Why, internet, did you so hate Bionicle?! There is no testimony on Lego's website to remember what it once was! No memory, no grave where we may go and look... Why?!
I suppose this is as good a place as any to establish a new home.
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"Against all the evil that Hell can conjure, all the wickedness that mankind can produce; We will send unto them... only you."
Colored text indicates in-character statements/actions. Because Forum Games has basically just been a big open RP for a long time now and it's the only place I ever post anymore, when I post at all.
Well, this seems to be an interesting place.
I am in your dreams, haunting you!
Can I have that 85%?
The best place IRL, IMO.
My avatar: Faiya the dragon
404: eggs not found
uh wha where am i
I'm a Whovian squid who likes drawing.
I'm also quite nerdy with an interest in game developing and the concept of a fourth spatial dimension.
All hail chickens.
Huh... This place is smaller on the outside.
#FOXESFORMINECRAFT Foxes for Minecraft forum.
I'd better call my friends over to this fun place.
My avatar: Faiya the dragon
404: eggs not found
Huh. This place feels JUST like home! Now if only there were some Skrall to beat up...
#FOXESFORMINECRAFT Foxes for Minecraft forum.
It IS fun killing a liar!
What again?
Oh, someone makes this crying child stop.
I am in your dreams, haunting you!
Can I have that 85%?
Absolutely love this place! Endless cool things
My avatar: Faiya the dragon
404: eggs not found
Why, internet, did you so hate Bionicle?! There is no testimony on Lego's website to remember what it once was! No memory, no grave where we may go and look... Why?!
#FOXESFORMINECRAFT Foxes for Minecraft forum.
Doesn't sound so good.
I suppose this is as good a place as any to establish a new home.
Remember, Kyurem, I can always Moonblast you if you're being a bad boy.
My avatar: Faiya the dragon
404: eggs not found
How dark.
What again?
*awkwardly backs up*
You can just call me Canary.
How not to look like a total fool in the forum games
If I see a talking bluebird I'm going to lose it.
Current avatar: Ralsei from Deltarune.
Oh... no... Not there...
I am in your dreams, haunting you!
Can I have that 85%?
Oh, hey, mr. legendary, could you pass the sugar? My tea is a bit bitter.
#FOXESFORMINECRAFT Foxes for Minecraft forum.
How warm.
What again?