded on paper or film. But that's what makes it so great.
Hipster Jesus liked you before you were cool.
Nice, but I can't tell you if it is against the rules or not.
Honestly this RP might have already died, we'll see.
You can have her, but don't be angry if I get her kidnapped or dead very soon.
Dead? Ohnonononononononononononononononono. This not dead, I was just waiting for anyone else to join. Am I taking too long to answer? If so, tell me.
Hehehe... he...
Yeah, you're taking so long.
That sounds weird coming from someone who hasn't even made an IC post...
Gold my character was asking yours if you needed her to help killing stuff, lol. Hence the "are you looking for a mysterious cloaked maiden like myself" part.
Name:Darren "Ender" Malkwood
Backstory: became an ender-human fuse when he made a deal with an enderman to get him more ender pearls when they shaked hands they fused together and got a mark on his eye and hoodie now endermen and endermite roam his house but he can't teleport he only has alot of enderpearls
How did you arrive to the tavern where the roleplay will start?:trying to go where the enders can't follow he trew an enderpearl really hard after a couple of trows he teleported in a village and saw a tavern and he was hungry very hungry
can i join?
if i can this is my thing is :
Name: Mimi Hunter
Gender: female
Backstory: Mimi's family (parents, dog Wolfe ) died when a horde of creepers blew
up her house and family when she was gone hunting.
Gender: female
I arrive at the tavern when a iron Armour guy tells everyone to give him their weapons.
Ok, If your accepted you enter at the same time I enter.